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Darwinism and Evolution....

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They can pray to god but it would be meaningless and insincere.




I mean, I assume you're talking about the Christian concept of salvation through acceptance of Jesus. But last I checked, that concept didn't require acceptance of Jesus and rejection of scientific inquiry.

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I mean, I assume you're talking about the Christian concept of salvation through acceptance of Jesus. But last I checked, that concept didn't require acceptance of Jesus and rejection of scientific inquiry.


How can you pray to your creator without believing he created you? It would be an empty gesture.

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Evolution isn't science. It's junk science. It's propaganda.

"Slack-jawed, stunned look"......... :flirt:


You think that everything is the way it always was. Nothing evolves. Not animals, plants, organisms, viruses......nothing.

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Is it immoral that the dinosaurs don't exist anymore?


Of course it is. If they had liberal nutjobs back then, dinosaurs would have been on the 'endangered species' list, because absolutely nothing happens naturally on this planet. It's all a direct result of human existence.

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Why would god do that? Then you'd have to believe that god is imperfect when it's pretty clear god knew what he wanted to create right from the start.

Are you really asking why god would do something? :flirt:

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Why would god do that? Then you'd have to believe that god is imperfect when it's pretty clear god knew what he wanted to create right from the start.


Why wouldn't God do that? How is God's intent clear from the start?

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Why would god do that? Then you'd have to believe that god is imperfect when it's pretty clear god knew what he wanted to create right from the start.


Haven't we already established (in this thread) that there are a thousand pieces of evidence to suggest that "god" is imperfect?


Even if "it" was perfect, why does "it" have to be perfect within the constraints of the human interpretation of "perfection."


You'll probably readily admit that you can't grasp the vast complexities of "god," so who the !@#$ are you to define what makes "it" "perfect" and what makes "it" "imperfect?"


I don't use "it" to insult you, I just refuse to assign "god" a gender. Assuming god even exists, I doubt it has a either a penis, or a vagina.

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Why would god do that? Then you'd have to believe that god is imperfect when it's pretty clear god knew what he wanted to create right from the start.


Ah, so not only do you know that there is a god...you know his will! It must be nice for God to have a right-hand man like you.


But just for ***** and giggles, let's follow your logic.


- God is perfect


- God, being perfect, would want to create perfect things


- Human beings are God's perfect creation


- Evolution is unnecessary, and thus imperfect


- Therefore, the imperfect process of evolution could not have created humans



Let's think of some other imperfect things...how about war? Tay Sachs Disease? Black people? Didn't God create those things? Does that mean he's imperfect? (I included the last one so I could relate to you a little better).

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Haven't we already established (in this thread) that there are a thousand pieces of evidence to suggest that "god" is imperfect?


Even if "it" was perfect, why does "it" have to be perfect within the constraints of the human interpretation of "perfection."


You'll probably readily admit that you can't grasp the vast complexities of "god," so who the !@#$ are you to define what makes "it" "perfect" and what makes "it" "imperfect?"


I don't use "it" to insult you, I just refuse to assign "god" a gender. Assuming god even exists, I doubt it has a either a penis, or a vagina.


"Him" is the accepted gender-neutral pronoun.


And God can have whatever genitalia he wants. He can be a three-dicked martian if He so chooses. He's freakin' God.

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