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47% will pay zero federal income taxes

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That is not their real tax bill or real financial statement. They apparently are refusing to disclose the real data. But you get on with you bad self, all knowing of **** and what not. Knowing how to read it is irrelevant (even though they did read it correctly - and you are made of retard)

Oh lord :bag:





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That is not their real tax bill or real financial statement. They apparently are refusing to disclose the real data. But you get on with you bad self, all knowing of **** and what not. Knowing how to read it is irrelevant (even though they did read it correctly - and you are made of retard)


Are you !@#$ing kidding?

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That is not their real tax bill or real financial statement. They apparently are refusing to disclose the real data. But you get on with you bad self, all knowing of **** and what not. Knowing how to read it is irrelevant (even though they did read it correctly - and you are made of retard)

Yup, cause if MJ says they aren't disclosing the "real data" than it must be true! :bag::w00t:B-)


Never mind that 100 page 10-K document that is available to the public on EDGAR.




Knowing how to read it is irrelevant

Boy, this statement explains a lot about you.

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maybe someone brought this up before... I don't have the time to read all 13 pages.


Am I see complaints and implications that some if not all of these 47% are freeloaders? And that the handouts are because of Obama???


Thanks must go to Mr Bush and his wonderful Tax Cuts that he championed in his 8 years of service to this country.

The Taxed Enough Already Party must be proud of this accomplishment. WOW Just to see that half of this country pays no FEDERAL TAXES!!!!


TEA partiers rejoice. !!!!!

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maybe someone brought this up before... I really don't want to waste the time to read all 13 pages of "stuff"

Am I see complaints and implications that some if not all of these 47% are freeloaders? And laying blame on Obama???


Thanks must go to Mr Bush and his wonderful Tax Cuts that he championed in his 8 years of service to this country.


The Taxed Enough Party must be proud of this accomplishment. WOW Just to see that half of this country pays no FEDERAL TAXES!!!!


TEA partiers rejoice. !!!!!


I can understand not wanting to wade through 13 pages but you couldn't get to post number 7?

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Thanks must go to Mr Bush and his wonderful Tax Cuts that he championed in his 8 years of service to this country.

But I thought Bush's tax cuts only went to the rich. :thumbdown:


And no, there was virtually no mention of Obama at all in this thread. The blame lies across the last several administrations and Congresses who are all pushing the same agenda.




That is not their real tax bill or real financial statement.

Hey connertard -- how's the search going for Exxon's 'real finanical statements'? Any update?

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On the subject of paying Taxes....

Exxon Mobile paid Federal Taxes to the sum of .................... ZERO dollars.


Exxon tries to limit the tax pain with the help of 20 wholly owned subsidiaries domiciled in the Bahamas, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands that (legally) shelter the cash flow from operations in the likes of Angola, Azerbaijan and Abu Dhabi. No wonder that of $15 billion in income taxes last year, Exxon paid none of it to Uncle Sam, and has tens of billions in earnings permanently reinvested overseas.

I suppose none of their shareholders paid any taxes on realized capital gains nor any taxes on their distributions of earnings from the company, and that all their employees avoided paying Federal income tax too. Why, those sneaky bastards! All that wealth and none of it for Uncle Sam.

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I suppose none of their shareholders paid any taxes on realized capital gains nor any taxes on their distributions of earnings from the company, and that all their employees avoided paying Federal income tax too. Why, those sneaky bastards! All that wealth and none of it for Uncle Sam.



Other taxes do not matter, we are discussing income tax only.

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Seriously, HTF would Conner know?


Hey connertard -- how's the search going for Exxon's 'real finanical statements'? Any update?


Because Exxon said "we are not disclosing our true data, and we don't have to"


(I know you are not smart enough to know this on your own, so I'll help: that was a paraphrase quote and not actual)

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Because Exxon said "we are not disclosing our true data, and we don't have to"


(I know you are not smart enough to know this on your own, so I'll help: that was a paraphrase quote and not actual)

Again :thumbsup:



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Because Exxon said "we are not disclosing our true data, and we don't have to"


(I know you are not smart enough to know this on your own, so I'll help: that was a paraphrase quote and not actual)


Have you advised the SEC of your latest findings?


I'm preparing to short Exxon as soon as the market opens!

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Because Exxon said "we are not disclosing our true data, and we don't have to"


(I know you are not smart enough to know this on your own, so I'll help: that was a paraphrase quote and not actual)


Yes, I figured....paraphrased from your twisted little mind. But why don't you humor us and show us where Exxon said anything remotely close to that. And don't forget to contrast your statements with all the tax disclosures in Exxon's public filings: you know, the ones not only are you too ignorant to read or understand but the ones you didn't even know existed. :thumbsup:

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Yes, I figured....paraphrased from your twisted little mind. But why don't you humor us and show us where Exxon said anything remotely close to that. And don't forget to contrast your statements with all the tax disclosures in Exxon's public filings: you know, the ones not only are you too ignorant to read or understand but the ones you didn't even know existed. :thumbsup:


its on both the forbes and mother jones links. both have updated with this information.

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