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Honestly, we are such stupid/picky Bills fans

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Ohhh, where to begin?


First, the "Fitz is fine, but..." part. Fitzpatrick has had every obstacle placed in his path that Edwards has (save for one, which I'll address shortly). Fitz played behind the same crap o-line, had the same crap coaches, had the same TO drops, the same lack of a decent tight end, the same defense that can't stop the run and consistently give the "O" good field position; ALL these things were the same for both guys. Plus, Trent had more starts and more pass attempts (in other words, more experience) going into the season, and hadn't played for 3 teams in 3 years. Fitz took all these negatives and turned them into a 5-4 record, while Trent took all those things and turned them into a 1-5. And FITZ is the guy who you want to dump because of his perceived limitations? Why do so few people here see that maybe, possibly, perhaps, if....the line improves, the WR's hold onto the ball, the coaches are smarter...maybe, possibly, perhaps....Fitz would improve, too? Are you guys that defend Trent so completely blind to logic that you can only see Trent needing these things? Seriously!


Now, for that one obstacle that you (and about 35,000 others) continue to bring up: the concussion from the Adrian Wilson hit. I hate to break it to you, but this doesn't hold water. Trent had THE BEST GAME OF HIS CAREER his first game after the concussion; he had his second best game against Denver later on that same season. The concussion in '09, in addition to happening on a pretty ordinary play, came AFTER that sterling 3 point performance against the Browns


I have posted all these things before...so have others...why don't they sink in a little bit? Why does every poll on this board about QBs omit the guy who actually accomplished something last season (including playing VERY well in RWS) as an option? And one last point...if we know what we have with Fitz after 9 games, how come I STILL don't know whether Edwards even has an NFL arm?


After 30+ starts nonetheless. I am done with Trent Edwards. I was actually done with him before this last year - right around the Cleveland game of a couple of years ago. When he threw 2 yd passes on 4th and 20+ in consecutive games earlier this season, I wanted him off of my team at that moment. Some people have blind loyalty. I see a player who sucks regardless of the circumstances. Others see a player who can be an average --> above average player if given a wall of an OL, a star WR opposite Evans, and a coach with the offensive credentials of a Mike Shanahan. Edwards time in Buffalo as a starting QB is done. It's time to move on and come to grips with this reality...

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Amen, brother. The goal in any offseason is to UPGRADE your roster. Both QBs, while not pro bowlers, are certainly an UPGRADE to what we have on the roster. Argue all you want, but Maxx is right...improve the positions you can.

I don't know much about Bulger so I can't judge but living in the DC area I see Campbell on a regular basis.

If you feel that he is an upgrade it tells me you haven't seen him play.

I have expressed my concern over acquiring JC. With his inability to lead a team to score.

I'm going to be blunt, He is a nice guy but an awfully stupid QB. His processor moves slower than normal.

We need smarts behind in the QB position. Everyone learns the playbook quicker than this guy. sure he racks up yards when playing from behind.

Why do you think the skins are going for McNabb.

I would pick up Troy Smith for a 5th and I know I could win more games with him than Campbell.

If the Bills are interested keep in mind the Redskins are desperate for draft picks since they do not have a 2nd and 3rd this year. Go no higher than a 5th with that being said Troy Smith is a better (smarter) QB he just has not had the regular season opportunity yet.

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so the QBs played poorly

the line played poorly

and the coaches coached poorly


and you want to see the line improved, and the coaches replaced, but not the QBs?!?


why not fix the entire problem since it's all interchangeable? if the line played better, our O would have been better. JUST LIKE if the QBs played better, our O would have been better.


I got to tell you, as a Dolphins fan I hope to god you trade for Jason Campbell. He had every chance in the world to prove himself as an NFL quarterback. As already posted he is a decent backup at best and I'm not even sure he is a decent backup to be honest. To watch you guys actually give up a draft pick for a quarterback that isn't any better than what you already have on the roster would be hilarious!


As a football fan and trying to remain impartial I think you guys really need to address the areas of 'support' that every QB needs Line, receivers, running game, coaches etc first. That is unless your FO feels that someone like Clausen is a good fit for what they are looking to accomplish. Honestly i'm not trying to be a dick at all I just don't see either Campbell or Bulger as any sort of real upgrade.

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What about meaningful games???...Fitzy lost games that meant something to other teams...Edwards stunk up the joint this year...but Fitzy didn't exactly tare the house down here folks...and Edwards MOST CERTAINLY HAS AN NFL ARM...he's going to win the job even if you bring in Campbell AND Bulger...bring em all in...I don't care....Edwards starts this season, I guarantee it

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There has been talk on this board about aquiring jason campbell and marc bulger. How can we say we dont want these QB's? NEWSFLASH: getting peyton manning in the draft is nearly impossible. Getting a QB in the draft who will be a good pro is improbable. Here are two QB's who are NFL starting caliber QB's. Bulger has been injury prone, but hes better than what we have. Campbell hasn't been a winner, but hes better than what we have. Just look at theyre career stats.


I would rather have Bulger bc hes a vet who has won more, and signing him and drafting an LT in round one could give us a chance at the playoffs next year, while we find a QB in next years draft or late in this one to develop.


Please, Bills fans, open your eyes. Our QB's are not starters. These two are. Stop being picky. Stop being stupid. Lets get one of them, and improve the position.


I think both are better than Fitzy for sure

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I got to tell you, as a Dolphins fan I hope to god you trade for Jason Campbell. He had every chance in the world to prove himself as an NFL quarterback. As already posted he is a decent backup at best and I'm not even sure he is a decent backup to be honest. To watch you guys actually give up a draft pick for a quarterback that isn't any better than what you already have on the roster would be hilarious!


As a football fan and trying to remain impartial I think you guys really need to address the areas of 'support' that every QB needs Line, receivers, running game, coaches etc first. That is unless your FO feels that someone like Clausen is a good fit for what they are looking to accomplish. Honestly i'm not trying to be a dick at all I just don't see either Campbell or Bulger as any sort of real upgrade.


So, Bulger is no real upgrade dolphan? How did u feel when u guys signed pennington? a guy who was injury prone but had some good winning seasons in the past....

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There has been talk on this board about aquiring jason campbell and marc bulger. How can we say we dont want these QB's? NEWSFLASH: getting peyton manning in the draft is nearly impossible. Getting a QB in the draft who will be a good pro is improbable. Here are two QB's who are NFL starting caliber QB's. Bulger has been injury prone, but hes better than what we have. Campbell hasn't been a winner, but hes better than what we have. Just look at theyre career stats.


I would rather have Bulger bc hes a vet who has won more, and signing him and drafting an LT in round one could give us a chance at the playoffs next year, while we find a QB in next years draft or late in this one to develop.


Please, Bills fans, open your eyes. Our QB's are not starters. These two are. Stop being picky. Stop being stupid. Lets get one of them, and improve the position.

OK, but only if you don't spend anything on them AND you run them the hell out of town as soon as they start majorly sucking.This is supposed to be a fresh start, NO excuses for other team's garbage, no 2-3 year commitments hoping you can turn them around..
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We all know that the Bills QB's played horribly last season behind a horrid O line...in a bad system...with a rookie OC...with no QB coach...with Jauron as his HC...


Before the team makes any QB changes I'd like to see the current Bills QB's have a shot at playing behind a decent O line, with an HC / offensive coordinator that knows what they are doing and in an offense that works.

Then we would have to trade them all to another team...

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There has been talk on this board about aquiring jason campbell and marc bulger. How can we say we dont want these QB's? NEWSFLASH: getting peyton manning in the draft is nearly impossible. Getting a QB in the draft who will be a good pro is improbable. Here are two QB's who are NFL starting caliber QB's. Bulger has been injury prone, but hes better than what we have. Campbell hasn't been a winner, but hes better than what we have. Just look at theyre career stats.


I would rather have Bulger bc hes a vet who has won more, and signing him and drafting an LT in round one could give us a chance at the playoffs next year, while we find a QB in next years draft or late in this one to develop.


Please, Bills fans, open your eyes. Our QB's are not starters. These two are. Stop being picky. Stop being stupid. Lets get one of them, and improve the position.

Let me correct your post, the really only stupid Bills fans would be one who would want Marc Bulger. He has won what, 4 or 5 games his last 3 seasons? Sure it wasn't all he fault, but he didn't help himself, he has been terrible. The biggest mistake Mike Martz ever made was dumping Kurt Warner for that clown. And as far as Campbell, like you said it he isn't a winner, and he has had more talent in D.C. than we have had in Buffalo, but we have won just as many games if not more. What we have at QB isn't much, but it is as good if not better than either of these guys. The only move for Gailey to make is to draft a top QB if possible and groom him into his offense. You really should look in the mirror and read your post before you call anyone else stupid?

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picky picky picky....you people want a qb who can actually play football and win games? My goodness...didn't you hear that this team is not going to get better overnight? It will be years and years before we get better. Just be patient. We will get better through the draft, not be judicious trades or free agency. We will draft 7 starters this year and 7 next year and 7 the year after that and we ill almost have a new and better team until the next year when the first 7 go somewhere else.


We aren't going to fall into the trap that Shanahan, Parcells and Belichick and all of those other no nothings do signing quality free agents and playoff caliber quarterbacks and stuff. That is the easy way out and why none of those guys ever amounted to anything.


Get over it...picky is only going to get you an ulcer. It isn't whether you win or lose..its friendship and good sportsmanship...

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