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My dog died today

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I literally just found out today that my dog has type 2 diabetes. He will need two shots a day and they don't even know if that will help. He also needs someone home with him in good portions and I have a job that keeps me away from home for 10-11 hours a day.


I'm not going to lie, I am absolutely devistated right now. The Vet said I should be happy I caught it early, but either way, it's either a lot of care and attention or putting him down. I can't imagine the second option, but don't know how to give him the care he needs.


So yeah, I feel for you.

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i definitely dont mean to sound like im rubbing this in, but i wanted to share that after reading this thread and the Rainbow Bridge post yesterday, when i finally made it home the first thing i did was make a beeline to the bed and let both my dogs hop up and jump on me and give me kisses for about 20 minutes. really appreciated those little stinkers.

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I went for a hike up at Buttermilk Falls here in Ithaca (great trail if anybody is familiar with it), partially to clear my head. Along the way, I encountered a young couple with a 5 year old daughter and a little Australian Shepherd puppy out for its first walk. I guess the universe just felt like rubbing it in my face.


Seriously though, it sort of just reminded me of the circle of life. Life ends, and then begins anew. I had my First Dog experience, and now that little girl gets hers. Someday my child will have his/hers. :lol:

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I absolutely hate these threads. I've only had to deal with losing a dog once. 12 years later and the whole thing still bugs me whenever it comes to mind.

I feel you.....


Its amazing how pets can affects you when they go home. You know there is a dog and cat heaven up there.


I lost my dog when I was 20 that I had for 11 yrs. Reading these posts almost brings tears to my eyes. When I get a better job I will get another puppy. Sad to say I cant afford one right now :lol:.

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