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The King of Kong - a Fistful of Quarters


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Food Inc. The western diet is the worst. Cancer, heart disease, and type 2 Diabetes are as American. We are collectively fat. Why is that? Shouldn't we want to eat healthy and be healthy? Farms are the backbone of this country. Eat locally grown food, eat in season. Sounds forward thinking, not dogmatic. What is socialistic about that?


We're fat because people have the freedom to be so.


Walmart- I never shop there and I do my shopping at locally. What exactly is socialist about that?


Hatred of the successful corporation is a hallmark of socialism.


Frontline- explains the banking crisis and our economy. Obviously laissez faire did not work. Shouldn't we learn from our mistakes? Or should we keep our head in the sand?


Frontline is just one of innumerable anti-business anti-conservative mouthpiece programs at the TAXPAYER-FUNDED Public Broadcasting Service. Come on, man, don't even try to defend those shills.

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"We're fat because people have the freedom to be so."


That is one way to look at it. We are also ignorant because we have the freedom to be ignorant.




"Hatred of the successful corporation is a hallmark of socialism."


Or a long term employee of Enron. One thing I love about America is the risk takers that start their own business. Power to the little guy. Give me a farm market over Super Walmart any day.




"Frontline is just one of innumerable anti-business anti-conservative mouthpiece programs at the TAXPAYER-FUNDED Public Broadcasting Service. Come on, man, don't even try to defend those shills."


Your opinion without showing any basis. PBS is largely supported by public donations. Yes they are government subsidized. And yes they are one of the only goverment programs that actually work. PBS rocks. You can have your commercials

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Your opinion without showing any basis. PBS is largely supported by public donations. Yes they are government subsidized. And yes they are one of the only goverment programs that actually work. PBS rocks. You can have your commercials


If they attempted to use my tax money in a balanced way, I'd have a lot more respect. But they don't so the point is moot. Ever see their "Democracy Now" program? Sheesh. They don't even attempt a veneer of neutrality.


Oh, and freedom means the ability to destroy onesself if one chooses, as well as to allow businesses to fail. The problem we have in this emergent socialist paradise is that we prop up businesses that fail (see: GM, and any number of wall street banks). MORE freedom (including the freedom to fail completely) would have worked better than any TARP program could have dreamed. Unfettered capitalism has done more to bring prosperity to humankind in the past two hundred years than THOUSANDS of years of other forms of doing business.

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Three other documentarys I watched-


A State of Mind- fascinating BBC documentary telling the story of a North Korean gymnast. I find North Korea documentaries so interesting and surreal.


One Day in October- slaughter at Munich Olympics and the bumbling Germans


Supersize Me- should be required viewing

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