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Article in Buff News Annoyed Me

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Thats why I linked to it. It proves me right and you wrong.


You should really go back to the post I made WHERE I AGREED WITH YOU, you friggin' nitwit. The past few pages haven't been about demographic distribution of public funds, they've been about you being a racist bigot.

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You should really go back to the post I made WHERE I AGREED WITH YOU, you friggin' nitwit. The past few pages haven't been about demographic distribution of public funds, they've been about you being a racist bigot.


So blacks are more likely to benefit from entitlement programs-is this settled then?

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You should really go back to the post I made WHERE I AGREED WITH YOU, you friggin' nitwit. The past few pages haven't been about demographic distribution of public funds, they've been about you being a racist bigot.

You cannot possibly enjoy this. Just can't. There's no way. No possibility.

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FWIW: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100406/ap_on_...ea_party_blacks

ALBANY, N.Y. – They've been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea party movement — and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation's first black president.


"I've been told I hate myself. I've been called an Uncle Tom. I've been told I'm a spook at the door," said Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, a group of black conservatives who support free market principles and limited government.


"Black Republicans find themselves always having to prove who they are. Because the assumption is the Republican Party is for whites and the Democratic Party is for blacks," he said.


Johnson and other black conservatives say they were drawn to the tea party movement because of what they consider its commonsense fiscal values of controlled spending, less taxes and smaller government. The fact that they're black — or that most tea partyers are white — should have nothing to do with it, they say.


"You have to be honest and true to yourself. What am I supposed to do, vote Democratic just to be popular? Just to fit in?" asked Clifton Bazar, a 45-year-old New Jersey freelance photographer and conservative blogger.

Black conservatives don't want to have to apologize for their divergent views.


"I've gotten the statement, 'How can you not support the brother?'" said David Webb, an organizer of New York City's Tea Party 365, Inc. movement and a conservative radio personality.


Since Obama's election, Webb said some black conservatives have even resorted to hiding their political views.


"I know of people who would play the (liberal) role publicly, but have their private opinions," he said. "They don't agree with the policy but they have to work, live and exist in the community ... Why can't we speak openly and honestly if we disagree?"

Someone might want to make sure that BuffNews reporter sees this story ...

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FWIW: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100406/ap_on_...ea_party_blacks



Someone might want to make sure that BuffNews reporter sees this story ...


Do you think it would make a difference in his already made-up mind? The one thing that stands out the most in the conservative/liberal debate world is the obstinant obtusive doggedness of the typical liberal mind. No amount of logic or persuasion will make them change their opinion. I'm sure there are a fair share of conservatives that are this way too, but it doesn't seem as pervasive. I think the difference is one side tends to debate using facts and logic while the other side debates using anecdotes and "feeling". That's my observation anyway.

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Here's the article:



Here's my letter to the writer:


Mr. McCarthy,


I read with great interest your article this morning on Paladino's rally for Governor this morning, somebody I admittedly have never heard of being that I left Buffalo 12 years ago and now live in NYC.


I also have to admit, I was a bit annoyed by this line:


"The almost all-white crowd jammed into the same Ellicott Square"


I don't understand why the race of the crowd is relevant to the story? I just looked up the demographics, and Erie County is 82% white, so not sure what you are insinuating with that line? I'm sure you have a good explanation, would just like to hear it.


I don't understand why it's our responsibility to get these nig-nogs to show up to our events. That's their problem, not ours. Maybe the mainstream media should do its job for once and asked why these people are so adverse to our principles of personal responsibility, small government, and liberty.

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I don't understand why it's our responsibility to get these nig-nogs to show up to our events. That's their problem, not ours. Maybe the mainstream media should do its job for once and asked why these people are so adverse to our principles of personal responsibility, small government, and liberty.


Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on your first post! Could it be that you are part of this?


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FWIW: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100406/ap_on_...ea_party_blacks



Someone might want to make sure that BuffNews reporter sees this story ...


I still am waiting for somebody to show me that the tea-party is exclusionary. The only statistics I have seen show it to have a higher African-American component that I would have expected, given its positions and those of the black community.


Two simple questions will suffice.

1. Given a random organization, what percent of its members would you expect to be black?

1. Given a random organization defined as anti-administration, what percent of its members would you expect to be black?

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Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on your first post! Could it be that you are part of this?


Too bad this guys wasn't smart enough to keep his mouth shut. He couldn't done some damage. But I suspect he's going to ensure the tea party crowd calls out the crazies. Already in NY and DC and other areas they're getting signs made up with arrows and the words "Liberal Infiltrator" and putting hundreds of people out so whenever they see or hear someone doing something moronic, whether they're part of this guy's group or not, they'll surround them with the signs so the media understands what's going on. This should make the LaRouche folks happy. :ph34r:


Good idea. Bad execution. Shoulda kept his yap shut, but I suspect he wanted to press more than anything else.

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Too bad this guys wasn't smart enough to keep his mouth shut. He couldn't done some damage. But I suspect he's going to ensure the tea party crowd calls out the crazies. Already in NY and DC and other areas they're getting signs made up with arrows and the words "Liberal Infiltrator" and putting hundreds of people out so whenever they see or hear someone doing something moronic, whether they're part of this guy's group or not, they'll surround them with the signs so the media understands what's going on. This should make the LaRouche folks happy. :ph34r:


Good idea. Bad execution. Shoulda kept his yap shut, but I suspect he wanted to press more than anything else.

What I find interesting is that conservatives have never had to plant ringer's in left wing groups to make them look crazy. They do such a wonderful job on their own.

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Ha! The latest tea bag/kinservative Limbaugh/Fox fed talking point for the far right....leftists infiltrating teabagger events!


My konservative friends on facebook have been hammering this one home for the last week



Maybe toolbox dc tommie can do an expose

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Ha! The latest tea bag/kinservative Limbaugh/Fox fed talking point for the far right....leftists infiltrating teabagger events!


My konservative friends on facebook have been hammering this one home for the last week



Maybe toolbox dc tommie can do an expose


Whether or not partisan media runs with it has no bearing on whether or not it is true.

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Do you know anything about the Watergate scandal? Can you show an idiot like myself how the term can be used to describe the tactics of planting false flags?

Muskie and McGovern rallies dumbass....the Nixon campaign and little Donald Segretti didn't plant young republicans to infiltrate the Democrats campaign?



Try reading into it for a change.

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Ha! The latest tea bag/kinservative Limbaugh/Fox fed talking point for the far right....leftists infiltrating teabagger events!


My konservative friends on facebook have been hammering this one home for the last week



Maybe toolbox dc tommie can do an expose


Why is it that your friends on the left can't simply show up and debate the issues instead of a plan to sabotage an event?

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