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Pulling the Plug on White Grandma

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And who the hell are you to make any comments on my faith? Whatever, just because you disagree with my politics doesn't mean I'm any less a Christian as you are.

The only comment he made on your faith was that you believe in God.


His comment on your actions here was that you defame the name of that god.

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And who the hell are you to make any comments on my faith? Whatever, just because you disagree with my politics doesn't mean I'm any less a Christian as you are.


Are you really this dense? Your racist bull **** makes you less a Christian than he is.

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You know nothing about me. I have black friends idiot.


You might want to let your "black friends" know that you're arguing that you're not racist in a thread you started about a black conspiracy to kill "white grandma" in which you linked to a blatantly racist site.


Maybe you really are that dense. :rolleyes: Sure as hell not an honest Christian, though.

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You might want to let your "black friends" know that you're arguing that you're not racist in a thread you started about a black conspiracy to kill "white grandma" in which you linked to a blatantly racist site.


Maybe you really are that dense. :rolleyes: Sure as hell not an honest Christian, though.


1) It's not the blacks, it's the liberals

2) It's not a conspiracy if its out in the open

3) It's about the side effects of Obamacare

4) As far as I can tell thats not a "blatantly racist site". I haven't encountered anything questionable there but if you can show me anything truly racist I will stop reading the site.

5)Leave my faith out of this please. I respect you and don't come here bible thumping so I'd appreciate it if you respected my faith.

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I was waiting for him to pull this one. WBF, you never disappoint, I'll give you that.


I, on the other hand, have no friends. In the sense that I've never burned a cross on anyone's front yard, which I assume is the context in which he's speaking...

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1) It's not the blacks, it's the liberals

2) It's not a conspiracy if its out in the open

3) It's about the side effects of Obamacare

4) As far as I can tell thats not a "blatantly racist site". I haven't encountered anything questionable there but if you can show me anything truly racist I will stop reading the site.

5)Leave my faith out of this please. I respect you and don't come here bible thumping so I'd appreciate it if you respected my faith.


Preach On, BROTHER! Preach ON!


They'll try to silence you, they'll mock you, they'll call you names and bismirch your good name! Brother, they do this because they're all Closet Friggin Liberals!


But YOU! You are an Authentic American Hero! I and countless others who look up to your heroic efforts know you Fight the Good Fight! Do NOT go quietly into the night!


Let your beacon of sanity wash over these Friggin Liberals and convert them to the true path!

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And who the hell are you to make any comments on my faith? Whatever, just because you disagree with my politics doesn't mean I'm any less a Christian as you are.



Well then, if you ARE a believer, and I'm not judging you on your belief, you should take the anger you've got to the Lord. It'll help.


And if you're not a racist, you certainly play a mean one on the intartubes.

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