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Darwinism and Evolution....

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My point being, though, that under physical laws "undefinable" or "unmeasurable" can be reasonably equivalent to "nothing". Ever hear of Schroedinger's cat?


Quantum superposition of states. Or mabe the animals, "two by two" were actually Cooper Pairs, and thus act like a Bose-Einstein condensate...

Well, with the unmeasurability of it, there could exist the (lack of) temperature for it to happen.


Ah, nerd humor. Too bad I'm the only one that got that.

I got it, I'm sorry to say. :rolleyes:

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But civilized '= lazy, selfish, or any justification for bad behavior, poor parenting, demanding money you are "entitled" to instead of earned, lack of respect for oneself or others, or any of the other crap. in fact, all of those things are the exact opposite of "being civilized". Only barbarians think that its ok to take other people's stuff, because other people have something they don't, and, because they can. Is that starting to make sense?


By removing the consequences for "weakness", or, "inability to adapt to one's environment", we are enabling bad behavior, not stopping it. Most liberal policies treat the symptoms...but also have a causal effect on the disease. In this way, liberals act exactly like the pharmaceutical companies they supposedly despise. They never cure the cause of the disease, but, they will always charge us lots of tax money to keep treating it.


See, and the single left-leaner exception proves the rule.


What the !@#$ are you talking about?

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Probably not...though I can see how it might be related.


But honestly, I don't even know what "future camoflauge" you're talking about.


I'm still trying to remember where I came across that information ...


btw, This was a very unique, interesting and authentic thread even with Wiscons interruptions (with my sense of humor I found the comments exchanged hilarious)


Tom you are one !@#$ing smart individual.

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A friend of mine the other day told me that the earth was no older than 7000 years. :blink:

I always get a kick out the "Flintstones" theory = that we existed on the earth at the same time as dinosaurs. Yeah, that makes sense. <_< I can see a bunch of humans, with sticks and rocks, beating a T. Rex :flirt: Seems like merely getting stepped on would be enough to cause man to be extinct.

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This technology was being tested in a lab and I'm going out on a limb to say on one of 3 different types of testing they were bending the light waves and distorting the visual shape of an object ... The other was similar to what Tom was talking about but I don't want to describe what I'm not sure of. I'll hunt down the media in the next couple of days. It was about a year old

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Yeah...you can't beat the points...so out comes the name calling. How boring...


Your points are epically retarded. Whether for the sake of a political argument or not, you've separated the natural world from the civilized world based solely on government handouts. Then (now, again I don't know if this is representative of your outlook on humanity or not), you've managed to simultaneously make the claim that entitlements are wrong and only cause harm. What THAT has to do with the tenets civilization is beyond me, but I think most of the non-retards of this world might actually recognize the intellectual achievements of man as being the most relevant factors separating us from the beasts. You know, things like language, architecture, and music, achievements that were only possible in the first place because man learned to curb his Darwinian instincts (only the strong survive) and do things based on something other than physical merit. HENCE THE NEGATIVE CONOTATION OF SOCIAL DARWINISM. MANKIND AND CIVILIZATION GOT A WHOLE LOT BETTER WHEN WE PUT DOWN OUR !@#$ING CLUBS AND STARTED ACTING HUMANELY. UNDERSTAND?


But if we're going to start with the premise that government handouts are what separate us from the beasts, then you, friend, are an idiot.

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All arguments are arguments of convenience...especially on message boards, any argument pertaining to political ideology, and any argument involving religion...


Examples: Social Darwinism Right Wing stance...left wing stance anti-evolutionary, contradicts the system they love for science history to disprove God (though it fails to do so)...but then what about the other way around...why is it okay for Right Wingers to believe in the free market for economic purposes and then disregard the same universal law when applied to the history of humans?...


Another example...Pro Choice Liberals...women should have the power to destroy a fetus...but then play compassionate role when it comes to gun control laws........same vice versa...everyone should own a gun regardless of how many children die accidently, but then Right Wingers are all super compassionate all of a sudden when the abortion argument comes up...well compassionate to the fetus, but will just assume kill a doctor to save a fetus...



Another example...Left Wingers...so compassionate to our minority citizens...welfare, education, just championing the lower class and minority groups...harshest immigration laws to keep people out....Right Wingers...(this changed after 9/11) but favored open boarder policy, and are known southern racists????...hmmmm...Left Wingers, gave the KKK legal status back after the Right Wingers revoked it...hmmmmmm....


Another example...and this is for both sides....Right Wingers "we respresent the middle class citizens"...then give tax breaks to the elite...Left Wingers "we represent the minorities and lower class" then give corporate shelters for the bankers...hmmmmm...both sides represent the elite and nobody represents the people...


Another example in religions...Christians preach thou shalt not judge...Christ himself took in vagabonds and the dregs of society with love...Christian right wing???...most intolerant bunch of close minded beep beeps in the nation....


The arguments of contradictions are seen throughout our nation...


quote from an unknown political analyst of American people "We are a nation that contradicts ourselves...we want tax cuts but do not want to cut programs"...which is horse crap...people just want efficient government...but whatever dude...if you think that's a contradiction you were born for politics...


Anyone with half a brain will never call themselves right wing or left wing because the wings are full of jaggoffs...they are both dead wrong and can't see past thier own ignorance to move our nation forward...


for the record I'm a ID believer and also believe in evolution...I am a Republican Christian, but I believe in every citizen including the poorest of immigrants...I beleive illegal immigrants should be protected by the constitution because they were protected by the Bible...another example of convenient arguments...how many times will a Republican quote the Bible to speak out against homosexuality and completely skip over Leviticus 19 verse 33: And if a stranger dwells in your land, you shall not mistreat him.


Leviticus 19 verse 34: The stranger who dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love his as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.


Leviticus 24 verse 22: You shall have the same law for the stranger and for one from your own country; for I am the Lord your God.


Oh, then they get riled up..."you can't treat the terrorists with the same rights we treat to our citizens!!!!! That's ridiculous"...but when they say the Bible is ridiculous..that's not blasphemy and they won't go to Hell...only when the left wingers say the Bible is ridiculous is it blasphemy...


I am a moderate/conservative...I've never voted for a Democrat in my entire life...because they are spineless in my eyes and are terrible where ideology is concerned...I'm a Christian and I vote Republican or Independent...I voted for Bush in the first election...in the second election I voted for Paul and voted for him again in the past election...but I'm not some conspiracy theory reject either...not a tea bagger that throws dollars at sick men...or a truther that tries to blow his way into the Pentagon with a pistol...


This country is full of social rejects that are completely immune to reason, the scientific method, deductive reasoning, and a perspective that is based on empirical evidence without contradiction...it's sad...but that's why there are so many left and right wingers dominating the media...ITS FUNNY TO WATCH

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I always get a kick out the "Flintstones" theory = that we existed on the earth at the same time as dinosaurs. Yeah, that makes sense. <_< I can see a bunch of humans, with sticks and rocks, beating a T. Rex :flirt: Seems like merely getting stepped on would be enough to cause man to be extinct.

The fact that there is no current evidence of homo sapiens and dinosaurs existing on the earth at the same time is not the same as proving it could not have happened. Archaeologists keep on discovering things that make them rethink the evolution and migration of mankind (for lack of a better term). I can't keep track of the number of times I have seen articles touting "scientists may have found missing link"


Latest Missing Link


The scientific community loves to state proven facts until something is discovered that disproves them. I'm reasonably sure that ego and grant money factor in here, somewhere.

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Another example in religions...Christians preach thou shalt not judge...Christ himself took in vagabonds and the dregs of society with love...Christian right wing???...most intolerant bunch of close minded beep beeps in the nation....


I concur. I think the mixing of Evangelical Christianity and politics is apostasy at its worst. Quite frankly, the political system of this country isn't worth the effort nor the sullying of the Lord's name.

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One things for sure-on 9/11 as the plane was headed for the WTC I doubt that there were many Darwinists on that plane.


Yes, I'm sure every passenger on that plane decided "Hey, I'm about to die. Evolution is a crock of ****."

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