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More Azzhattery

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Another link to some obscure blog that only whiny, urban liberals know exists?


Yep, more Asshattery.


Just pointing out the sheer stupidity of the Friggin Liberals.


You got a problem with that?


Then try this one or this one, both from a site which claims to be on the right.


But it's just more Stupid Friggin Liberals!

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More proof they just don't get it.



Hey George, did you get to attend a tea party on the 15th? Did you bring your Obama is a nazi sign or yell some outlandish things about the Dems? When Obama proclaimed a new era of transparency I didn't know he was going to send us you.

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Hey George, did you get to attend a tea party on the 15th? Did you bring your Obama is a nazi sign or yell some outlandish things about the Dems? When Obama proclaimed a new era of transparency I didn't know he was going to send us you.


Oh look, the Roman Polanski Fan is back, what happened; did the police chase you away from the playground?


Note: Any of you azzhats who want to defend this sick freak should read this thread where he confesses his adulation for Friggin Liberal Child Molesting Dirt-Bags!

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Oh look, the Roman Polanski Fan is back, what happened; did the police chase you away from the playground?


Note: Any of you azzhats who want to defend this sick freak should read this thread where he confesses his adulation for Friggin Liberal Child Molesting Dirt-Bags!


Gotta hand it to ya, you are a first class twister of words. Most everyone here can figure my political leaning. You are a liberal disguising yourself as someone else for the sole purpose of denigrating conservatives. We conservatives are smarter than that and can see through your infantile attempts. There are three levels of mudgeonry (A,B,C) There is Assmudgeonry, which you passed with flying colors. There is also Bitchmudgeonry and you have passed that also. The next level C***mudgeonry, is in your grasp. Go for it Georgie, and you can complete your destiny and live forever with your 72 Nancy Pelosi's.

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Gotta hand it to ya, you are a first class twister of words. Most everyone here can figure my political leaning. You are a liberal disguising yourself as someone else for the sole purpose of denigrating conservatives. We conservatives are smarter than that and can see through your infantile attempts. There are three levels of mudgeonry (A,B,C) There is Assmudgeonry, which you passed with flying colors. There is also Bitchmudgeonry and you have passed that also. The next level C***mudgeonry, is in your grasp. Go for it Georgie, and you can complete your destiny and live forever with your 72 Nancy Pelosi's.



Dear lord if our chats weren't enough of an example of where you stand... :lol:

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Our chats? "Chats" should include intelligent conversation on both sides. Not the snarky, empty trash that you spew forth.



Should have expected that response. I guess you never leave the attack mode when blogging huh? :lol:

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Yes, I do. I have complimented and agreed with many posters. Did I misunderstand your previous post? I'm serious.



The intent of my previous post was to simply state that anyone with half of a brain would know that you are not a liberal.

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Gotta hand it to ya, you are a first class twister of words. Most everyone here can figure my political leaning. You are a liberal disguising yourself as someone else for the sole purpose of denigrating conservatives. We conservatives are smarter than that and can see through your infantile attempts. There are three levels of mudgeonry (A,B,C) There is Assmudgeonry, which you passed with flying colors. There is also Bitchmudgeonry and you have passed that also. The next level C***mudgeonry, is in your grasp. Go for it Georgie, and you can complete your destiny and live forever with your 72 Nancy Pelosi's.


Friggin Liberal, Honest Conservative, neither matters in your case.


Your Ass-Worship of a Convicted, Friggin Liberal, Pedophile, Child Molester, Dirt-Freaking-Bag is all I or any right thinking person needs to know about you.


Just crawl back under whatever rock at the bottom of the cesspool you call home, and quit stalking me! I'm too old for you.


Friggin Liberal Dirt Bag!

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