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Even though I have never met you, I have been a follower and poster here since the D&C days. You are one of the people here who feel like a friend, and you are a Brother as far as fandom goes.


I am deeply and truly sorry for your loss. I am sure your Dad was thankful that you were by his side when he needed you the most. As a Father, I hope for the same from my family.


Again, My Condolences on the loss of you Father, and your friend. And best wishes for your Brother. Hard times are upon you for sure, so have Faith!!!




Sorry to hear about your loss.


My father took off when I was 3, so my Grandfather stepped up. He, too, died from Congestive Heart Failure. He's resting in the same place as where your Father will be in Jacksonville.


Cherish the memories, they'll be there forever.


Really sorry for your loss, Dean...take care, my friend


So sorry to hear that, Dean.


The older we all get, the more acquainted we get with loss. Important to take the time to grieve properly, and to help our other loved ones grieve.


The WWII vets are going fast. Did he have the chance to be interviewed for that project they have?


I'll be sending good thoughts and prayers in your direction. News like this is never good. But, I'll pray you get through this difficult time as well as possible.

Congratulations to your father for raising an outstanding human being.

Cheers, B. <_<

Hey, waitaminute, this is the Dean we're talking about, right?


Of course it is. You were there for him at the end, Brian, just as you have been for years. Hope that brings you some comfort in the difficult days ahead.


Thoughts, prayers, and hugs your way, brother.


Sorry to hear about The Dad, The Dean... I am really happy that you got to spend his final time with him. One of my greatest fears, which is inevitable, is that I will miss my parents final years...heck, I already am. Every time I see them (about once a year) I wonder if the next time will be their funeral...if it wasn't so late, I would call my folks right now...thanks for reminding me The Dean... you have a lot of friends here, even if we only know each other as an avatar...peace!


Mister Dean was such a great guy. RIP Tony.


Anyone who has encountered 'The Dean' should know that his love of life, his humor, kindness, generosity, and wit all come in no small part from his dad.


Tried to reach you last evening, Deano -- will call later today.


My condolences to you and your family, Deano. You are a part of what makes TSW an enjoyable place to spend a couple hours each day, and your loss is our loss.


To your Dad: Ah-ten-HUT! PRE-sent ARMS!


Thank you for your service and your role in the Greatest Generation!

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