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Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA

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ok post police. thank you for contributing. the general premise of my casual conversation still stands. you want exact details and to argue every letter of every word to death? go back to PPP.


and i think youre confusing me with someone else with the teacher thing.


Ah no. Your general premise that scientists discovered life outside earth does not stand. It is 100% wrong. I wasn't calling you out on a minor mistake but a colossal bit of stupidity. The discovery of ET life of ANY type would be the biggest news story since man tamed fire. So, I'm not the post police. Just pointing out that you made (with certainty too) an amazingly wrong statement. And apparently, you remain dense enough to stand by it. Bravo.

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Ah no. Your general premise that scientists discovered life outside earth does not stand. It is 100% wrong. I wasn't calling you out on a minor mistake but a colossal bit of stupidity. The discovery of ET life of ANY type would be the biggest news story since man tamed fire. So, I'm not the post police. Just pointing out that you made (with certainty too) an amazingly wrong statement. And apparently, you remain dense enough to stand by it. Bravo.

It was a colossally stupid thing to say. Even I caught it and everyone knows I've got what you could call 'issues'.

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It was a colossally stupid thing to say. Even I caught it and everyone knows I've got what you could call 'issues'.


We went over this in another thread a few weeks ago, but it bears repeating: When you post something colossaly and obviously stupid, and are called out on it, simply reply "That's not what I meant, let me clarify..." Trying to prove your colossally and obviously stupid statement is not colossally and obviously stupid just makes you look like an idiot.



(And no, this is not a case of "do as I say, not as I do", since I'm never wrong.)

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The more I think about the universe, the more I simply just don’t much care for it. I'd shut the whole thing down, but that would take too much paperwork.


I've got no problem with it, except that it's really tough to pack and ship.

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