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What a DICK!

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LOS ANGELES (AFP) – Olympic 400m champion LaShawn Merritt of the United States has been suspended after testing positive for an anabolic steroid contained in an over-the-counter penis enlargement product.


And this gem (unintentional or not):

The 23-year-old American, who faces a two year ban, said: "To know that I've tested positive as a result of a product that I used for personal reasons is extremely difficult to wrap my hands around.



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I bet he's really embarrassed by this. I'm guessing that he would have been happier being caught leaving a bar half cocked. :censored:

Half cocked??? Thats an east coast saying for drunk right? I used to work with this cat from Boston and he'd say stuff like "Ah'm gonna go out and get caacked tonight". It always sorta disturbed me.

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Half cocked??? Thats an east coast saying for drunk right? I used to work with this cat from Boston and he'd say stuff like "Ah'm gonna go out and get caacked tonight". It always sorta disturbed me.


No it's a hick thing. I grew up in the boonies of WNY and that's what we said.

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