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Let the Doom & Gloom reign

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Here is a better thought: Until the Bills do something, why don't YOU just STFU?


After ten years of the "We're DOOOOMED" offseason sarcasm pointed at realistic fans on this board, and ten subsequent doomed seasons, it's really time to just start taking things at face value. Is it necessary to lament the fact that the Bills aren't taking noticeable strides toward improvement? Maybe, maybe not. It's not news, that is for certain. But it DEFINITELY is not time to defend them. Don't be an idiot.


Exactly right. The negative (i.e. realistic) posts will go away once the Bills prove them false. The Bills have been unable to prove the doubters wrong for 10 years. In fact, the doubters have been correct.


The burden is on the Bills. The cheerleaders need to use their heads and not their hearts. Don't criticize the realists for using their heads.


Criticism doesn't mean you are not a fan, but it indicates a strong desire for the Bills to get it right and stop making the same mistakes year after year.


BTW, if the other teams in the division keep improving then the Bills relative position is getting worse.

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Here is a better thought: Until the Bills do something, why don't YOU just STFU?


After ten years of the "We're DOOOOMED" offseason sarcasm pointed at realistic fans on this board, and ten subsequent doomed seasons, it's really time to just start taking things at face value. Is it necessary to lament the fact that the Bills aren't taking noticeable strides toward improvement? Maybe, maybe not. It's not news, that is for certain. But it DEFINITELY is not time to defend them. Don't be an idiot.


Fine, be a negative nancy with the rest of the doom & gloomers.

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The Bills didn't trade for Marshall...The Bills didn't trade for Holmes...The Bills are gonna be last in the division...Nix is not doing anything...The sky is falling...I fell down the stairs and my shoes fell off. STFU already!!!!!!


I didn't know the 2010 season was over with already?! So if everyone was to determine how well teams would be, just by what a team has done in free agency, the Washington Redskins would have been multiple time Superbowl champions since Dan Snyder took over.





Here is what I wrote to the doom and gloomers in another thread...


Lets be a little more realistic here, its not nearly as bad as people want to make it out to be, and this upcoming year isnt about rediscovering the glory of the early 90's anyway, its about getting this team back in the right direction and building this team over the next year or two.


1. We won 6 games last year DESPITE completely ATROCIOUS QB play, horrible play calling, horrible game plan, injury plagued young OL, injury depleted D, our best young play maker not playing the first part of the season (Byrd), and playing in a tough division. With a real QB last year we would have been playoff bound, not even a question, despite all the other issues.


2. Mia still has major QB questions...lets hold off annoiting them a power until we see if Henne can make a big step this year. He is promising, but still isnt there yet.


3. The goal for 2010 is not to get us to the SB, but to solidify the holes with some young talent that can develop this team into a real contender over the next couple of years. This year will be used to evaluate and develop our young guys like Hardy, Johnson, Nelson, Brohm, Bell, Maybin, as well as the guys we draft.


4. We need to find out what we have in Brohm (assuming we dont trade for Campbell or Vick, two guys we have speculated interest in apparently) and this is the year to do it assuming he can win the job. We also need to find out what we have in Maybin, Hardy, and Johnson so we know what we need to address in next years draft.


5. Our defense on paper already looks even better than last year.


For me, this team is heading in the right direction with the most important part being the emphasis and commitment to get these guys some playing time. Doesnt do any good to draft guys with lots of upside if we dont let them play and let them develop. I dont hold high expectations this year, but I do look forward to seeing what these guys can finally do in a game.


So all these people crying and mailing it in already for the season, what the heck were you really expecting in 2010? This is a new staff who is coming in and building their foundation, evaluating our young guys, and building through the draft, and I dont see anything wrong with that. I am actually excited to see how they develop over the season.





How about you STFU already? Unless you are blind, drunk and in a coma-you realize everything you typed is correct. It gets old watching Sports Center, NFL Network or any other sports program and every time the talk of the AFC comes up it is followed by "The Bills just keep falling farther behind the Big 3". Just heard it about 10 minutes ago again talking about the Marshall trade, heard it with the Holmes trade, the LT signing, etc. The 2010 season hasn't even started but for all intense and purposes, and for anyone not living in a fantasy land, it is over for the Buffalo Bills. We are looking at a second winless division record for the second time in three years. So, let me say it again-YOU STFU!


Well if ESPN thinks so it MUST be true. :lol:



I didn't know the Bills let go of a QB with a winning record and decided to go with a QB with a losing record?


How did the Bills get worse from last season already?


Dude they let Richie Incognito go!! :wallbash:


Exactly right. The negative (i.e. realistic) posts will go away once the Bills prove them false. The Bills have been unable to prove the doubters wrong for 10 years. In fact, the doubters have been correct.


The burden is on the Bills. The cheerleaders need to use their heads and not their hearts. Don't criticize the realists for using their heads.


Criticism doesn't mean you are not a fan, but it indicates a strong desire for the Bills to get it right and stop making the same mistakes year after year.


BTW, if the other teams in the division keep improving then the Bills relative position is getting worse.


Main Entry: fa·nat·ic

Pronunciation: \fə-ˈna-tik\

Variant(s): or fa·nat·i·cal \-ti-kəl\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Latin fanaticus inspired by a deity, frenzied, from fanum temple — more at feast

Date: 1550


: marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion <they're fanatic about politics>


— fanatic noun


— fa·nat·i·cal·ly \fə-ˈna-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb


— fa·nat·i·cal·ness \-kəl-nəs\ noun


According to the definition whiners aren't fans, just sayin.

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I am normally a very optimistic person. Especially when it comes to the Bills. However, knowing how many holes need to be filled on this team, I am concerned. Can we fill some in the draft? Yes. Should the Bills make relatively cheap moves in FA to get veteran talent or do they carry on with the trend of signing guys from other teams practice squads?


Sorry, I just think that moves can be made. If we're hoping everything can be fixed via the draft.... sorry I'm not buying it. To me that means a couple more years out.

If you listen to Buddy Nix he seems to think the Bills have some talent and they just need to fill certain holes.


I've been saying the last few years the Bills have enough talent on the field and lack talent on the sidelines to make things work properly.


Almost anything the new coaches do should be an improvement on the offense. With Lynch and Jackson the only thing they really lack is a premier LT and WR opposite Lee Evans, everything else can slide to a certain extent.

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According to the definition whiners aren't fans, just sayin.

Also A fan, sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person with an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking and enthusiasm for something.

Maybe the whiners as you call them have an intense, occasionally overwhelming dislike for the object of their fandom sucking balls the the last decade. You can be a fan and not follow blindly forever. Just sayin.

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Also A fan, sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person with an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking and enthusiasm for something.

Maybe the whiners as you call them have an intense, occasionally overwhelming dislike for the object of their fandom sucking balls the the last decade. You can be a fan and not follow blindly forever. Just sayin.


Aficionado? Where do you get fan out of that? Supporter? Ok, call yourself an aficionado or a supporter, don't call yourself a fan. By definition you aren't.

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Why shouldn't doom & gloom reign? The Bills have been bad to really bad for a decade. They are treading water while the Jets and Dolphins have gotten better and the Patriots are, well, the Patriots. Anyone who doesn't think the Bills will finish 4th in the division and not have a losing record, good luck to you. You will just be disappointed once again.

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Over the last 4 years, the Bills had playoff potential, but didn't have a competent coaching staff. Every year over the last 4 years, there were 2-3 (if not more) games where the Bills should have won if it wasn't for the udder stupidity of Dick Jauron. Jauron never had the team physically prepared to play to start the season, which is why the Bills had a high number of players on IR during his tenure. Jauron played not to lose, instead of playing to win. Plus, Jauron didn't always play the best players, it took injuries for Greer, F. Jackson and Byrd to be put in as starters.


The team is not that far off. So far Gailey has been addressing some of the problem areas from the Jauron era, if he can address most (hopefully all) and we have another solid draft, we could be a playoff team sooner than anyone expects it.

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Here is what I wrote to the doom and gloomers in another thread...


Lets be a little more realistic here, its not nearly as bad as people want to make it out to be, and this upcoming year isnt about rediscovering the glory of the early 90's anyway, its about getting this team back in the right direction and building this team over the next year or two.


1. We won 6 games last year DESPITE completely ATROCIOUS QB play, horrible play calling, horrible game plan, injury plagued young OL, injury depleted D, our best young play maker not playing the first part of the season (Byrd), and playing in a tough division. With a real QB last year we would have been playoff bound, not even a question, despite all the other issues.


2. Mia still has major QB questions...lets hold off annoiting them a power until we see if Henne can make a big step this year. He is promising, but still isnt there yet.


3. The goal for 2010 is not to get us to the SB, but to solidify the holes with some young talent that can develop this team into a real contender over the next couple of years. This year will be used to evaluate and develop our young guys like Hardy, Johnson, Nelson, Brohm, Bell, Maybin, as well as the guys we draft.


4. We need to find out what we have in Brohm (assuming we dont trade for Campbell or Vick, two guys we have speculated interest in apparently) and this is the year to do it assuming he can win the job. We also need to find out what we have in Maybin, Hardy, and Johnson so we know what we need to address in next years draft.


5. Our defense on paper already looks even better than last year.


For me, this team is heading in the right direction with the most important part being the emphasis and commitment to get these guys some playing time. Doesnt do any good to draft guys with lots of upside if we dont let them play and let them develop. I dont hold high expectations this year, but I do look forward to seeing what these guys can finally do in a game.


So all these people crying and mailing it in already for the season, what the heck were you really expecting in 2010? This is a new staff who is coming in and building their foundation, evaluating our young guys, and building through the draft, and I dont see anything wrong with that. I am actually excited to see how they develop over the season.


As you say, we won 6 games last year despite the fact that we sucked. We should have won 2 but some other teams also suck as bad as we do. Don't compare us to teams that suck and and say because we suck less than they do that there is progress.


In 2010 we will not win a divisional game for the second time in three seasons unless we get very lucky.


MIAMI HAS MAJOR QB QUESTIONS?!?!?! No we have major QB questions. We have a 1/2 talent from Harvard or Yale. Another guy that lost out to a 7th round pick and a California nutty bar that even TO had pity for and did not b!tch a lot at him. No team has a bigger QB question than we do.


Our defense last year sucked and it will suck this year. This years D will play an entirely new scheme primarily comprised of players that fit the old D scheme that they sucked at and not the new scheme. Then the pass D numbers were skewed because the run D was the worst in the league. This D on paper looks atrocious.

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Here is a better thought: Until the Bills do something, why don't YOU just STFU?


After ten years of the "We're DOOOOMED" offseason sarcasm pointed at realistic fans on this board, and ten subsequent doomed seasons, it's really time to just start taking things at face value. Is it necessary to lament the fact that the Bills aren't taking noticeable strides toward improvement? Maybe, maybe not. It's not news, that is for certain. But it DEFINITELY is not time to defend them. Don't be an idiot.


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Aficionado? Where do you get fan out of that? Supporter? Ok, call yourself an aficionado or a supporter, don't call yourself a fan. By definition you aren't.

You say that based on 2 words from one definition? How about these since you seem obsessed about "fan" coming from "fanatic":

A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.

a person whose enthusiasm or zeal for something is extreme or beyond normal limits

Informal a person devoted to a particular hobby or pastime; fan a jazz fanatic


Or from a thesaurus:

fanatic - a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause)

enthusiast, partizan, partisan - an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity


As to the bolded part of your quote, give me a !@#$ing break and grow up.

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As you say, we won 6 games last year despite the fact that we sucked. We should have won 2 but some other teams also suck as bad as we do. Don't compare us to teams that suck and and say because we suck less than they do that there is progress.


In 2010 we will not win a divisional game for the second time in three seasons unless we get very lucky.


MIAMI HAS MAJOR QB QUESTIONS?!?!?! No we have major QB questions. We have a 1/2 talent from Harvard or Yale. Another guy that lost out to a 7th round pick and a California nutty bar that even TO had pity for and did not b!tch a lot at him. No team has a bigger QB question than we do.


Our defense last year sucked and it will suck this year. This years D will play an entirely new scheme primarily comprised of players that fit the old D scheme that they sucked at and not the new scheme. Then the pass D numbers were skewed because the run D was the worst in the league. This D on paper looks atrocious.


I guess you didnt watch last season because we should have won 5 other games with even average QB play. Our D had the 2nd rated pass D last year despite being ravaged by injuries and its best playmaker not getting on the field full time in the first part of the season (Byrd).


The switch plays to the strenghts of our team too on D...


You didnt provide a single point to your rebuttal about Miami having big question marks other than to bash our own QB's. I didnt say we had a better QB situation, but the fact remains, Miami has big question marks at QB still as Henne has been less than stellar. That comment has ZERO to do with our QB's so why you even bother going there is beyond me. Henne has potential, but he isnt there yet...So, my point was before we start annoiting Miami a power lets see what Henne can do first.


We were this supposed up and coming sleeper team 2 years ago because Trent was supposed to be blossoming. Well guess what, Trent blew and still blows and we still suck because of it. So until Henne can make blossom into a better QB, Mia will still struggle, so the jury is still out on them.

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The team is not that far off. So far Gailey has been addressing some of the problem areas from the Jauron era, if he can address most (hopefully all) and we have another solid draft, we could be a playoff team sooner than anyone expects it.


Playoff potential? What the h is that? Remember one inconvenient fact: that every GM (who selects a HC) has been picked by the owner. His track records stink frankly, but now we're told the new GM and HC are worlds better than their predecessors?


Ralph makes bad football decisions. And now it's gotten so bad that most competent people who've been a GM or HC in the last 5 years won't even interview for their jobs. There's doom and gloom for you.

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I guess you didnt watch last season because we should have won 5 other games with even average QB play. Our D had the 2nd rated pass D last year despite being ravaged by injuries and its best playmaker not getting on the field full time in the first part of the season (Byrd).


The switch plays to the strenghts of our team too on D...


You didnt provide a single point to your rebuttal about Miami having big question marks other than to bash our own QB's. I didnt say we had a better QB situation, but the fact remains, Miami has big question marks at QB still as Henne has been less than stellar. That comment has ZERO to do with our QB's so why you even bother going there is beyond me. Henne has potential, but he isnt there yet...So, my point was before we start annoiting Miami a power lets see what Henne can do first.


We were this supposed up and coming sleeper team 2 years ago because Trent was supposed to be blossoming. Well guess what, Trent blew and still blows and we still suck because of it. So until Henne can make blossom into a better QB, Mia will still struggle, so the jury is still out on them.

You have to quit drinking the cool aid that comes with every new coach and new GM. Take a good look at the film. We stunk last year. The defense stuck last year. The Pass D stats were simply an aberration due to the lousy play of the run D. When teams needed to pass on us they did and did it easily. Usually they did not have to.


The Defense switch does not play to our strengths, Stroud, Mitchell, Maybin, Williams, Kelsay are all in unfamiliar positions. How you can say we are better for it is bizarre. Poz was not a very good MLB maybe he will as one of two ILB. We are woefully prepared for this D from a personnel standpoint. We have two average free agents that played this D before. That is it.


Henne was steady but not spectacular. He is young and improving, no one is calling him a bust. He is their starter for 2010. No big question mark about that. Who is our starter? Big question marks about that. TE, everyone is calling him a bust. Brohm, bust in GB, can he play? who knows. Ryan - gimme a break, will never be more than marginal. He looks like a thin Alex Van Pelt. Nice guy, smart, but average at the game.

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You have to quit drinking the cool aid that comes with every new coach and new GM. Take a good look at the film. We stunk last year. The defense stuck last year. The Pass D stats were simply an aberration due to the lousy play of the run D. When teams needed to pass on us they did and did it easily. Usually they did not have to.


The Defense switch does not play to our strengths, Stroud, Mitchell, Maybin, Williams, Kelsay are all in unfamiliar positions. How you can say we are better for it is bizarre. Poz was not a very good MLB maybe he will as one of two ILB. We are woefully prepared for this D from a personnel standpoint. We have two average free agents that played this D before. That is it.


Henne was steady but not spectacular. He is young and improving, no one is calling him a bust. He is their starter for 2010. No big question mark about that. Who is our starter? Big question marks about that. TE, everyone is calling him a bust. Brohm, bust in GB, can he play? who knows. Ryan - gimme a break, will never be more than marginal. He looks like a thin Alex Van Pelt. Nice guy, smart, but average at the game.


Why do you insist on comparing our QB situation to Mia in order to defend Henne? I never once made a comparison, so what does that have to do with anything I said? Henne is still very unproven and inconsistent. Does he have promise...sure...but he isnt even in the top 20 of the best starters in this league at this point. Can he be, sure, but he isnt yet and until he can prove to be a consistent and solid QB then Mia is going to struggle.


And this D does suit us well. It suits our secondary well, our LB's well, and more importantly players like Maybin and Schobel will have a real opporunity to pressure the QB more in this style than before. Not to mention A. Davis is pretty good player who will have a big impact on this team. Our run D should be better as a result of this change. Our secondary is one of the best in the NFL whether you want to believe it or not.


QB is a big question mark on this team for sure, but we still dont know what Brohm can do (he is far from a bust...cant call a 2nd year QB who has not even had a chance to play yet a bust just becuase in his rookie year another rookie QB adjusted faster the speed of the game), we dont know if we will get Vick or Campbell (2 guys we have reported interest in), we dont know if we will draft Claussen, McCoy, etc...so it may not be settled as of today, but honestly it may not be as bad as you think come week 1 at QB.

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The Jets signed Jason Taylor...Oh my goodness, Martha Uncle Freddie died!!!!!! The sky is falling....AAAGGGHHH!!! Give me a f@!king break already.


LMAO @ "Oh my goodness, Martha uncle freddie died", I love the Jerky Boys.


The signing of Jason Taylor, by the Jets, makes sense for the Jets. The Jets went deep into the playoffs and signed a veteran talent (Taylor) for 1 year, to help get them over the hurdle. This move would make absolutely no sense for Buffalo, since Buffalo is not a contender at this time and plan to focus building the team through the draft. If the Bills went deep into the playoffs last year, then I could see the argument on why the Bills didn't try to sign Taylor. As of right now, it would make no sense to sign Taylor, so get over it people!


Jerry, another Jerky Boys favorite, Terrorist Pizza:

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