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Folks, WM has a buck-75 game in him

Greg de'Ville

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...he's not had the beaucoups breakout game yardage-wise, but he's on the verge.


He just runs HARD. And it was nice to see him and the OLs pound it in three times from short yardage.


As long as the Bills' defense shuts down the enemy RBs and keeps them in check, they seem to do OK. Held Curtis Martin under a buck three weeks ago in a win over the Dog-Ass Jets. Stumbled against the Pats and Dillon rang up a buck-55. Then went back to shutdown mode and limited Faulk to what, six net yards? And today limited the dangerous Shaun Alexander to under 40 yards. That's pretty good.


Been a LONG time since the Bills won a roadie. Now, a chance to get back to .500 next week in Dieami. From the accounts I read today, the DolFelons were as bad as the Niners yet managed to win.


What about that Cinci-Cleveland game today? It was a track meet out there. Rudi Johnson is a decent RB and that will be a test for the Bills in three weeks.


Interestingly, all four AFC East teams played "late" games today and all four won.


You would think that someone with as much $$$ as Bob Kraft would plunk down some coin and put some TURF in at Foxhole. What a mudbath that was today. Ridiculous. Same goes for Pittsburgh. With as much use as Heinz Field gets (Steelers, Pitt & HS), I would think turf would be a given. Their field never holds up by this time of year.


Iggles impressive again today as they shut down the Jints to go 10-1 and clinched the NFC East. But it's time somebody give Mora Jr., Vick and the Falcons their due. They had to battle hard today against Nawlins but found a way to get it done late. Could Atlanta be this year's Carolina and upset the Iggle apple cart? We'll find out soon enough.

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What about that Cinci-Cleveland game today?  It was a track meet out there.  Rudi Johnson is a decent RB and that will be a test for the Bills in three weeks. 




I pity anyone who played the Cleveland or Cincy defenses on their fantasy teams today. Cleveland became only the second team to ever score 48 points and lose, I think.


Given the way Johnson ran all over the Browns today, McGahee could do just as well against them.

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What about that Cinci-Cleveland game today? It was a track meet out there. Rudi Johnson is a decent RB and that will be a test for the Bills in three weeks.


The Bills shut down a pretty good RB today. The Bills D will be up for the remaining games on the schedule.


I'm beginning to wonder how many of the defenses left on the schedule will be able to stop the Bills offense. :doh:

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I'm just scared about next week...Miami finally got another win, we'll have to play uber-tough against them.



The DolFelons didn't exactly light it up today, the Niners fumbled the ball five times in the fourth quarter alone and literally gave the game to Dieami.


Knock Dieami on its ass and go for the brooms, Bills!

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