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Big Ben vs. Beastmode


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You bring up an excellent point. I wonder if the posters feel as compassionate about women being raped as they do about the tortured dogs.

If she was raped ... and that's all we can say right now ... then I'm sure everyone would detest him even more than Vick. I certainly would. But if she is bringing a false accusation .... and again, that's all we can say right now ... in order to get a payday then she is the scumbag. It is amazing to me how people can jump to illogical conclusions so quickly and believe one person they don't know over another person they don't know.


If this was Lee Evans or Freddy Jackson instead of a non-Bill, would you be so quick to believe the girl?

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If she was raped ... and that's all we can say right now ... then I'm sure everyone would detest him even more than Vick. I certainly would. But if she is bringing a false accusation .... and again, that's all we can say right now ... in order to get a payday then she is the scumbag. It is amazing to me how people can jump to illogical conclusions so quickly and believe one person they don't know over another person they don't know.


If this was Lee Evans or Freddy Jackson instead of a non-Bill, would you be so quick to believe the girl?


Exactly and I know I'm splitting hairs here, but everyone keeps commenting on how these "tapes" disappeared; immediately jumping to the conclusion that Ben paid to have them disappear. There never was any physical "tape" that some bodyguard absconded with when the police turned their backs. The bar had a DVR system which, anyone under 55 should know, is totally digital: there is nothing to "steal." Police were reviewing the system's footage when they were called away; none of the police realized at the time that the system records on a loop and the relevant footage was erased by the time they returned. There was no camera pointed into the womens' washroom anyways, which is where the alleged attack took place. The police have admitted to all this over the course of the investigation. There is no "tape mystery."


If anything, blame the police who failed to realize the system would overwrite the footage they were reviewing.

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OK, let's sum this up..


Big Ben - Small town guy, big time football superstar, probably got more ass than a porta-potty at Woodstock. Big ego, came to expect ass at the snap of a finger, but when he gets turned down, he becomes irate and abusive...how many movies have had a character like this in it?


Lynch - Grew up in the hood, in a single parent home, was mistaken for someone else and was shot at in a drive by. The fat Canadian broad was more than likely drunk and hanging on the SUV and wouldn't scram so he got out and the drunk fat chick fell and couldn't get up (stricly opinion people). I would carry a gat too if i was shot at before...the whole weed thing, big deal! If he, or someone else in the car had a Rx for it, no news..."You better have glaucoma.."


Anyway, Lynch's antics are a result of being young and dumb with a not so typical upbringing...Ben, on the other hand has a sense of entitlement because he came from Nowhere, USA and made it big...he's just used to getting what he wants, when he wants it, and acts like a spoiled brat when he doesn't get the shiny new toy.


An answer to your question...I'd take em both and beat some humility into them and watch them grow into elite athletes at thier respective positions...Enough with people coddling athletes...they just need a kick in the ass and to grow the "F" up! :devil:

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I don't want either player (though admittedly The Bills could REALLY use a QB with Big Ben's skills right about now)...


Where there's smoke there is usually a bit of fire...And there's enough smoke around both Ben and Marshawn to choke a big City out...


I cannot wait for the Bills to get rid of Lynch...I'd like to get something in return of coarse, but at this point I really don't care...Marshawn does not strike me as someone who takes his multi million dollar job all that seriously...I think he's exactly the type of Player The Bills need to get rid of in order to start fresh...Buh bye... :devil:

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Maybe what we all forget is a point Robin Quivers of the Howard Stern Show brought up. All of these guys have coaches on the field who can guide them to make the right decisions. Even than they mess up. Maybe some of these guys just need coaches off the field.


I truly believe in innocent until proven guilty. Maybe I am niave for believing that. The world is not fair, the world is not equal. To say that Vick and Lynch do not compare to the allegations of Ben is odd. Ben has never been charged nor convicted of a crime. Lynch has plead guilty to a misdemeanor while Vick plead guilty to several felonies. Vick's victims were as powerless as an assualted drunken rape victim. A rape victim can flirt and put herself in a dangerous situation.


And as for Ben coming from a small town and such. In Findlay he was a god. He was Mr Ohio in football and Baseball (2 times). He was named by all sorts of players, including the Toledo Blade as player of the year. In Miami, a very small town school with great academics, he was a celebrity. He was respected and cared for and was a great representative of the school and town. How he has been or changed since, I cannot say.

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