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My dog died today

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I'm sorry to hear that Sage, I've been coming to this board for about 10 years and out of all of the newer posters/members in that time I always looked forward to your input on certain topics. You're a good dude Sage and I'm sorry for your loss today. Remember that death is part of life and it seems that he lived a long happy life. Good luck to you on dealing with your loss and remember that you have a whole family of fellow Bills fans here for you.




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I'm sorry to hear that Sage, I've been coming to this board for about 10 years and out of all of the newer posters/members in that time I always looked forward to your input on certain topics. You're a good dude Sage and I'm sorry for your loss today. Remember that death is part of life and it seems that he lived a long happy life. Good luck to you on dealing with your loss and remember that you have a whole family of fellow Bills fans here for you.





Thanks eric, I appreciate it. She'd been sick for a few months, so it wasn't shocking news...but it still hit me like a ton of bricks. I've been lucky enough to never lose a member of my immediate family yet (my grandfather died years before I was born), so this is my first truly personal experience with death and it blows.

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That's never easy! Sorry to hear of your loss.


The thing that always helped me was to start looking for another pet. You'll know when it's time.


A good place to start is a place like petshelter.org. You can edit in your zip code and the breed of pet you're looking for, and you may be suprised what you find.


Good luck!

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RIP Sadie Sage 1996-2010...the best dog she knew how to be.


I remember getting her as a puppy when I was 7. Worst part is, I wasn't there when she was put down. Had to find out on the phone.




I'm sorry dude.

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Sorry about the sad news.


Not having children my kids over the years have been pets. Sucks because we outlive them. Had to put our last cat down with throat cancer. It was weird because we got him and he had asthma, shortly thereafter my wife had asthma too. So when we put him down my wife's asthma suddenly went away. We've been without a cat for a couple of years now but we just got one yesterday to foster to see if my wife can handle it. So far so good.


Oh and BTW if my wife can't handle it I'm thinking of teaching the cat to clean the kitchen. :doh:

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Sage, I'm really sorry, bro...as much as I love this site for how many Bills fans, music fans, movie fans etc there are here, another one of my favorite aspects of this community is the number of animal fans we have. You're not alone in your grief, my friend, and you can always look back and know that you gave Sadie a great life.


I have a dog that will be 15 in July, and he's starting to show signs of nearing the end, too. I honestly don't know how I'll deal with it when he leaves, but I do know that there are a lot of people, both on here and in my non-TBD life, who understand what it's like to lose a pet and will be there to support me through it. Same is true for you, man...we're all here for ya and I think it's awesome that you had such a great relationship with your dog. It's funny, but even though we always get more out of the relationship than they do, our furry little friends wouldn't have it any other way.


Take care, bro

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I was never allowed to have a dog so be thankful you got the experience of having a childhood dog. My mom never allowed for a dog seeing as dogs belong outside (Its just the way she was brought up) as they are animals and we didn't have a big enough backyard to house a dog. So as much as I begged my parents she never budged and when she did budge she only wanted a toy mini dog which I just couldn't allow as I am a man (Never got the appeal of those smaller dogs) and I was older to begin with.


So my point is in this case its actually better to have loved then lost. You are sad because of the happy times you had with the dog just keep that in perspective.

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so sorry dude. went through the something similar just last year. had Samantha since 96, and i was in atlanta when she had to be put down. sad time for sure. give yourself some time and when youre ready, rescue a dog and give another life a happy home. we just took in a little pit (Sam was a pit herself), and i often see Samantha in the puppy. it helps her live on, while getting to know and love another great dog. i wont ever compare them, but it's nice to see flashes of Sam every now and then.


hope you feel better soon.

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Sorry about the sad news.


Not having children my kids over the years have been pets. Sucks because we outlive them. Had to put our last cat down with throat cancer. It was weird because we got him and he had asthma, shortly thereafter my wife had asthma too. So when we put him down my wife's asthma suddenly went away. We've been without a cat for a couple of years now but we just got one yesterday to foster to see if my wife can handle it. So far so good.


Oh and BTW if my wife can't handle it I'm thinking of teaching the cat to clean the kitchen. :doh:


We've got a cat too, actually...my parents were never cat people, but we found her in the middle of an intersection close to our house, trapped in a pant leg that her previous owner had tried to use as some sort of sweater. We tracked down the owners, and it turns out the pieces of sh*t were tired of the responsibility so they drove her far away from home and just dumped her...so we kept her.


Funny thing is, the dog and the cat became inseparable. I'm away at school, but my understanding is that the cat is absolutely beside herself.

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so sorry dude. went through the something similar just last year. had Samantha since 96, and i was in atlanta when she had to be put down. sad time for sure. give yourself some time and when youre ready, rescue a dog and give another life a happy home. we just took in a little pit (Sam was a pit herself), and i often see Samantha in the puppy. it helps her live on, while getting to know and love another great dog. i wont ever compare them, but it's nice to see flashes of Sam every now and then.


hope you feel better soon.


Thank you.


As soon as I get a house (college bachelor pad at the moment), one of my first priorities will be finding a puppy. Sadie was a Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier, so I might try to find another one of those, though they are pretty rare here in the States.

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Sage, I'm really sorry, bro...as much as I love this site for how many Bills fans, music fans, movie fans etc there are here, another one of my favorite aspects of this community is the number of animal fans we have. You're not alone in your grief, my friend, and you can always look back and know that you gave Sadie a great life.


I have a dog that will be 15 in July, and he's starting to show signs of nearing the end, too. I honestly don't know how I'll deal with it when he leaves, but I do know that there are a lot of people, both on here and in my non-TBD life, who understand what it's like to lose a pet and will be there to support me through it. Same is true for you, man...we're all here for ya and I think it's awesome that you had such a great relationship with your dog. It's funny, but even though we always get more out of the relationship than they do, our furry little friends wouldn't have it any other way.


Take care, bro


Thanks, man.


Agreed on all counts. Even though this is a Bills board, it's more than just that, especially here on OTW.


Good luck with your dog. Hopefully he still has some good time left. I'm trying to remember how much of a blessing it is that Sadie lasted all the way to 14 years (all her brothers and sisters died early from a kidney defect that's common with her breed).

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RIP Sadie Sage 1996-2010...the best dog she knew how to be.


I remember getting her as a puppy when I was 7. Worst part is, I wasn't there when she was put down. Had to find out on the phone.



I know how that feels. When I was in high school I got my first dog, a German Shepherd named Thor. We were living in Orchard Park and my bother was living in Los Angeles when he got the idea he could earn a living breeding German Shepherd's :doh: So he air shipped us a puppy in a pet container[i had to meet my dog's flight at the airport! cool].

He was the friendliest dog on earth. We would just turn him out the door in the morning and he would come back at dinner time. All the kid's in the neighborhood knew him, in fact they nicknamed him"Thor-a-dor". He would hang with them all day, doing what they where doing. I really think he thought he was human, maybe just a little shorter then most :lol:

Then at age two, he started losing some fur. Nothing drastic, he was still healthy,but it was something that needed to be looked at.

So when I was at school, my Mom takes him to the Vet. He say's it's terminal, nothing we can do. So she has him put down.

I get home from school, and leaned what happened. I was putting my fist though the wall. I was never warned, consulted, or given a chance to say goodbye.

My Mother was a dear saint, but am not sure I will ever forgive her that day.

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I know how that feels. When I was in high school I got my first dog, a German Shepherd named Thor. We were living in Orchard Park and my bother was living in Los Angeles when he got the idea he could earn a living breeding German Shepherd's :doh: So he air shipped us a puppy in a pet container[i had to meet my dog's flight at the airport! cool].

He was the friendliest dog on earth. We would just turn him out the door in the morning and he would come back at dinner time. All the kid's in the neighborhood knew him, in fact they nicknamed him"Thor-a-dor". He would hang with them all day, doing what they where doing. I really think he thought he was human, maybe just a little shorter then most :thumbsup:

Then at age two, he started losing some fur. Nothing drastic, he was still healthy,but it was something that needed to be looked at.

So when I was at school, my Mom takes him to the Vet. He say's it's terminal, nothing we can do. So she has him put down.

I get home from school, and leaned what happened. I was putting my fist though the wall. I was never warned, consulted, or given a chance to say goodbye.

My Mother was a dear saint, but am not sure I will ever forgive her that day.



Aw man, that must have been devastating :lol:

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