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another Westboro Baptist Church thread

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These people fall under the "Thou dost protest too much" theory, IMO. I'd love to see the head of the church caught in an airport bathroom with another dude!! :wallbash:

You'd want to see that? :thumbsup:

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Quite the contrary, they're very specifically anti-gay. Their craziness only seems unfocused because they demonstrate at EVERY GODDAMNED EVENT IN THE COUNTRY no matter how disconnected it is with gay rights.


In fact, the more disconnected, the more likely these bozos are to demonstrate at it. You'd never see these !@#$ers at an AIDS clinic in San Francisco, for example...but a freak circus accident in Omaha, they're there like flies on ****, explaining how it's God's vengeance against our immoral homosexualized society.


Now, I remember their game. I think they showed up here after the 3407 crash. I was like wtf does this have to do with gay anything?............the first I heard of them is that they show up at military funerals - so I thought they were anti-war. A friend of mine was at a funeral, and there was a counter group of biker-type vets who travel to keep them neutralized as much as possible. My friend said that their leader asked the cops to please take a short break and they won't have any more problems. The cop said he'd love to but he can't.

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