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47% will pay zero federal income taxes

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Isn't it awesome that we have a system where everyone contributes. :wallbash:




To answer your sarcastic question: Yes.


Who says we have a system that everybody HAS to contribute equally?


Life sucks doesn't it. Let's all cry. Just knowing that 47% don't pay is going to unmotivate me... I wanna be like them!



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Who cares? The problems in this country have little to do with this talking point.


Certainly there are bigger causes than the existing issues, but I disagree that this isn't a problem. The entitlement mentality is now extended and being promised to the middle class.


A person in the 53d income percentile not paying federal income taxes? That's just ludicrous. This is not some third world sh--hole where half the population lives in the streets.

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That's because GM losses money you friggin moron. You don't pay taxes if you don't earn any profit. :rolleyes:


Hello generic brainless PPP poster. I am well away you have no functional nervous system, and I need no further proof of this. But, perhaps the rest of your generic PPP moron friends needed this information? GM not making a profit in 2009 does not mean they have never made a profit. If they have never made a profit, then certainly they would not exist.


Additionally GM served as an example in my post. There is a long list of corporations that pay no taxes in the USA. I know you don't know what the word "example" means, because you have no nervous system. So I won't hold it against you that you don't understand such things.

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To answer your sarcastic question: Yes.


Who says we have a system that everybody HAS to contribute equally?


Life sucks doesn't it. Let's all cry. Just knowing that 47% don't pay is going to unmotivate me... I wanna be like them!




Way to miss the point as always dumbass.

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Certainly there are bigger causes than the existing issues, but I disagree that this isn't a problem. The entitlement mentality is now extended and being promised to the middle class.

I don't think it contributes much to the entitlement mentality.

A person in the 53d income percentile not paying federal income taxes? That's just ludicrous.

I think it says more about how much our standard of living/wages have waned than anything.

This is not some third world sh--hole where half the population lives in the streets.

Watch out what you say. 30 or 40 years from now...

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GM not making a profit in 2009 does not mean they have never made a profit.

And in the years they made a profit, they paid taxes. Duh!


If they have never made a profit, then certainly they would not exist.


Yes, because there's no possible way that a company could exist if it never made a profit. I just love when ignorant, minimum wage hippies attempt to discuss business issues.



Additionally GM served as an example in my post. There is a long list of corporations that pay no taxes in the USA.

If you actually know how to find that information, go ahead and provide the list of the majority of the Fortune 500 that don't pay any income taxes.

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No. Try again. What do you think your fair share is? JA made a statement that he is paying more than his fair share. What is his "fair share?" And of course he gets to determine it! :rolleyes::sick:


You sure need a lot of cheese to go with this thread.


10% flat tax on all income for everyone no deductions. Done. Next question.

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I think the first $35k (indexed annually for inflation) needs to be immune. Everything after that. Then I'd eliminate all the other federal taxes. ALL of them.


Why? That leaves them with $2650 per month after tax, they would be losing $266 per month.

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