EastRochBillsfan Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 jboyst62 said: Again, he was not convicted! You people must love the freedom of speech but forget innocent until proven guilty. As far as him coming in to Buffalo? It'd be great for him to come and hide in our small market while enjoying the pasion we have for football embraces him. Buffalo would be a great place for Ben who got lucky to end up in Pitt while thriving on some good teams. Yea, and OJ was innocent of murder because he wasn't proven guilty. but most of us know what the truth is there. the transcript of what went down in Georgia doesn't look too good for big ben. they just didn't have enough evidence to convict him. i think he's a scumbag and don't want him on my team.
BillsFan74 Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 jboyst62 said: ESPN LinkAccording to the runmors Pittsburgh has contacted teams about Ben, including the Bills. Why would we not listen to these offers? From where we are we have no reason not to listen to what they may want. Asking for a 1st may be high, but we do not even know what they want! I would gladly give away a second round pick for him, issues or not. We aren't going to win it all next year and he is still young! Why not just simply see what they are asking!!!! He does not want to fuel the rumor mill for a player that is not really available.
Green Lightning Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 jboyst62 said: Innocents = innocenceI never said I was a stud. I never said I am a stud. I am just a regular guy, like everyone else in the world. If she went out with him, that's fine. It'll let me learn who she really is. Ben should say nothing, why does he have to answer to any of us? Would you rather he take the Tiger Woods approach? That doesn't work! The smartest thing he can do is shut up and let this fade away. It will fade away. In 20 years if I have a daughter who gets plastered and is flirting with a man who is also drunk and decides it is in her best interest to go in to a bathroom with him, than that is her choice. She is 20 years old and I hope I would have raised her better than that. When is anyone going to account for their actions? When you drink alcohol you simply cannot make good judgements. Maybe this chick needs to chill out on the drinking. Plus, why didn't she go to a hospital? Where is the physical evidence? I'm not saying he is a Saint, but he could probably be a Pope or something. At least he's not getting it on with little boys, right? Now that's a standard to strive for...not diddling boys. I hope to Hell you never have a daughter. This POS had his body guards block the door so the girls friends could not help her - while Pig-Ben had sex with a barely vertical drunk 20 year ols co-ed. He's a freaking predator who I believe thinks he did nothing wrong. POS!
Simon Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 BillsFan74 said: He does not want to fuel the rumor mill for a player that is not really available. Don't kid yourself; he's very available.
mjohns85 Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 i feel like nix may feel the team already has a black eye from lynchs off the problems and does not want to draw any more negative attention to the team.
Conch Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 jboyst62 said: Again, he was not convicted! You people must love the freedom of speech but forget innocent until proven guilty. As far as him coming in to Buffalo? It'd be great for him to come and hide in our small market while enjoying the pasion we have for football embraces him. Buffalo would be a great place for Ben who got lucky to end up in Pitt while thriving on some good teams. Sooner or later you must develop integrity. You must stand up and say no more of this crap. OJ wasn't convicted, if he was still in his prime, would you want him back on the team after he was declared not guilty, just so you could sit at home, wear a Simpson jersey on your back all for the sake of saying your team of overpaid prima donnas beat another team of overpaid prima donnas. Would you be saying that if the girl was you daughter, sister or mother? You have no class and and are a loser. Please leave the city and go root for the Cowboys, another classless franchise.
whodat Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 +1 Conch said: Sooner or later you must develop integrity. You must stand up and say no more of this crap. OJ wasn't convicted, if he was still in his prime, would you want him back on the team after he was declared not guilty, just so you could sit at home, wear a Simpson jersey on your back all for the sake of saying your team of overpaid prima donnas beat another team of overpaid prima donnas. Would you be saying that if the girl was you daughter, sister or mother? You have no class and and are a loser. Please leave the city and go root for the Cowboys, another classless franchise.
irishman Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 ByrdsDaWord said: Again...THIS is why we as Bills fans, settle for what we get. WE DON'T WANT FOOTBALL PLAYERS...WE WANT NICE GUYS!!! (Or at least most of YOU do...I want to WIN!) Getting a 2-time Super Bowl Champion Winning Quarterback, entering his prime? Meh! No thanks! We'll just stick with Trent Edwards, Brian Brohm and Ryan Fitzpatrick...maybe bring in Vinny Testeverde...he's a good guy! I don't care whether someone is a "good guy" or not but there is a line. Someone that has had MULTIPLE women come forward and state they have been sexually assulted is a completely different situation. Perhaps you should look @ yourself and see how much you are willing to accept from a player to win a championship. Having a sexual predator is too big of a price.
DarthICE Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 jboyst62 said: Again, he was not convicted! You people must love the freedom of speech but forget innocent until proven guilty.As far as him coming in to Buffalo? It'd be great for him to come and hide in our small market while enjoying the pasion we have for football embraces him. Buffalo would be a great place for Ben who got lucky to end up in Pitt while thriving on some good teams. Bull ****. Cut the Lawyer bull **** already. If I had Ben's money I could go rape a few chicks and get off, its all about how much money you have to afford the right lawyer and pay a few people off. Why is he punished? Because Goddell knows better that's why.
Pat7s Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 jboyst62 said: Again, he was not convicted! You people must love the freedom of speech but forget innocent until proven guilty. As far as him coming in to Buffalo? It'd be great for him to come and hide in our small market while enjoying the pasion we have for football embraces him. Buffalo would be a great place for Ben who got lucky to end up in Pitt while thriving on some good teams. Yeah we'd be ripping on him after game 4 of our schedule... because chances are we're going 1-3 or 0-4 during that stretch. Coming here is NOT hiding for any NFL player, it's death sentence because there simply is no excuses for a player of this alleged caliber to struggle. Everybody knows everybody here, if he wanted to disappear he's go to NYC or Chicago or any large city where the media might be hard but it's not nearly as tight knit. Plus, do we all really think he's "great?" I'm not saying that in a perfect world where there were no rape charges (no convictions but 2 incidents) or motorcycle accidents (remember that horse S***?) that I wouldn't take him in a heartbeat because he's better than every other option out there. But, he's a douche and has always had a much better talent core around him then we can provide him here. We have no left tackle and I'm not convinced the draft will settle the issue this season. If they do this today during the draft I'm intrigued because you're right... he wasn't convicted. This isn't Mike Vick for me because he wasn't convicted, but I have lots of reservations and I'm not sure he'd do well here.
Pat7s Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 DarthICE said: Bull ****. Cut the Lawyer bull **** already. If I had Ben's money I could go rape a few chicks and get off, its all about how much money you have to afford the right lawyer and pay a few people off. Why is he punished? Because Goddell knows better that's why. and I hope you never get that kind of money. In fact for the sake of my future daughter I hope you remain very very poor... forever.
Buftex Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 jboyst62 said: I would love to pull the background reports on the players on the current roster. I bet there is more there than you'd believe. Lets name some, shall we? The rest of you, feel free to chime in, too! Bruce Smith - DUI several times Ko Simpson - He's Ko Simpson...B!tch. Daunte Whitner - Cleveland Lynch - running over a woman and having a gun Any I forgot? Taking pride in a football team is just that! I am a die hard fan, but when I go to sleep at night I know this is just a sports franchise who's players I have and sometimes will continue to praise highly. This is a team, a business, who only cares about our bottom dollar and I only care about the entertainment provided. I am not perfect and I am not going to judge anyone else, especially on a sports team I love to be perfect. James Lofton and Cornelius Bennett- rape
Keukasmallies Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 So sign Pig Ben, change the team name to the Buffalo Raiders and languish in the thrid or fourth tier of teams for another two decades...sounds like a plan to me.
Spiderweb Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 jboyst62 said: Again, he was not convicted! You people must love the freedom of speech but forget innocent until proven guilty. As far as him coming in to Buffalo? It'd be great for him to come and hide in our small market while enjoying the pasion we have for football embraces him. Buffalo would be a great place for Ben who got lucky to end up in Pitt while thriving on some good teams. Innocent, Guilty? When did he go to court? Innocent legally may also may well be a far cry from innocent in reality. Clearly he has a problem. Another jock who thinks he can do whatever he wants. (Oh, and OJ was found NOT GULITY, which again is a far cry from innocent.)
pBills Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 Booster4324 said: And you are cool with that cutthroat mentality? Totally. It's business and lets face it the Bills are on the losing end for years. We have been in rebuilding mode for way to long.
LGB Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 jboyst62 said: Shouldn't we at least entertain what they say? No
DarthICE Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 Pat989 said: and I hope you never get that kind of money. In fact for the sake of my future daughter I hope you remain very very poor... forever. Are you really this !@#$ing stupid? I said I COULD, not WOULD moron. And Considering I have a 21 year old daughter that gave me a now 8 month old Grandson, an 18 year old son about to go in the military and an 11 year old son, I think your future daughter is safe dumb ass. Oh and I raised my daughter not to get **** faced and go into a bathroom at a bar/ club and !@#$ some jock. Maybe this girls parents should have instilled the same values and class in her? I also taught my 18 year old son that when a woman says no, its no and if she is incapacitated then its NO regardless of what she may or may not say. Guess Ben's mom and dad shoulda done the same.
liverpoolkev Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 jboyst62 said: ESPN LinkAccording to the runmors Pittsburgh has contacted teams about Ben, including the Bills. Why would we not listen to these offers? From where we are we have no reason not to listen to what they may want. Asking for a 1st may be high, but we do not even know what they want! I would gladly give away a second round pick for him, issues or not. We aren't going to win it all next year and he is still young! Why not just simply see what they are asking!!!! We should listen to what they say like you wanted to listen to Mike Vick coming here .....................Act like they are dogs maybe that will help you in your decision. Or maybe act like it was Mike Vick doing the raping of college girls(possibly underage) instead of rothlesberger . I guarantee you would have a different attitude then.. This is why people think fans are so hipocritical ...................... rothlisberger is a RAPIST PLAIN AND SIMPLE........If you was so APPALLED about Vick and DOGS..............Then you should be equally APPALLED that this fool Raped a college GIRL ...or do this not upset you as much .....hummm DOGS. This is someone's DAUGHTER ,Girlfriend..hell she couldnt go to court because she would have been in the news How would you feel.if people was wispering around you saying thats the one who got raped....I am sure that fire would go up ten -fold if he looked like Mike Vick or Marshawn Lynch ......................THERE IS NOTHING TO DISCUSS WITH THIS RAPIST
Chandler#81 Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 Buftex said: James Lofton and Cornelius Bennett- rape Hmm.. Just curious, but if a guy forces himself on a Canadian chick and she says 'No', is that still rape?
DarthICE Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 liverpoolkev said: We should listen to what they say like you wanted to listen to Mike Vick coming here .....................Act like they are dogs maybe that will help you in your decision. Or maybe act like it was Mike Vick doing the raping of college girls(possibly underage) instead of rothlesberger . I guarantee you would have a different attitude then.. This is why people think fans are so hipocritical ...................... rothlisberger is a RAPIST PLAIN AND SIMPLE........If you was so APPALLED about Vick and DOGS..............Then you should be equally APPALLED that this fool Raped a college GIRL ...or do this not upset you as much .....hummm DOGS. This is someone's DAUGHTER ,Girlfriend..hell she couldnt go to court because she would have been in the news How would you feel.if people was wispering around you saying thats the one who got raped....I am sure that fire would go up ten -fold if he looked like Mike Vick or Marshawn Lynch ......................THERE IS NOTHING TO DISCUSS WITH THIS RAPIST Notice how her story changed after the incident got leaked to the press? And didn't survailance video mysteriously dissapear/ get erased from that night? Hummm....can you say he, his agents and lawyer helped spread a little of his millions around?
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