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CBS/NY Times teabagger poll

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I know all of that. Just curious on why the Tea Party wouldn't want to support people who pay taxes and don't receive Full Representation. Shouldn't they be there hand in hand with Eleanor Holmes Norton fighting for this? Aren't they about taxes being fair?


We all know the reason is because D.C. has a Democratic voting majority. Which is why when the issue is debated in Congress, the Republicans demand that additional districts be created in Utah so there is no change in the balance of power in Congress.



Because there's not much we can do about them. They're here to stay. Our goal is to prevent the government from creating more socialist programs. It's really our ideology. :nana:


If you're sincere, when Republicans are in the majority, they could cut off futher funding and let the programs die on the vine. But they know it would be political suicide to take away the largest entitlement programs from the elderly voters. So they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. And if the Tea Party is sincere, they would advocate just such a policy from the candidates they support.

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So? I received the $800 "working credit" or whatever it was called, but I still think it's ridiculous and shouldn't have been given out to anyone.



Apologize, did not see your point. Ok, I agree. Should not be given out to everyone.

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Answer the question. If many people are against socialist programs why aren't they against those two?

First of all, the people protesting are for less spending and smaller government with reduced control in our lives. They are against spending billions of dollars the country doesn't have for laws a majority of Americans don't want, passed by a handful of people who didn't bother to read the spending bills they approved.


It's very easy to yell "Where were you when Bush was spending like a whore" because the only answer is a simple answer that unfortunately is not good enough for a flaming lib like yourself; we were asleep at the wheel. It's nothing more and nothing less. We screwed up. We made a mistake.


The Obama/Reid/Pelosi movement has done two things differently that has led to this moment: first, they accelerated spending far beyond anything we were sleeping through, and second, they openly and blatantly flaunted the backroom briberies that have gone on for years, shoving it in our faces to the extent that people have finally stood up and said enough is enough. I''d suggest that if the current administration just laid low for even a minute upon taking control, you probably wouldn't see the outrage you see today.


But no. They went right for the jugular with a $787 election payoff scheme on the premise that it would halt unemployment at 8%. Bad move. Bad idea. Pissed people off.


So you can try to rationalize this by asking "Where were you before," but it doesn't make what's happening right now wrong. It just makes it late in taking place.

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We all know the reason is because D.C. has a Democratic voting majority. Which is why when the issue is debated in Congress, the Republicans demand that additional districts be created in Utah so there is no change in the balance of power in Congress.



Bingo. :nana:




If you're sincere, when Republicans are in the majority, they could cut off futher funding and let the programs die on the vine. But they know it would be political suicide to take away the largest entitlement programs from the elderly voters. So they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. And if the Tea Party is sincere, they would advocate just such a policy from the candidates they support.



Double Bingo :D

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Only libbys like you think that only groups that have "diversity" have any value. That ole "if its all white, it MUST be bad or racist" line of liberal groupthink, which is pretty bigoted itself, isnt it?


I love the story of my beloved, who works in the inner city and was DEMANDED to teach a "diverse curriculum" and when she pointed out that her class is 90% black and 10% hispanic..and thats not exactly "diverse", her ultra lib union loving politically correct (*^*&%^$^#of an Assistant Principal just sat there, squirmed and mumbled to herself.


And one more thing, you big ass. Us "teabaggers" arent disputing the DIVERISTY or lack thereof of the Tea Party Movement. We dispute the half-assed scare tactic assumption that Carville and your masters trotted out for you to regurgitate fifty times a day that the group is RACIST. We'd LOVE IT if the group was more diverse, but the sad fact is that any black person who crossed the line to join us will be IMMEDIATLEY outcast in his or her community and to his or her family and labeled as an "Uncle Tom sellout." Do you remember when Michael Steele had Oreo cookies thrown at him when he was camaigning for office, or were you too busy "boning up" at the Fire Island Meat-Pack at the time?


But again...in your pea brain Palin obsessed head...."Lack of diversity IS RACISM. PERIOD." There is NO OTHER WAY a group of whites can congregate without a racist intent, is there? Even if the group is from a region where there isnt a person of color present for a 90 mile radius....no brown skinned people in the group MUST mean theres a racist element, right?


Talk about narrow-minded.

This is all they have. They have no logical argument and they know it so things are reduced to pure emotionally based rhetoric.

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Nice one, well played. :nana:


I'm so sick of listening to him B word about DC voting rights on the radio. "And now...Mark Plotkin on the nuclear summit downtown." "DC should have closed the convention center, to demonstrate to the Syrians that we don't have voting rights." :D I used to like listening to him, when he was an analyst. Now that he just campaigns for voting rights, he's !@#$ing insufferable.


I know all of that. Just curious on why the Tea Party wouldn't want to support people who pay taxes and don't receive Full Representation. Shouldn't they be there hand in hand with Eleanor Holmes Norton fighting for this? Aren't they about taxes being fair?


It could just be that the Tea Party members are complete dimwits. It's not like Democrats and Republicans haven't set a precedent in that regard.

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I'm so sick of listening to him B word about DC voting rights on the radio. "And now...Mark Plotkin on the nuclear summit downtown." "DC should have closed the convention center, to demonstrate to the Syrians that we don't have voting rights." :nana: I used to like listening to him, when he was an analyst. Now that he just campaigns for voting rights, he's !@#$ing insufferable.




It could just be that the Tea Party members are complete dimwits. It's not like Democrats and Republicans haven't set a precedent in that regard.



I just can't listen to him because he always sounds like he's going to have a heart attack at any moment.

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Curious because you said "our goal". No reason to get your panties in a bind.


Get my panties in a bind? No, why did youy ask me if I was part of the Tea Party. Answer my question. What the hell does my party affiliation have to do with anything?

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I know all of that. Just curious on why the Tea Party wouldn't want to support people who pay taxes and don't receive Full Representation. Shouldn't they be there hand in hand with Eleanor Holmes Norton fighting for this? Aren't they about taxes being fair?

Why do you care to change 200 year old agreements? because there is a block of about 450K that will vote democrat? Why not push so hard for Guam, Puerto Rico, etc.....? because they likely will not be a sure dem vote? In fact in my opinion PR and Guam have more to say about taxes without representation. DC when it was esteblished knew what they were getting into and citizens were pretty much encouranged not to settle there.

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Just to clarify, most here aren't mocking the Tea Party, they are mocking you.


No... No... No!


We're mocking the Stupid Friggin Liberals who are infiltrating the Tea Parties in order to make fine upstanding citizens like WisconsinBillsFan and Da Big Man look like idiots!


Stupid Friggin Liberals should know better! Nothing they do will make those two look like anything but what they are, Real American Heroes!

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No... No... No!


We're mocking the Stupid Friggin Liberals who are infiltrating the Tea Parties in order to make fine upstanding citizens like WisconsinBillsFan and Da Big Man look like idiots!


Stupid Friggin Liberals should know better! Nothing they do will make those two look like anything but what they are, Real American Heroes!


They don't need any help.

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