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Oil Buddies

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A few years ago Bush was paying off his oil buddies by letting the price per gallon skyrocket. Obama hated this and talked about it all the time. The newspapers hated it too.


Now it is happening again but nobody gives a crap. The oil buddies must be persuasive.


P.S. I don't really care but feel bad for people whose cars run on gas. The Googlebot invented a habitual motion machine for the Bently so I'm all set.

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A few years ago Bush was paying off his oil buddies by letting the price per gallon skyrocket. Obama hated this and talked about it all the time. The newspapers hated it too.


Now it is happening again but nobody gives a crap. The oil buddies must be persuasive.


P.S. I don't really care but feel bad for people whose cars run on gas. The Googlebot invented a habitual motion machine for the Bently so I'm all set.


Just another example of the liberal media hypocrisy. If Bush were in office with the current unemployment numbers and job approval ratings, the criticism would be relentless.

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A few years ago Bush was paying off his oil buddies by letting the price per gallon skyrocket. Obama hated this and talked about it all the time. The newspapers hated it too.


Now it is happening again but nobody gives a crap. The oil buddies must be persuasive.


P.S. I don't really care but feel bad for people whose cars run on gas. The Googlebot invented a habitual motion machine for the Bently so I'm all set.


You should do your share for socialism and mass produce the habitual motion machine (in the most eco-friendly way possible of course, power the plant with one of those scenic windmill farms). You could then donate the evil and obscene profits to the regime for proper redistribution. :unsure:

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I'm guessing that by the time we get to the 4th of July, the tune against "Big Oil" is going to change.


Windfall profits tax, then force a round of mergers so they're "too big to fail", then give a 20% stake to the SEIU so they can sue themselves. Then have a congressional hearing. Problem solved.

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Windfall profits tax, then force a round of mergers so they're "too big to fail", then give a 20% stake to the SEIU so they can sue themselves. Then have a congressional hearing. Problem solved.


In the past two brutal years, refinery profits sank. Secondly, with the signals on mandates for increased bio-fuels, the message was clear to the refining industry - gasoline demand in the long run will stay flat or shrink. In response to the short term over-capacity and the bearish projections for the future, capacity was taken out of the system to balance the dropped demand and low margins.and 4-5 refineries were permanently shutdown

What happens now when demand spikes ? I am sure the shutdown refineries will be put up as Exhibit A of 'measures to ensure high prices'.

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In the past two brutal years, refinery profits sank. Secondly, with the signals on mandates for increased bio-fuels, the message was clear to the refining industry - gasoline demand in the long run will stay flat or shrink. In response to the short term over-capacity and the bearish projections for the future, capacity was taken out of the system to balance the dropped demand and low margins.and 4-5 refineries were permanently shutdown

What happens now when demand spikes ? I am sure the shutdown refineries will be put up as Exhibit A of 'measures to ensure high prices'.


Oil companies shutting down refinery capacity without so much as a "by your leave" from everybody else in the country? Dammit, man, we can't have this kind of corporate irresponsibility in this country! Cheap gasoline is a God-given right, not to be infringed by evil, profiteering oil executives.


Only one way to fix this mess. Time to appoint an Oil Czar, to tell these irresponsible corporate oilmen how to run their businesses.

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In the past two brutal years, refinery profits sank. Secondly, with the signals on mandates for increased bio-fuels, the message was clear to the refining industry - gasoline demand in the long run will stay flat or shrink. In response to the short term over-capacity and the bearish projections for the future, capacity was taken out of the system to balance the dropped demand and low margins.and 4-5 refineries were permanently shutdown

What happens now when demand spikes ? I am sure the shutdown refineries will be put up as Exhibit A of 'measures to ensure high prices'.

Very insightful and correct Fan in Chicago

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Oil companies shutting down refinery capacity without so much as a "by your leave" from everybody else in the country? Dammit, man, we can't have this kind of corporate irresponsibility in this country! Cheap gasoline is a God-given right, not to be infringed by evil, profiteering oil executives.


Only one way to fix this mess. Time to appoint an Oil Czar, to tell these irresponsible corporate oilmen how to run their businesses.

Funny that you mention that Tom, this is slightly off topic, but kind-a-sorta isn't.

The federal government should ban airline fees for carry-on baggage, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Sunday.


The Associated Press reported this morning that the New York Democrat wants the Treasury Department to declare that carry-ons are necessary for airline travel, a ruling that would prevent airlines from charging separate fees.

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Not that I'm for carry-on charges in any form...but oh my God, do we have to !@#$ing legislate every single little goddamned thing???? :unsure:


What's a little populism between friends? Did you catch this part of the article he linked?


Schumer is also the author of the widely-supported XBoxes for All bill.
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