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Darwinism and Evolution....

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Of course it is. If they had liberal nutjobs back then, dinosaurs would have been on the 'endangered species' list, because absolutely nothing happens naturally on this planet. It's all a direct result of human existence.

Not to mention the liberals would probably recruit the Stegosaurus to explain to T-Rex the health benefits of "Meatless Monday."

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Let's think of some other imperfect things...how about war? Tay Sachs Disease? Black people? Didn't God create those things?


Thanks, !@#$. Alone in my apartment, I almost just choked to death on Jewel brand Raisin Bran crunch. At least I would have died laughing. :flirt:




"Him" is the accepted gender-neutral pronoun.


And God can have whatever genitalia he wants. He can be a three-dicked martian if He so chooses. He's freakin' God.


Point taken. <_<

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Not to mention the liberals would probably recruit the Stegosaurus to explain to T-Rex the health benefits of "Meatless Monday."


They wouldn't have to, because dinosaurs, though truculent, were perfectly evolved to eat silicate plants. Advantage: dinosaurs.

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Haven't we already established (in this thread) that there are a thousand pieces of evidence to suggest that "god" is imperfect?


Even if "it" was perfect, why does "it" have to be perfect within the constraints of the human interpretation of "perfection."


You'll probably readily admit that you can't grasp the vast complexities of "god," so who the !@#$ are you to define what makes "it" "perfect" and what makes "it" "imperfect?"


I don't use "it" to insult you, I just refuse to assign "god" a gender. Assuming god even exists, I doubt it has a either a penis, or a vagina.

God might be perfect but he if his creation were perfect I doubt it would want to sleep with canines.

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I've come to the conclusion that God created earth for the intent purpose of fielding some sort of twisted social experiment, to attempt to conclude whether or not the human race can either permanently self-sustain itself or auto destruct.

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If there's a God, he's !@#$ing mortified right now to have WBF representing him.

Even GOD knows the Earth is more than 6,000 years old.


The worst part is, let's say god exists and set the whole thing in motion. He puts just the right spin on the singularity, resulting in the exact circumstances that lead to our Universe, Earth and eventually life on Earth. God does this by using billions of years of selective pressures to eventually mold us in his own image. Damn that guy has some knowledge and foresight!


Then some fuktards come along and build a museum in Kentucky and start claiming that the process is bunk and the whole thing was *POOF* created from nothing in 6 days. If I were god, I'd be pissed.

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I've come to the conclusion that God created earth for the intent purpose of fielding some sort of twisted social experiment, to attempt to conclude whether or not the human race can either permanently self-sustain itself or auto destruct.


I think we're just one big, elaborate bio-factory God created, just because he wanted to make some plastic grocery bags.

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The fact that there is no current evidence of homo sapiens and dinosaurs existing on the earth at the same time is not the same as proving it could not have happened. Archaeologists keep on discovering things that make them rethink the evolution and migration of mankind (for lack of a better term). I can't keep track of the number of times I have seen articles touting "scientists may have found missing link"


Latest Missing Link


The scientific community loves to state proven facts until something is discovered that disproves them. I'm reasonably sure that ego and grant money factor in here, somewhere.


There most certainly do not state scientific fact...people that don't understand science or it's methods do...


Scientists state theory, because without collecting ALL the data there cannot be any true statement of fact, and since it is impossible to collect ALL data, and only a sample can be drawn from the entire populace...you can only truthfully state theory...they are strong theories backed up by strong data, but theories none the less...I.E. the theory of relativity...is it fact? maybe, but it is still only based on a sample from the population of data and therefore still a theory...does it work?...Ask Nagasaki and Hiroshima....String theory, Evolution is a theory as well...all theoretical explanations of the world around us just based on perception of data collected from the over all population... :rolleyes:

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How can you pray to your creator without believing he created you? It would be an empty gesture.


This is a way out there Freemason type take on things...what if God was.............................................................................

.........EVOLUTION...the many universal laws that make up our world...studied by science...beleived with faith...are in fact God...not that God physically created these laws...but that the cause and effect from maximizing your adherence to these laws is good and when acting in contradiction to these laws bad....why are those laws true?...


Okay, now most Bible thumping Christians will completely disagree...this is way too philosophical for them to grasp with thier little intolerant minds...Jesus never said he was God...Jesus says if you have seen him you have seen the father...thus proving that humanity and YOUR perception of Jesus is the same as God...Jesus says he is in the Father and the Father in him and that YOU are in Jesus and Jesus in YOU...so human life, the savior, and God are all interconnected...unlike the Catholics like to preach....okay so you with me so far oh intolerant Christian...okay, so the universal laws that Jesus was known best for?


Compassion and Love...he loved everyone even those that harmed him...what happens when you show love...you are showered with inspiration...for example...if you treat everyone really good in your life without wanting anything in return...you'll be loved in return by them...universal law of reciprocation of compassion and love...okay...now if you did it on a Jesus scale...taking in prostitutes, dregs, losers, and even loved and forgived people that were beating you and going to torture you to death?...that kind of compassion may inspire MILLIONS...so what is God to me in this?...God is the universal law that makes this inspiration possible...the ultimate controller of the world...


So could I pray and believe in evolution?....HELLLLLLLLL yes ;0) hehehehehe...

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I've come to the conclusion that God created earth for the intent purpose of fielding some sort of twisted social experiment, to attempt to conclude whether or not the human race can either permanently self-sustain itself or auto destruct.

Do you have this thread confused with the "Lost" thread?


Just askin....

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There most certainly do not state scientific fact...people that don't understand science or it's methods do...


Scientists state theory, because without collecting ALL the data there cannot be any true statement of fact, and since it is impossible to collect ALL data, and only a sample can be drawn from the entire populace...you can only truthfully state theory...they are strong theories backed up by strong data, but theories none the less...I.E. the theory of relativity...is it fact? maybe, but it is still only based on a sample from the population of data and therefore still a theory...does it work?...Ask Nagasaki and Hiroshima....String theory, Evolution is a theory as well...all theoretical explanations of the world around us just based on perception of data collected from the over all population... :rolleyes:

There are things that fall into the "facts" category, and there are things that fall into the "theories" category. Not everything in science is what I would consider a theory. Now something called, ahem.....the Theory of Relativity....yes, I gotta go with "theory" on that one.

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I think we're just one big, elaborate bio-factory God created, just because he wanted to make some plastic grocery bags.

I had more of a Green God envisioned, myself. Plastic would be pretty cheesy. But I'm pretty sure God has a sense of humor, so you never know.....

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There are things that fall into the "facts" category, and there are things that fall into the "theories" category. Not everything in science is what I would consider a theory. Now something called, ahem.....the Theory of Relativity....yes, I gotta go with "theory" on that one.

No, they're all theories. The amount of evidence directly supporting a theory may make it more credible than other theories, which is probably what you're talking about. Every theory is exactly one negative experiment away from becoming obsolete, which is what makes science more rational than anything faith-based.


There have been many experiments supporting Relativity. How many nuclear bombs or reactors do you need to see before you're convinced? Why do we need to constantly account for Relativity to get accurate results from our GPS systems?


I know you're not preaching against Relativity, but every scientific theory with a body of evidence like Relativity, Evolution or Gravity falls into the "weightier" category. Evolution in particular has been continually scrutinized by those who would like nothing better than to shoot it down, and that's actually a good thing. Strangely, it still stands.

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