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Darwinism and Evolution....

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So god put 2 of every animal on a boat made by a guy but didn't make the world in seven days?


Yeah, that distinction makes sense!


Again, He COULD have. And also, that is MY interpretation as best as I am able to understand it. I'm not a professional, just a guy tryying to follow as best I can.

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Yeah...but you kind-of have to do that in science. Unless differences are observable, you have to make the assumption that two different things are otherwise the same until otherwise demonstrated, if only because it's difficult to operate under the opposite assumption.

I meant it in a different way. Like when scientists start spouting off on the origins of man based on what they think they know from some bone fragments they dug up.


This became that and that became this and then they left here, moved there and became them.


Until they dig up some more bone fragments and then they decide that they have finally found the missing link (pay no attention to the other times we finally found the missing link, those mewling idiots didn't know what the hell they were talking about)."


I know, I know.....the basic foundation is pretty solid. I just get a kick out of them tripping over the details, I guess.

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Everntually, I'd like to enter seminary school. Until that time such that I learn Greek and Hebrew, I have to do the best I can with the skills that I have. The Lord is a God of forgiveness, and he understands the heart of all men. By the way, Thank you for the respectful and dignified conversation.


I know this wasn't addressed at me, but I just want to thank you for the same. It's nice to discuss/argue with a Christian staunch in his beliefs who doesn't end up yelling at me for being a heathen :unsure:


I do enjoy discussing religion, even if I don't subscribe to a specific theory. I find it to be one of the most fascinating of human social conventions.

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Everntually, I'd like to enter seminary school. Until that time such that I learn Greek and Hebrew, I have to do the best I can with the skills that I have. The Lord is a God of forgiveness, and he understands the heart of all men. By the way, Thank you for the respectful and dignified conversation.


I admit I jumped from thread page 1 to thread page 5. Are you saynig that Tom was respectful on this topic through 5 pages?


Maybe I should believe in your god.

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I know this wasn't addressed at me, but I just want to thank you for the same. It's nice to discuss/argue with a Christian staunch in his beliefs who doesn't end up yelling at me for being a heathen :unsure:


I do enjoy discussing religion, even if I don't subscribe to a specific theory. I find it to be one of the most fascinating of human social conventions.



Thanks, it's part of my belief. We are tasked to talk to non-believers about our Lord, and to honor Him in doing so. I, for one, understand it's not my position to judge but rather to let the Holy Spirit convict. All I can do is present the concept.

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I admit I jumped from thread page 1 to thread page 5. Are you saynig that Tom was respectful on this topic through 5 pages?


Maybe I should believe in your god.


Well...I did call WisconsinBillsFan a !@#$head.


But I did it respectfully. And he is, after all, a !@#$head.

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My point being, though, that under physical laws "undefinable" or "unmeasurable" can be reasonably equivalent to "nothing". Ever hear of Schroedinger's cat?

I do understand your point, I guess it's now a matter of semantics.


I have issues with the cat.

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Thanks, it's part of my belief. We are tasked to talk to non-believers about our Lord, and to honor Him in doing so. I, for one, understand it's not my position to judge but rather to let the Holy Spirit convict. All I can do is present the concept.


I know you don't care so I ask this out of curiousity. Do you understand that when you talk this this, it sounds, to lots of people, no different than scientologists who believe in Xenu and the galactic revolution?


I am sure you feel slighted by the comparison but I'm asking if you appreciate that many people see no difference between what you said above and what a Scientologist or Greek-idol worshipper believe? Obviously you disagree with the comparison because those people are cuckoo for cuckoo-puffs.

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You think you have issues? Think of the poor cat...

Oh I have a lot of issues besides the poor cat.....lemmetellya.......


I still think it's bordering on sematicuteness. The cat is either dead or it is not dead, regardless of whether I can see it or not and regardless of whether one believes that one scenario can be some percentagey combination of separate scenarios.


Well....I suppose the cat could by dying, but it is still technically alive until death.


I hope quantum physics doesn't redefine death as "nothing out of something", or something.

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I know you don't care so I ask this out of curiousity. Do you understand that when you talk this this, it sounds, to lots of people, no different than scientologists who believe in Xenu and the galactic revolution?


I am sure you feel slighted by the comparison but I'm asking if you appreciate that many people see no difference between what you said above and what a Scientologist or Greek-idol worshipper believe? Obviously you disagree with the comparison because those people are cuckoo for cuckoo-puffs.


I'm not naive. Listen, the people who lived in the time conteporary to Christ mocked him. So why should I expect any different? In fact, both Jesus and Paul told us that we should EXPECT such treatment and that if we aren't receiving it that means we're not sharing the gospel. That's why there's no point in getting worked up about it. I'm passionate about it, but not to the point where I'm going "na na na na na na" with the fingers in the ears. And yes, Scientologists are whacked. Any belief system that thinks somehow man can make himself of compare himself to the divine (or alien, or whatever it is they believe) is whacked, come to think of it. We can and should TRY to be like God, but it's impossible in our current state to do so.

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No, I believe he created the universe in everything in it. If I didn't the belief in Jesus Christ would be meaningless.




Here's my exact thinking. The "days" of creation are not 24-hour days. I believe that these refer to time periods, yes. I think God created things in order, but not necessarily immediately after one another. For instance, the Bible says that the Earth was "without form..and void." This leads me to believe that God created the physical frameowrk of the cosmos long before he populated the Earth. I could be completely wrong as I am neither a scientist or a theologian. But I am a student of the Bible, and seeing as it's the only reference for the Almighty, I have to interpret it the best I can.


This reminded me of something I saw, you might enjoy it, might not. I found it a little intriguing but it could have been the music.


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