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OT - this movie is NOT a WASTE of $


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National Treasure is next on my list.  I have heard good things about it.  T-bags stuupid spoilers notwithstanding I will enjoy it for what it is.


Like many I saw The Incredibles and think it rocked.  My 5 year old gave it two thumbs up as well.



I thought it was going to be really funny from the trailers. I didn't laugh. Some of the storyline was too much for the kids to follow, they looked bored to me. Should have gone to Sponge BOB :blink::huh:

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I watched some gun camera film today.  :blink:



speaking of movies... I am hoping and praying that someday soon a movie comes out that is even in the same league as Memento. I doubt it, but I need something that isnt a $100 million Hollywood "Blockbuster"....

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speaking of movies... I am hoping and praying that someday soon a movie comes out that is even in the same league as Memento. I doubt it, but I need something that isnt a $100 million Hollywood "Blockbuster"....



That would be refreshing. No computer generated special effects.

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That would be refreshing. No computer generated special effects.


And not likely, unless the writer of that flick pulls it off again. Too much copycatting with hopes of big bucks to get executives to take notice of the good stuff out there. Hollywood's not filled with risk takers.

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speaking of movies... I am hoping and praying that someday soon a movie comes out that is even in the same league as Memento. I doubt it, but I need something that isnt a $100 million Hollywood "Blockbuster"....


Sounds like you need a theatre similar to this one in Rochester.

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speaking of movies... I am hoping and praying that someday soon a movie comes out that is even in the same league as Memento. I doubt it, but I need something that isnt a $100 million Hollywood "Blockbuster"....




While not in the same league as Memento, have you seen Snatch? Its a few years old but an excellent flick!


Also - Another one that never got much press here in the states is Equilibrium. Christian Bale is the lead in it. CB is the next Batman and was in American Psycho and Reign of Fire...

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Nick Cage is one of my favorite actors.


Matchstick men is one of the best movies I have ever seen.



You need to see more movies. If you like Matchstick men, see Oceans Eleven, or Heat. Mmm let me think of some more good twisty movies. The one with Nick Nolte who plays an art thief.

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You need to see more movies. If you like Matchstick men, see Oceans Eleven, or Heat. Mmm let me think of some more good twisty movies. The one with Nick Nolte who plays an art thief.



I am very picky when it comes to movies I like, actually, and I was surprised how much I liked Matchstick men.


I had a roomate in college that loved EVERY movie he saw. I can't stand most Big movies like that, but Matchstick men was great. In the book, it ends the same way as it does in the released movie. But, when making they movie, they were going to end it <SPOILER><SPOILER><SPOILER> with him just staring at the empty safe deposit box, knowing he had been burned. They didnt want movie goers leaving with a sense of him becoming a down and out carpet salesmen. I like it because I never thought of the girl being in on the con.


I have seen Oceans 11, and it was OK, but i didnt like it. Heat was awful.


A very good movie i saw recently was "Man Bites Dog". Very good.


Also, there is a movie called Bottle Rocket if you are into dry comedies.


But another very good "small market" movie is called Series 7: The Contenders. Its about how ridiculous reality TV has gotten, and the movie is like a reality show, except in this show, you have to kill the other contestants as you live your everyday life. Very strange, but very good.

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oh, and as far as comedies, you have to see ALL of Christopher Guest's recent movies:



Waiting for Guffman

Best in Show (possibly the most 'popular' of his films)

A Mighty Wind.


All three are PRICELESS.


I still have yet to see "This is Spinal Tap", but I plan to soon.

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Movie likes and dislikes are personal opinions. What is great to you I may not like. If I told you the new Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVD is now in stores and you should buy it because it is very funny and not a waste of money, would you even check to see if you are interested in it?


With that said ... I'm glad you liked the movie.

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Movie likes and dislikes are personal opinions.  What is great to you I may not like.  If I told you the new Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVD is now in stores and you should buy it because it is very funny and not a waste of money, would you even check to see if you are interested in it? 


With that said ... I'm glad you liked the movie.



My point is, its sad to see how many really quality movies are never seen because they don't have a huge advertising budget.


As terribly horrible, predictable, mindnumbing and f-cking god awful a movie like "You've got Mail" was, hundreds of thousands of people probably saw it (I saw it because the girl i was dating at the time got to pick).


Now, movies that actually make you think, or are actually "quality" films that go outside of "Man meets girl, relationship falters for 40 minutes, boy and girl get married" or "Happy family. Bad guy comes in. Everyone dies but main characters" rarely get the appreciation they deserve. I mean, the movie Series 7: The Contenders, was a movie unlike any other. But because it was "low budget" I doubt if more than 100,000 people EVER saw it. Same goes with Man Bites Dog.


Anyway, mainstream movies are so predictable, and i think that's what I hate about them.


In "horror" or "action" movies, if the actor is someone you've seen in a magazine within the past 12 months, you can guarentee no matter what, they will be alive at the end.



Which is why I liked Arlington Road so much. What a crazy ending.


Anyway, yes, to each their own, but I just wish some people would go outside of Blockbusters "Top 10" list every once in a while.

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oh, and as far as comedies, you have to see ALL of Christopher Guest's recent movies:

Waiting for Guffman

Best in Show (possibly the most 'popular' of his films)

A Mighty Wind.


All three are PRICELESS.


I still have yet to see "This is Spinal Tap", but I plan to soon.




See it. You will like it.

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And all of us that were thinking about seeing it say a big thank you for not mentioning that you were tossing the Spoilers in there... dips#it.




Huh? What spoilers did I ruin? That they used lemon juice to see the map or the the bad guys lose...if that is what a spoiler is to you I feel sorry for you.

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why don't you just tell everyone the whole movie script.


Gee whiz T-bone delete that so people can enjoy the movie.


I didn't say I believed it.




As I told stevestojan, if that post ruined your enjoyment of that crappy movie, I feel sorry for you.

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so according to T-dork...Star Wars sucked



No tatedork, Star Wars was an excellent movie and a classic..if you cannot see the difference between a classic film and a piece of crap like National Treasure, I feel sorry for you.

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National Treasure is next on my list.  I have heard good things about it.  T-bags stuupid spoilers notwithstanding I will enjoy it for what it is.


Like many I saw The Incredibles and think it rocked.  My 5 year old gave it two thumbs up as well.



What freaking spoilers, you saw them finding the map on the freaking trailers for god's sake? And the fact the bad guys lose, is that really a spoiler??????

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