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eagles looking to trade up?

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I'm doing this from my phone so I can't post the link but I was on walterfootball.com (great site for player e v a l and mock drafts) and they said the eagles were interested in trading up for an elite prospect (spiller perhaps) so I crunched the numbers off the value chart... our 9 and 41 is 1840 points traded for 24 37 55 and 70 which also is 1840 points. Although this is to convenient to actually happen I would be ecstatic as we could then have those four and the 72nd pick. That would allow us to fill most of our needs and perhaps llok like clausen (def slide potential if sf and sea don't piick him) charlie brown (or best ot/nt available) then best ot/nt based on previous pick (cam thomas perhaps) then bpa from then on out with two of them being @ the top of the third.... ah the week before the draft where possibilities are endless... oh yeah please buddy @ least make the call

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The Eagles are said to love Eric Berry. But Spiller is an option too.


The Chiefs will most likely go LT and the Browns might opt for Clausen. If that happens, Berry is likely to still be on the board when we pick and a trade opportunity may very well present itself and there could be a realistic trade down scenario for us which would be fantastic. We have so many needs, we could use a few extra picks.

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If the Eagles would make that trade I'd do it in a heartbeat. Get at least a 3rd for Lynch and you can get a lot of quality players in this draft, including a QB. With that many picks you could afford to even draft a Tebow and a Lefevour.



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Trading our 9 for 24,37,55 and 70 would be tremendous! And I read Seattle has some interest in Lynch but Buffalo wants a second rounder. Load up on picks!

We would have to throw in 41 as well and I too am all for stockpiling picks but I still like lynch and don't want the bills to create more holes but I wonder if schoebel would be open to a trade to a contender for a pick instead of retirement

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We would have to throw in 41 as well and I too am all for stockpiling picks but I still like lynch and don't want the bills to create more holes but I wonder if schoebel would be open to a trade to a contender for a pick instead of retirement

No way in hadees I trade 9 and 41 for that scrap heap of picks. The further down you get in the draft the riskier it gets. I'd take a couple of good guys who can produce year 1 over 5 guys who probably only 2 or 3 make the team and are not as good.


If we trade Lynch for a 2, we have to acquire another RB somewhere. And they gotta be good. Where is that gonna come from? I say keep Lynch and also get a pretty good RB as 3rd string who can step in if Lynch screws up again and gets suspended. This talk reminds me of those that wanted to get rid of McGahee who is still a very good back and Antione Smith who looked pretty good winning a SB with the Patsies.


I chance it that he stays clean. Out of the jauron dog house and plays designed to maximize his strengths,and he'll be fine.

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I said a few weeks ago the Eagles were going to try and trade up for Berry, its just a matter of if they can get high enough to get him


Berry is going to go higher then 9 so they most likely need to get to 5 or 6 in my opinion

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No way in hadees I trade 9 and 41 for that scrap heap of picks. The further down you get in the draft the riskier it gets. I'd take a couple of good guys who can produce year 1 over 5 guys who probably only 2 or 3 make the team and are not as good.


If we trade Lynch for a 2, we have to acquire another RB somewhere. And they gotta be good. Where is that gonna come from? I say keep Lynch and also get a pretty good RB as 3rd string who can step in if Lynch screws up again and gets suspended. This talk reminds me of those that wanted to get rid of McGahee who is still a very good back and Antione Smith who looked pretty good winning a SB with the Patsies.


I chance it that he stays clean. Out of the jauron dog house and plays designed to maximize his strengths,and he'll be fine.

I agree lynch could and should still be effective which is why I don't want him traded but I don't neccesarily think that's a scrap heap of picks its a one 2 twos and an early third which would give us 5 picks out of the top 72. As for your couple guys who could come in and produce year one this deal would net 2 picks before 41 where one of the players would come from along w 2 additional picks before our original own 3rd rounder which would help our depth tremendously in case of injuries (not that it ever happens to bills but just in case)

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I said a few weeks ago the Eagles were going to try and trade up for Berry, its just a matter of if they can get high enough to get him


Berry is going to go higher then 9 so they most likely need to get to 5 or 6 in my opinion


Though Berry may be good, i feel they would be idiotic to trade that far up for a safety.(Considering what they would have to give up)


Just seems like a really bad football move.

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Trading our 9 for 24,37,55 and 70 would be tremendous! And I read Seattle has some interest in Lynch but Buffalo wants a second rounder. Load up on picks!



I agree on the load up on picks.. BUT!!!!


I would ask for some 2011 picks in the mix.



WHY ???


I don't think there is a franchise QB in this draft outside of Bradford, and if we start stock piling picks, use this draft to load up on OL, DL, and LB's we can make a huge move in 2011 to get a frachise arm. INCLUDING using our 2012 1st rd pick as well as our 2011 1st rd pick to get in the top few picks.....


Why do I like that plan of attack... We will have an entire year ot get the OL built up and gelled for a rookie arm in 2011....

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I'm doing this from my phone so I can't post the link but I was on walterfootball.com (great site for player e v a l and mock drafts) and they said the eagles were interested in trading up for an elite prospect (spiller perhaps) so I crunched the numbers off the value chart... our 9 and 41 is 1840 points traded for 24 37 55 and 70 which also is 1840 points. Although this is to convenient to actually happen I would be ecstatic as we could then have those four and the 72nd pick. That would allow us to fill most of our needs and perhaps llok like clausen (def slide potential if sf and sea don't piick him) charlie brown (or best ot/nt available) then best ot/nt based on previous pick (cam thomas perhaps) then bpa from then on out with two of them being @ the top of the third.... ah the week before the draft where possibilities are endless... oh yeah please buddy @ least make the call



The perennial good teams understand the value of a higher pick in the draft...There is never a guarantee just because a player is taken higher that he will pan out, but overall the odds are better indicator of success statistically than a lower pick. Sure there are many examples of players taken lower and many busts taken in the top 10...I'm just saying overall

your odds of landing a franchise player are increased. Also picking higher gives you more of a talent pool to choose from and an opportunity to draft a player you covet. I understand that we have holes to plug all over the field and need depth, but the problem with our team hasn't been having "enough" players.....it's been having "Quality" players. As an organization the Bills have been a team of mediocrity at best and have many marginal players who start, but would only

be backups on your better teams. For example: I know this is a no-brainer (at least to me), but if you could go back to

when Peyton Manning, Jim Kelly, John Elway and many other stars were drafted and in order to change the history books

and have your team select that player....Wouldn't you'd be willing to give up the 24, 37, 55, and 70th pick in the draft for

that same opportunity to get one of these franchise QB's ??? I would in a heartbeat!!! So, if the Bills covet a player (and Buddy Nix mentioned in his interview that he wants a franchise player who can make a difference right away!) that the

Bills War Room thinks will be a franchise player....then I want the QUALITY player everytime!


As long as the Bills do their homework this time...and avoid drafting a red flag player, a player with a criminal history, injury prone, a tweener, a player that is quite undersized like Maybin, or projected to be a MAJOR reach like Maybin when

B. Orakapo was in their laps for the taking..If they avoid these mistakes..then I'm convinced you go with the talent..that includes moving back into the first if necessary to get both the QB and the OLT that they "should" want!!! Move up, or stay Pat...but don't move down!!

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The perennial good teams understand the value of a higher pick in the draft...There is never a guarantee just because a player is taken higher that he will pan out, but overall the odds are better indicator of success statistically than a lower pick. Sure there are many examples of players taken lower and many busts taken in the top 10...I'm just saying overall

your odds of landing a franchise player are increased. Also picking higher gives you more of a talent pool to choose from and an opportunity to draft a player you covet. I understand that we have holes to plug all over the field and need depth, but the problem with our team hasn't been having "enough" players.....it's been having "Quality" players. As an organization the Bills have been a team of mediocrity at best and have many marginal players who start, but would only

be backups on your better teams. For example: I know this is a no-brainer (at least to me), but if you could go back to

when Peyton Manning, Jim Kelly, John Elway and many other stars were drafted and in order to change the history books

and have your team select that player....Wouldn't you'd be willing to give up the 24, 37, 55, and 70th pick in the draft for

that same opportunity to get one of these franchise QB's ??? I would in a heartbeat!!! So, if the Bills covet a player (and Buddy Nix mentioned in his interview that he wants a franchise player who can make a difference right away!) that the

Bills War Room thinks will be a franchise player....then I want the QUALITY player everytime!


As long as the Bills do their homework this time...and avoid drafting a red flag player, a player with a criminal history, injury prone, a tweener, a player that is quite undersized like Maybin, or projected to be a MAJOR reach like Maybin when

B. Orakapo was in their laps for the taking..If they avoid these mistakes..then I'm convinced you go with the talent..that includes moving back into the first if necessary to get both the QB and the OLT that they "should" want!!! Move up, or stay Pat...but don't move down!!


What nonsense. The Patriots, to name just one example, have made a living by trading down in the draft to get more picks. They understand that the draft is a crapshoot; no matter how good you think you are at evaluating talent, the more picks you have, the better your chances of success. This goes double for drafting a "franchise" quarterback, a position at which there is close zero correlation between where the player is picked and ultimate success in the NFL. Very few teams who have paid to move up in the draft have benefitted--and the Bills have been burned every single time they've done it, with the possible exception of last year, when they moved up to the second to select Levitre. I would love it if, just this once, they moved down instead of up. Far too many holes to file and it is unlikely there will be a certifiable future pro bowler available at No. 9.

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I think it is lost that although they are trading down in the first rnd they are trading up in the second and gaining two extra picks to me this is the year to trade down as this is supposedly a very deep draft. The major needs to me at least are nt and lt but I think we all would like to see a qb and lb. If I told you we could get claussen and cody or charlie brown cody a qb (tebow mccoy pike... whoever u like in the second tier) and brandon spikes which would you prefer. I feel as if its a no brainer (imho)

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