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My thoughts on Lynch, the draft ect....

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It's been a very long time since I've posted on these boards...although have frequently visited here to keep up on the latest Bills "rumors" and GOOD/BAD news on our team.......


Here are some of my thoughts that are going on with this team and players.


First, I will start with Marshawn (Beastmode, Bustmode) Lynch...Look I've been going back and forth on this guy. The kid has all the skills/toughness to play the RB position, he just lacks the brains in life that could make him better. I do think he needs to spend more time in Buffalo with his teammates and stay away from the Bay area as to me is where the trouble is for this guy or shall I say more so then the Buffalo area (minus the hit and run). Is it really true if you surround a bad reputation guy with good character guys he can change? I think so, bu Lynch needs to apply himself into that position or else he could find himself right out of the NFL. Anyways, I think if the new regime (staff) can sit down with the kid and talk with him, I think it would benefit the Bills to have Lynch on the team. Id hate to see him go even though I've been very objective about him. But in the end you have to do whats best for the team.


2nd: Tim Tebow....I cant count how many negative threads I see on this kid or negative press. For that reason alone I want to see the kid prove everyone wrong, it would be even better to see the kid prove everyone wrong in a Bills uniform. I watched the kid play ball for the Gators and he has LEADER written all over him. Now this leads me to a question: Who has leader written all over them on the Bills? I can only think of 2 guys.....Lee Evans and Freddy Jackson. Honestly we need more leaders then that. Look Tebow is a project no doubt, but I really do think in due time he can be a good QB that can lead the Bills to the playoffs.


3rd: The draft......NOONE here can honestly say they know what way the Bills are gonna draft? From my knowledge of the game of football, games are WON in the trenches. He who has the best OL & DL go places and go far. And from my standpoint Buffalo is 5-8 guys away from having good OL & DL's. We need 2 Tackles a LT & RT, we need a Center and really is Eric Wood going to be any good after that leg injury? Thats a huge question mark in my book. Thats 4 spots on the OL that are HUGE ??????????? This team wont see the playoffs until the OL & DL are solid. I dont care who you have at QB. If that OL is not fixed why draft a QB and get him killed? I mean lets face it, its not the smartest idea. Enough about the big ugly guys, what about WR's? Yea we have Lee Evans, but who else? James Hardy, Steve Johnson all unproven guys....again we have ZERO help for Lee Evans. And man this really hurts to say this cause Lee Evans is my favorite player but we all know his numbers dont go with what we are paying him, granted not his fault........but trade the guy before he gets any older. I really do think Denver would take him for a couple draft picks. Great character guy, great player.....like I said I hate to say it. But why let Lee Evans career go down the crapper while the Buffalo Bills rebuild? I think Lee deserves better then the Bills......I love the guy want him to be here forever, but really does he deserve to be here? If we keep him, GET HIM HELP!!!!!!!!!! 2 seconds for Marshall, I would have gave that for him, well worth the gamble but yet again ANOTHER AFC EAST rival just got better. Bottom line this team has WAY too many needs to fill in this years draft way too many......but if the team needs its draft picks I guess trading them away is not smart either. Personally trade the 9th pick and stock pile the picks.


Anyways.....I dont know what else to say other then this team is 3-5 years away from even making the playoffs. We are an offensive line and defensive line away from being a solid club, add a worthy QB and we might be a wildcard team, add some QUALITY WR's and we can make the playoffs......


Fire away ladies and gentlemen, just be easy on me its been a while........




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Quickly reading over your post, the thing that jumped out at me was Evans and Jackson as leaders.


Jackson may develop into a leader, but that is one thing I would never accuse Lee Evans of. I love Evans. I think he is underrated and unappreciated by a large portion of !@#$stick fans, but he is not a leader.


I only bring that up because I think your assessment of Tebow is dead-on. He is a leader, and would be a great addition to a team with no offensive guidance.


Nice post, GO BILLS!!

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