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That wouldn't demonstrate stupidity, it would illustrate extreme partisan rhetoric. Big difference, and if you actually believe that this what she really believes, then more than anything it would show your stupidity.


For it to be partisan rhetoric, one would have to think that some level of her constituency would believe such a thing, no? Is it such a leap to conclude that she might believe it as well?


Just like with the knucklehead who may or may not have actually been worried about an island sinking, how are we to know what these people actually believe anymore? She may not be stupid, but it is certainly dumb for a congressperson to suggest their constituents shouldn't fill out the senate at a time when Minnesota could lose a seat or two in Congress if it were undercounted.


Incidentally, she ceased her anti-census rhetoric when that came to light, so maybe she isn't a dummy after all.

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You feeling okay? You weren't kicked in the head last night, were you?

Partisan rhetoric is a tool that is used by politicians to sway opinions. Am I saying that this is something that I endorse? No, but it's a reality, and both sides use it to garner votes for the elections. Most of these politicians don't believe in half the stuff they say, they say it because, well, because they're politicians.


So do I believe Bachman is stupid for using hyper partisan rhetoric? No, she uses it so she can get re elected again.

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She has encouraged her supporters to fill out as little of the 2010 Census forms as possible, believing that the information could be used to set up FEMA concentration camps.


She is "anti-socialism" and yet her family farm has reaped over a quarter million in government subsidies (OK - maybe not dumb, but it sure makes her an !@#$). Sounds like a high priced welfare queen to me.


I'm not going to dig all day and put up her numerous quotes that grossly misrepresent the Constitution or how she thinks God is on America's side, I'll let you do that if you are truly interested in learning about her. But trust me they are out there. If you choose to ignore them, that's your prerogative. :thumbsup:


So how will not answering certain questions on the Census form affect the count like you say in a later post?

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So how will not answering certain questions on the Census form affect the count like you say in a later post?


Simply put, her antics and rants could be easily misconstrued by the tin-foil hat brigade as a reason to not answer the census at all.


To be fair, I'm not sure if the completeness of responses has any effect on the count and it subsequent effects on funding, etc.

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This economy now resides in the proverbial rabbit hole, and we are at a critical inflection point. Do we continue to push through with the entitlement society that Democratic leadership wants, or do we resist and show up in a meaningful way in 2010, 2012?


If the W.H and Democratic Leadership win, then our country is destined for much higher taxes and a more government dependent society. There will virtually be little fiscal/governmental policy difference between the U.S and Western Europe.

It's not as if Europe is some big bag of steaming poo poo, but let's be real here, they have been mired with high taxes and slow growth for more than two generations now.

What is their quality of life over their? Not being sarcastic- I don't know and barely have the motivation to type after being caught in the duststorm to end all duststorms three days ago

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