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Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA

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Does anyone actually have that problem? I never had. Of course, today is laundry day, so maybe today it will finally happen.




once you have children you'll realize that there is a sock black hole somewhere in the universe.

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Here's where it just gets to be too much for me:


Professor Chang further stipulates that "Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps, after programming, our creators grow us the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. We can't know their motives - whether it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or is it long time ongoing business of seedling life in the universe."


Aliens using us as an experiment? Some people are just F***** UP!

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Professor Chang's team of researchers furthermore concludes that, "The apparent "extraterrestrial programmers" may have been ordered to cut all their idealistic plans for the future when they concentrated on the "Earth project" to meet the pressing deadline. Very likely in an apparent rush, the "extraterrestrial programmers" may have cut down drastically on big code and delivered basic program intended for Earth."


We got shortchanged, it all makes so much more sense now.

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No ****. Freaking Extraterrestrial asshats need to get the lead out of their extraterrestrial asses and upgrade our DNA to a premium package.



That’s how they get ya! They set you up all nice with the free trial version and then just when you realize that your whole human race is fatally flawed, they jack you up with all the fees and surcharges. You thought your phone bill was a mess!...

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Terence McKenna's "Stoned Ape" Theory of Human Evolution (interesting concerning the extraterrestrial fungus)


To summarize: McKenna theorizes that as the North African jungles receded toward the end of the most recent ice age, giving way to grasslands, a branch of our tree-dwelling primate ancestors left the branches and took up a life out in the open -- following around herds of ungulates, nibbling what they could along the way.


Among the new items in their diet were psilocybin-containing mushrooms growing in the dung of these ungulate herds. The changes caused by the introduction of this drug to the primate diet were many -- McKenna theorizes, for instance, that synesthesia (the blurring of boundaries between the senses) caused by psilocybin led to the development of spoken language: the ability to form pictures in another person's mind through the use of vocal sounds.


About 12,000 years ago, further climate changes removed the mushroom from the human diet, resulting in a new set of profound changes in our species as we reverted to pre-mushroomed and frankly brutal primate social structures that had been modified and/or repressed by frequent consumption of psilocybin.



This guy is a hoot...If you watch this video, ask yourself why are their so many guns on the wall...I'm thinking in case an extraterrestrial bear follows him back he can deliver some 3 dimensional buckshot...

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id love to but im striking out on the google. i specifically remember this though. they found some sort of basic microscopic life in the ice of an asteroid. im sure of it.


Yeah, because actual proof of extra-terrestrial life is the kind of thing that would not be available on google.


Face it: You're way wrong.

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Does anyone actually have that problem? I never had. Of course, today is laundry day, so maybe today it will finally happen.

You may pull someone else's socks out of your dryer. That's the extra terrestrial's way of punking us.

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