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Michelle Obama calls Kenya

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Why cant liberals and conservatives stop fighting with each other and instead try to co-operate so that America can become a better country?

Hmm. I will take a crack at that one. How about you show me a liberal that is FULLY competent with ALL of the following material:


1. Economics

2. Finance

3. Accounting

4. Management(of anything, at this point, given what I have seen so far, I would even count a winning little league team as proof of competence)

5. The Constitution

6. World, and especially US History

7. Organizational Theory

8. Behavioral Psychology

9. Leadership Skills...training(yeah, I know, but I have to give them something...it's not like the average liberal is the "captain of the team" type, so maybe learning about what real leaders do counts?)

11. Math...to at least pre-calculus level

12. Science to at least a passing grade in physics, biology, chemistry

13. Logic...no exceptions.

14. Reasonable understanding of Technology

15. Poker...Chess or Backgammon as possible alternatives...hell Euchre could be used here as well. Between this and #9, you have to know how to assess risk, mitigate it, take it, and deal with the piss offs if you come up short.


and, has actually accomplished something in the real world(which does not include only working at a University or for the Government)....


...and I will show you somebody whose opinion on politics is at the very least...informed properly. Yes, yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Of course they are. However, everyone is NOT entitled to call, or demand that others recognize, their opinion as educated.


So, show me a liberal who can honestly say that they have an educated political opinion, based on the criteria above, and I, and most right-leaning moderates(read: fiscally conservative, socially liberal) would have no problem working with them on any issue. I couldn't care less what the bible thumpers have to say at this point. Their nonsense = George Bush -> how we ended up with Nancy Pelosi being in charge of anything.


The problem is that educated liberal political opinion is getting harder and harder to find. This board is a fine example. There are what? 3-4 liberals(SDS is one) here who can claim 1-15...and amazingly, they always seem to be the ones who can at least articulate their position coherently, and dare I say, convincingly....without the use of Bill Nye, MSNBC, etc.


What else explains the current results we are getting from our current Congress and President? We keep hearing that Conservatives are "stuck in the past". My response to that is: yes, you are right, we simply refuse to forget Jimmy Carter, and the last time this Keynesian/"talk to our enemies"/"let Europe tell us what to do" nonsense was tried.


So here's my question: how the heck are we supposed to work with people who refuse to learn from their mistakes, or worse, aren't familiar with the material above, and therefore, aren't aware that they are mistakes? who refuse to abandon this tired, old social engineering crap? Who is really stuck in the past here? Isn't it the people who are still trying to resurrect this Jimmy Carter nonsense? How are we supposed to work with people who can't seem to stop pretending that it's 1965, that the global economy doesn't exist, and that the rest of the world still hasn't recovered from WWII?

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Hmm. I will take a crack at that one. How about you show me a liberal that is FULLY competent with ALL of the following material:


1. Economics

2. Finance

3. Accounting

4. Management(of anything, at this point, given what I have seen so far, I would even count a winning little league team as proof of competence)

5. The Constitution

6. World, and especially US History

7. Organizational Theory

8. Behavioral Psychology

9. Leadership Skills...training(yeah, I know, but I have to give them something...it's not like the average liberal is the "captain of the team" type, so maybe learning about what real leaders do counts?)

11. Math...to at least pre-calculus level

12. Science to at least a passing grade in physics, biology, chemistry

13. Logic...no exceptions.

14. Reasonable understanding of Technology

15. Poker...Chess or Backgammon as possible alternatives...hell Euchre could be used here as well. Between this and #9, you have to know how to assess risk, mitigate it, take it, and deal with the piss offs if you come up short.


How about you show me a conservative that is FULLY competent with ALL of the above material. Hell any political bent.

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Damn, I missed where you left off the list the requirement they must be sane...


OCin for Prez :)

Are you gonna start sending me PMs telling me that you "got me" now? This should be fun. :cry: I can't wait until you start asking me how it feels to be "owned" by a bartender...and I am really looking forward to you chasing me around the board, posting lame crap like this, for the next 3 days. :thumbsup:


How about this? Instead of that nonsense, why don't you work real hard to dispute any of these, and show off your familiarity with the above material? Here you go:


1. The results we are currently getting from people who have never worked a day in the real world are...exactly what you would expect from people who have never worked a day in the real world: childish, impractical, and wishful.


2. What is currently happening is almost lock step with Jimmy Carter's, and his policies, utter failure.


3. The current results we are getting have everything to do with:

an all-encompassing belief in bad theory and ideology..and proven so by historical fact

and nothing to do with:

real world, experience-based understanding of how business works, the economy, history, etc.


I'll be here all day: why don't you show us what an educated opinion looks like.

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Are you gonna start sending me PMs telling me that you "got me" now? This should be fun. :cry: I can't wait until you start asking me how it feels to be "owned" by a bartender...and I am really looking forward to you chasing me around the board, posting lame crap like this, for the next 3 days. :thumbsup:


How about this? Instead of that nonsense, why don't you work real hard to dispute any of these, and show off your familiarity with the above material? Here you go:


1. The results we are currently getting from people who have never worked a day in the real world are...exactly what you would expect from people who have never worked a day in the real world: childish, impractical, and wishful.


2. What is currently happening is almost lock step with Jimmy Carter's, and his policies, utter failure.


3. The current results we are getting have everything to do with:

an all-encompassing belief in bad theory and ideology..and proven so by historical fact

and nothing to do with:

real world, experience-based understanding of how business works, the economy, history, etc.


I'll be here all day: why don't you show us what an educated opinion looks like.




Glad to know I still have you irritated. Typing sorta fast are you?


1. Agreed


2. Well if they enact Cap and Trade (plus other taxes, see Health Care and VAT, I would have to say probably so. Adding in more taxes without seriously reducing spending starting next year will be a disastrous move. I am actually hoping with a swing in Congress will help cut the budget, but then I am an optimist generally. What will actually happen is probably some Republicans get elected, everyone agrees that the budget must be cut, but next year seems best. Of course that will be an election year...


3. Bad edit there and do really expect me to go into the whole democratic parties philosophy? As if they even had one, the whole big tent thing is a total failure. Right now, the fringe is in control of Congress. Obama talked pretty centrist (other than Health Care) and seems willing to bargain on his policies, so with more Republicans (excluded till then), who knows what he will do? To date, he has been a failure.

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Glad to know I still have you irritated. Typing sorta fast are you?


1. Agreed


2. Well if they enact Cap and Trade (plus other taxes, see Health Care and VAT, I would have to say probably so. Adding in more taxes without seriously reducing spending starting next year will be a disastrous move. I am actually hoping with a swing in Congress will help cut the budget, but then I am an optimist generally. What will actually happen is probably some Republicans get elected, everyone agrees that the budget must be cut, but next year seems best. Of course that will be an election year...


3. Bad edit there and do really expect me to go into the whole democratic parties philosophy? As if they even had one, the whole big tent thing is a total failure. Right now, the fringe is in control of Congress. Obama talked pretty centrist (other than Health Care) and seems willing to bargain on his policies, so with more Republicans (excluded till then), who knows what he will do? To date, he has been a failure.

1. It takes a lot more than the likes of you to truly irritate me....a better word to describe your activity is: boring :)


2. I clearly said "dispute". I don't see any disputes. I see agreeing with pretty much everything I said. So....well, I don't know...now what? This isn't fun anymore :P I guess I will go back to data modeling...it's time for work anyway. :thumbsup:

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my 2 cents.


I was born in America as were my parents. But my home country is Sicily.


I would give you a little tidbit about Sicilians but I'm afraid at this point, it would get me banned from this board for life.

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