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Darwinism and Evolution....

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It is a generally accepted theory in science...for example...people aren't going around "scrutinizing" gravity...while the theory is pretty much widely accepted...it could be challenged...but if a scientist says I want to disprove gravity...do you think he'll get much funding for his ridiculous "scrutiny" of such a widely accepted theory?


You are right in that if they fail to address negative test results then it fails to be adhering to the scientific method....the last step is to let an "away team" if you will, try to tare it apart...this can be seen in the Intelligent Design scientists as well...which seemingly is anti-evolution...meanwhile I think both theories can and are the truth...they'll figure it out someday lol


Actually, people are going around scrutinizing gravity.


"Scrutinizing", however, does not mean "disproving".

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Science may not be able to explain everything, but over time it has debunked a lot of Christians beliefs set forth by the Bible. Back when it was written, they didn't know that there were other planets in the solar system and they all revolved around the sun, or what the stars were, or that dinosaurs existed, or that the earth was round, or the true age of it, etc. After each of these were discovered (some after being suppressed), the Church has to produce an explanation as to why the Bible was wrong. But if the Bible was based on the word of God, through Jesus, he'd know these things, right? That's why I can't believe it. I mean, if someone tells you enough wrong information, you'd stop believing him/her, if not label him/her an idiot, right?

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Science may not be able to explain everything, but over time it has debunked a lot of Christians beliefs set forth by the Bible. Back when it was written, they didn't know that there were other planets in the solar system and they all revolved around the sun, or what the stars were, or that dinosaurs existed, or that the earth was round, or the true age of it, etc. After each of these were discovered (some after being suppressed), the Church has to produce an explanation as to why the Bible was wrong. But if the Bible was based on the word of God, through Jesus, he'd know these things, right? That's why I can't believe it. I mean, if someone tells you enough wrong information, you'd stop believing him/her, if not label him/her an idiot, right?


God was testing him.


[/standard religious freak's answer]

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God was testing him.


[/standard religious freak's answer]

Yep, there's always some answer. That's why I don't bother wasting my time saying this stuff anymore. People will believe what they want to believe.

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Science may not be able to explain everything, but over time it has debunked a lot of Christians beliefs set forth by the Bible. Back when it was written, they didn't know that there were other planets in the solar system and they all revolved around the sun, or what the stars were, or that dinosaurs existed, or that the earth was round, or the true age of it, etc. After each of these were discovered (some after being suppressed), the Church has to produce an explanation as to why the Bible was wrong. But if the Bible was based on the word of God, through Jesus, he'd know these things, right? That's why I can't believe it. I mean, if someone tells you enough wrong information, you'd stop believing him/her, if not label him/her an idiot, right?


hehehehehehehe WOW...which version of the Bible did YOU read...I must have got ripped off...mine says nothing about the earth's orbit...prehumanity earth...or the shape of the earth...unless you're looking at the first damn page that tells of creation...but to use that as a science book is missing the ENTIRE point of the Bible...


Call me a wierdo, but I wouldn't use a science book on evolution or biology to lead a nation and I wouldn't use a book from John Locke to figure out genetic science...I'm wierd like that...I seperate books based on what they are ABOUT friggen reject I am hehehehheheheh jeeezz...what version is the Bible you read, seriously I HAVE to see it


Oh, and believe me someone has used a science book to lead a nation...evolution...it was Nazi Germany...but again that's what happens when you take things out of context and retard the message

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Science may not be able to explain everything, but over time it has debunked a lot of Christians beliefs set forth by the Bible. Back when it was written, they didn't know that there were other planets in the solar system and they all revolved around the sun, or what the stars were, or that dinosaurs existed, or that the earth was round, or the true age of it, etc. After each of these were discovered (some after being suppressed), the Church has to produce an explanation as to why the Bible was wrong. But if the Bible was based on the word of God, through Jesus, he'd know these things, right? That's why I can't believe it. I mean, if someone tells you enough wrong information, you'd stop believing him/her, if not label him/her an idiot, right?


The ancient Egyptians and Greeks were very learned in the stars and planets especially given the tools they had to work with. And even the most illiterate sailors of the times knew the earth was round. They could tell by watching the masts of far off ships on the horizon grow longer as they drew closer. That's always been one of my favorite Columbus myths.


The power that became the Roman Catholic church at the time is what was responsible for saying the earth was the center of the universe and that the sun revolved around it, etc. They took the words in the Bible and bastardized them to further entrench their power.

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Science may not be able to explain everything, but over time it has debunked a lot of Christians beliefs set forth by the Bible. Back when it was written, they didn't know that there were other planets in the solar system and they all revolved around the sun, or what the stars were, or that dinosaurs existed, or that the earth was round, or the true age of it, etc. After each of these were discovered (some after being suppressed), the Church has to produce an explanation as to why the Bible was wrong. But if the Bible was based on the word of God, through Jesus, he'd know these things, right? That's why I can't believe it. I mean, if someone tells you enough wrong information, you'd stop believing him/her, if not label him/her an idiot, right?


Actually, the Roman Catholic heirarchy was behind the whole "flat earth" and "earth-centric" philosophies inherited from Plato. Job 26:7 says "He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing." Sounds like the description of a planetary body in space rather than some flat disc on the back of turtles or another cockamamie man-made idea.

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The ancient Egyptians and Greeks were very learned in the stars and planets especially given the tools they had to work with. And even the most illiterate sailors of the times knew the earth was round. They could tell by watching the masts of far off ships on the horizon grow longer as they drew closer. That's always been one of my favorite Columbus myths.


The power that became the Roman Catholic church at the time is what was responsible for saying the earth was the center of the universe and that the sun revolved around it, etc. They took the words in the Bible and bastardized them to further entrench their power.


+1. You beat me to it K-9.

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So then the fault lies with the Catholic Church? They interpreted the Bible wrong?


It's my opinion they barely interpret the Bible at all...they add in things that are nonexistent in the Bible as religious law from the devine wisdom of the man in the big hat on the phone with God

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Neither. It's canon and a core theological tenet of his belief system


I see no reason why it can't be all four.



Although I'd go with "theory", since it describes an empirical observation, makes predictions, and is falsifiable...

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So then the fault lies with the Catholic Church? They interpreted the Bible wrong?


Relative to the creation of their power establishment and maintenance thereof, yes. The early Roman Catholic church twisted much of what the Bible had to say and persecuted many who threatened their power. The Spanish Inquisition kind of made it up as they went along. When the vast majority of the believing populace was illiterate, it was pretty easy to get away with that abuse of power. Look at what the Church did to scientists like Galileo for instance. There is nothing in the Bible that disputes his findings but they persecuted him as a heretic none the less.

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God is not:


1) Nameless: He has a name, in fact he has dozens of them. YHWH, Jehovah, Lord, Heavenly Father, etc...


2) Faceless: He has an image, and we are created in it. Are we a pale image? Certainly, for the time being.


3) A being with little regard for what makes us happy or prosperous: On the contrary, God loves us so much that even though we rebelled and polluted his wonderous creation, he descended to live among us and DIE for our sins at the hand of the Romans and the Pharisees.


I don't know where you're getting your theology (Maybe you're a Catholic), but you're not describing the God I know.

Did God create us in his image, or did we create him in ours? I am not asking that to be a pain....

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