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Airlines begin charging for CARRY ONS

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Now they want to charge FOR USING THE POTTY!!!


(CNN) -- Fresh on the heels of one budget airline announcing that it will ask passengers to pay extra to bring carry-on bags on board, another is considering charging them for using the lavatory.


Ryanair, which is based in Dublin, Ireland, and bills itself as "Europe's first and largest low fares airline," is mulling a plan that would require travelers to pay either 1 euro or 1 British pound (about $1.33 or $1.52) for using the bathroom on flights lasting one hour or less.


The plan, titled "Ryanair Cost Saving Proposal," was published in the airline's inflight magazine.

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Really? I admit, I don't fly very much... Maybe 2-3 times a year at most. I ALWAYS check my luggage... Maybe not breakable stuff like electronics though... I never had anything lost or stolen... Even misplaced! Knock on wood.


Maybe I just have crappy stuff. :flirt:


It's not that it's breakable, it's that it's valuable and easy to take. Try putting your camera, laptop, iPod, phone or any other small electronic device in your checked luggage and let us know how that works out - I can almost guarantee that it will be at a pawn shop or in the hands of a fence before you even fill out the paperwork asking for the $100 from the airline.


I don't mean to rip on all baggage handlers - I'm sure that there are plenty of guys who do honest work for honest pay. I think there are enough bad apples and lack of oversight that your chances are still pretty good that your stuff gets jacked. Pre 9/11 you could lock your bags (although that's didn't prevent theft - just made it easier to show there was a theft) but with new TSA regulations you can't do that anymore, so it's open season on anything you check.

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It's not that it's breakable, it's that it's valuable and easy to take. Try putting your camera, laptop, iPod, phone or any other small electronic device in your checked luggage and let us know how that works out - I can almost guarantee that it will be at a pawn shop or in the hands of a fence before you even fill out the paperwork asking for the $100 from the airline.


I don't mean to rip on all baggage handlers - I'm sure that there are plenty of guys who do honest work for honest pay. I think there are enough bad apples and lack of oversight that your chances are still pretty good that your stuff gets jacked. Pre 9/11 you could lock your bags (although that's didn't prevent theft - just made it easier to show there was a theft) but with new TSA regulations you can't do that anymore, so it's open season on anything you check.


they just did a bust at the atlanta airport and found TSA guys who would come to work with empty duffle bags in the morning and leave with them full of people's stuff. everyday.


even worse are the guys that do the bag screening of carry ons. they jack stuff from right under your nose when they take your bags behind the little wall. and GOD FORBID you try to watch them go through your stuff. it just gives them an excuse to "suspect you" even more and detain you while they rob you blind.


the entire system is an effing joke.


i travel fairly regularly, take a round trip flight maybe every other month or so. i never check bags and carry everything on. in the past 8 years, i have NOT ONCE ever purchased travel-size toiletries, and i have NOT ONCE put them in a plastic baggie. through all my travels, they have only stopped me ONE TIME and told me i had to either check my shaving cream or theyd confiscate it. i told them "enjoy my shaving cream" and went on with my day.


the whole thing is ridiculous.

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they just did a bust at the atlanta airport and found TSA guys who would come to work with empty duffle bags in the morning and leave with them full of people's stuff. everyday.


even worse are the guys that do the bag screening of carry ons. they jack stuff from right under your nose when they take your bags behind the little wall. and GOD FORBID you try to watch them go through your stuff. it just gives them an excuse to "suspect you" even more and detain you while they rob you blind.


the entire system is an effing joke.


i travel fairly regularly, take a round trip flight maybe every other month or so. i never check bags and carry everything on. in the past 8 years, i have NOT ONCE ever purchased travel-size toiletries, and i have NOT ONCE put them in a plastic baggie. through all my travels, they have only stopped me ONE TIME and told me i had to either check my shaving cream or theyd confiscate it. i told them "enjoy my shaving cream" and went on with my day.


the whole thing is ridiculous.


Yep. Way too many minimumally-paid people have way too much access to your unlocked bags in way too many places where nobody else is around. Add to that that nobody who is responsible for these folks feels any sort of obligation to make sure things don't get stolen and it's no suprise that they find people bringing bags full of stolen stuff home every day. I wonder how fast things would change if the airlines got fined $10K each time something was stolen - my guess is that you'd have that cleaned up pretty quick. Not sure what you do about the TSA, though, short of putting cameras in place......

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