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While in Malta

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the Pope promised a group of men, allegedly abused by priests, that he would see that pedophile priests were brought to justice. He should have added, "...this time." to his statement since he apparently let the matter slide at least once before when he was in charge of such matters prior to becoming Il Papa.


Amazing what the light of day can do to a long-burried topic.

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The long-buried topic is that men who are willing to give up their sexual identity are unwell. Not all are child rapists but the majority have serious psychological defects and the rest are just a mess.


No question.


Of course, not all of them fit into that category since many don't give up their sexual identity. The priesthood has been a sancuary for homosexuals for centuries.

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No question.


Of course, not all of them fit into that category since many of them don't give up their sexual identity. The priesthood has been a sancuary for homosexuals for centuries.


Consider the additional psychological scarring that comes with being a paragon of godly virtue (a priest) in an organization that considers your sexual proclivities abhorrent. Yeah, that will draw in and create healthy people. And it's those people that are tasked with guiding the rest of the flock.


What a cluster!@#$!

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Just to clear up a misconception. Pedophiles and gays two different things. It's like comparing an apple to rat poison as WebMD would describe it.

While I don't argue some priests may be gay, but a pedophile is mentally sick and needs to jailed if not executed. I heard some assclown spewing on CNN that all gay guys are pedophiles which is absurd.



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The long-buried topic is that men who are willing to give up their sexual identity are unwell. Not all are child rapists but the majority have serious psychological defects and the rest are just a mess.


Imagine having to go your whole life without busting a nut.

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I don't think any priests aren't busting their nuts. Let's be real.


I know. I'm saying the religion states that they must never have sex and never masturbate.


If a priest decides to follow the letter of the law, it must be hard to walk around after about 20 years :thumbsup:

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I know. I'm saying the religion states that they must never have sex and never masturbate.


If a priest decides to follow the letter of the law, it must be hard to walk around after about 20 years :thumbsup:


Father Murphy has been a priest for 30 years and is running in the 10k. :censored:

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The priesthood has been a sancuary for homosexuals for centuries.


Just to clear up a misconception. Pedophiles and gays two different things. It's like comparing an apple to rat poison as WebMD would describe it.

While I don't argue some priests may be gay, but a pedophile is mentally sick and needs to jailed if not executed. I heard some assclown spewing on CNN that all gay guys are pedophiles which is absurd.



Correct, but the Church has sadly and criminally been a haven for pedophiles, while it represented a place for non-pedophile homosexual males to escape the ridicule and persecution of their sexual preference. All because they stop allowing priests to marry, so that their possessions would belong to the church after death. :censored:


I have to agree with this. It's been proven pretty reliably that the only thing that can consistently keep a man committed to a life without sex is a wife.

Thankfully, not in my case. :thumbsup:

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