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Can you trust the gov't?

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This thread has over 1000 views but has maybe only 10 different posters posting in it. You dont think theres many more poster reading this than you expect?


Not that many more. And most that are don't want to respond...because to them you're simply a racist.


Don't see anyone jumping to your defense, do you? :rolleyes:

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No, I understand that their are repeats but it still proves that many more read the thread than who are just posting.




Yes, it's the unspoken majority of views - all thousand of them - who aren't jumping to your defense.


This is why the Klan never gains any ground. You're all universally stupid and delusional.

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The Klan is stupid and delusional. Im not racist.


You keep denying you're racist...then keep starting threads explaining the vices of blacks. Under the guise of "telling the truth".


Face facts...you're racist. Live with it. Hell, no one's even suggested that you shouldn't be racist...just that you shouldn't be such a whiny little hypocrite about it. You probably don't even wear the sheet at cross-burnings, you wussy little pansy.

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To make the statement that many blacks use entitlement programs in itself is not racist but to say that many African Americans use entitlement because they are black is a racist statement in my view.


A statement of fact is one thing but using a statement to disparage a race is another. You have to know what’s truly in ones heart to know the difference.

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Not that many more. And most that are don't want to respond...because to them you're simply a racist.


Don't see anyone jumping to your defense, do you? :thumbsup:

Speaking as one of the "1000's" of readers of this thread that hasn't been bothered to post in the thread, I am not convinced that he's a racist. I am convinced he's a troll that wants to come across as a racist. Whether he's stupid enough to be as racist as he comes across or even more idiotic because he's not a racist but gets his jollies by playing a racist on the intertubes; he is a Conner-level Zen idiot master.


Does that count as "coming to his defense?" :rolleyes:


And only you and 3 others are attacking me out of the hundreds who read these threads.

They aren't the only ones attacking you because they're the only ones that take issue with you. Tom, JA, and a couple of others are the only ones here that are calling you on your BS because they are the only ones here that have the patience to play the "Whack-a-Troll" Game for this long.


But if it makes you feel any better, HA probably has 3.5 other friends that don't think you're a racist.


You keep denying you're racist...then keep starting threads explaining the vices of blacks. Under the guise of "telling the truth".


Face facts...you're racist. Live with it. Hell, no one's even suggested that you shouldn't be racist...just that you shouldn't be such a whiny little hypocrite about it. You probably don't even wear the sheet at cross-burnings, you wussy little pansy.

Well, as mentioned above, he may only be a troll that likes to play a racist. Either way, the whining about coming across as a racist is getting old. And either way, he/she is definitely an idiot.
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~80% of the population doesn't think so.




The better question is what are they going to do about it.

One question I would ask is, "define the federal government." Do people not trust any and all federal government? Do they really know who/what it is that they're not trusting? Do they also not trust city, county and state government? Or is this just a fishing expedition, baited with "government", that is pretty much guaranteed to send people into a conniption fit?

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Posted in OTW


I bet this woman causes some earthquakes, lol!




(gabourey sidibe)


You really either can't help yourself, or you are a troll. I had you on ignore, but Tom kept quoting you so gave it up as a lost cause. I have been here for a few years, but I have never seen anyone draw such condemnation so quickly. I have never seen this board this united over anything. There could be a meteor streaking towards Earth and there would be more dissent amongst the board members than over you.


P.S. George really hates you too, he is a disguised liberal, so probably hates you more than most of us.

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Posted in OTW




You really either can't help yourself, or you are a troll. I had you on ignore, but Tom kept quoting you so gave it up as a lost cause. I have been here for a few years, but I have never seen anyone draw such condemnation so quickly. I have never seen this board this united over anything. There could be a meteor streaking towards Earth and there would be more dissent amongst the board members than over you.


P.S. George really hates you too, he is a disguised liberal, so probably hates you more than most of us.


Oh come on! It was just a cheap "fat chick" joke. Who's the the most famous fat woman at the moment? Gabouray Sidibe. Get over yourself.

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Oh come on! It was just a cheap "fat chick" joke. Who's the the most famous fat woman at the moment? Gabouray Sidibe. Get over yourself.


Just a complete coincidence I suppose that you picked a black woman. Right, maybe you are just a racist. I would expect better answers out of a troll. You know, low IQ might not be a causative factor in racism (probably is), but I am willing to bet that most racists have that issue. At least this one does. Oh and I left you another link so you can look up the word.

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