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Is racial diversity a strength or a weakness?

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Kill kill kill the White man....kill him until he is dead.




I'm gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whities I see,

I'm gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whities I see.

When I kill all the whities I see, then whitey he won't bother me, I'm gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whities I see.


Then I'll get a white woman who's wearing a navy blue sweater...

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I got my black shirt on.

I got my black gloves on.

I got my ski mask on.

This ****'s been too long.


I got my twelve gauge sawed off.

I got my headlights turned off.

I'm 'bout to bust some shots off.

I'm 'bout to dust some cops off.



Cop killer, better you than me.

Cop killer, f**k police brutality!

Cop killer, I know your family's grievin'

(f**k 'em)

Cop killer, but tonight we get even.



I got my brain on hype.

Tonight'll be your night.

I got this long-assed knife,

and your neck looks just right.

My adrenaline's pumpin'.

I got my stereo bumpin'.

I'm 'bout to kill me somethin'

A pig stopped me for nuthin'!



Cop killer, better you than me.

Cop killer, f**k police brutality!

Cop killer, I know your mama's grievin'

(f**k her)

Cop killer, but tonight we get even.



Die, die, die pig, die!

F**k the police!

F**k the police!

F**k the police!

F**k the police!

F**k the police!

F**k the police!

F**k the police yeah!


Cop killer, better you than me.

I'm a Cop killer, f**k police brutality!

Cop killer, I know your family's grievin'

(f**k 'em)

Cop killer, but tonight we get even.


F**k the police!

F**k the police!

F**k the police!

F**k the police!

F**k the police!

F**k the police!

F**k the police!

F**k the police, break it down.

F**k the police, yeah.

F**k the police, for Darryl Gates.

F**k the police, for Rodney King.

F**k the police, for my dead homies.

F**k the police, for your freedom.

F**k the police, don't be a kitty.

F**k the police, have some muthaf**kin' courage.

F**k the police, sing along.



Cop killer!

Cop killer!

Cop killer!

Cop killer!

Cop killer, what you're gonna be when you grown up?

Cop killer, good choice.

Cop killer!

I'm a muthaf**kin' cop killer!



Cop killer, better you than me.

Cop killer, f**k police brutality!

Cop killer, I know your mama's grievin'

(f**k her)



Cop killer, but tonight we get even!

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I'm gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whities I see,

I'm gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whities I see.

When I kill all the whities I see, then whitey he won't bother me, I'm gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whities I see.


Then I'll get a white woman who's wearing a navy blue sweater...


This ones better.


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Is racial diversity a strength or weakness?...depends...does it include inbred white folks in the mix?...if so than no...no back woods whites increase the strength of any nation...they dummy down thier politics to a level they can understand...(constitutions written in crayon)...they don't believe in evolution because well...did you see thier families??? couldn't be a better argument against evolution than those backwoods white folks...


Now, if you are talking hispanic? yes, they have assimilated into the nation and in a shorter time than the irish immigrants have established a political block and have a female Supreme Court Justice elected...not bad for people here just for welfare huh Wisconsin??? ;0) Africans, from slaves that built this ENTIRE nation for FREE and never were paid reperations...now by the ENTIRE nation I mean the railroad system that subsequently pushed our economy to number one in the world and made the cotton belt the most lucrative industry/area in the world...also guys like Elijah McCoy with helping to evolve the railroad industry with his oil-drip cup...which others copied, and started the saying by customers asking for "the real McCoy"...Lewis Latimer that invented the carbon filament in light bulbs....Granville Woods that invented train to station communication systems to streamline the railways...Garrett Morgan that invented the gas mask...should I go on?...Asians/Jewish both grew our economic power through enhanced economic structures and theories as well as high quality engineering break throughs...I mean...again all have done wonderful things in our nation...then there is the back woods inbred rejects...


Okay Okay, invented the KKK...alright bad example....ummmm...tried to bring back a neo-nazi political group...crap...there has to be something good that came out of the back woods...here are some fun facts about Wisconsin http://www.imao.us/archives/007462.html nope nothing good there either...I'm digging give me a second oh oh oh the typewriter was invented in Wisconsin...........crap, he was actually born in that forward thinking state of Pennsylvania...by forward thinking I mean socialist puke town of course to you backwoods folk....ummmm...darn I'm sorry...you're right racial diversity is a weakness when you add in them toothless backwoods inbreds...point taken point taken

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