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Paladino makes it official

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Today Carl Paladino officially announces he's running for the Republican nomination for governor. Does he stand any chance at all? He says he'll spend up to $10 million of his own money. He has videos out where he lays out his agenda....one of them is in this story:

Here comes Carl


I think he's dead in the water downstate....but it will be a fun election to watch.

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I love Carl, he's great guy. I worked for him for a year during my 3rd year of law school. He could not have been a nicer guy to work for. He also loves going out. I'd see him out on Chippewa Street till 3 or 4 AM, partying with all the 22 year olds. It was awesome. He has my unequivocal support. He may be nuts, but he won't take any sh*t from anyone.

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Carl is a character. I think his main goals as a "developer" (and that term should be used loosely) was to demolish every historic structure in the city and put up a parking lot and to put a Rite Aid on every corner. His demolition of the cool Harbor Inn in the first ward is typical of him. He also sold the Senecas land in which they built their casino in the Cobblestone. When the tribes plans didn't include Carl he came out as anti-gaming. And he never stopped blowing his horn as the primary reason (he wasn't) the Breckenridge and Ogden toll booths on the 190 were removed, which oddly enough made my commute more difficult.

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Carl is a character. I think his main goals as a "developer" (and that term should be used loosely) was to demolish every historic structure in the city and put up a parking lot and to put a Rite Aid on every corner. His demolition of the cool Harbor Inn in the first ward is typical of him. He also sold the Senecas land in which they built their casino in the Cobblestone. When the tribes plans didn't include Carl he came out as anti-gaming. And he never stopped blowing his horn as the primary reason (he wasn't) the Breckenridge and Ogden toll booths on the 190 were removed, which oddly enough made my commute more difficult.



You mean like the Ellicott Square Building? Or the Guaranty Building? Or even the historic gas station on Delaware and Allen? C'mon...Carl has owned and maintained many historic buildings in the city. The above statement doesn't match the facts.

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You mean like the Ellicott Square Building? Or the Guaranty Building? Or even the historic gas station on Delaware and Allen? C'mon...Carl has owned and maintained many historic buildings in the city. The above statement doesn't match the facts.

I'm sure if Carl had his way.....


In many respects its a good thing he doesn't.


This tea bag fad is perfect for him to hitch his wagon too tho. It entails gnashing of teeth, ranting and raving, impulsiveness and semi-dangerous political theater. I wasn't at his announcement. Kinda wish I was.

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That isn't to say that this fringe is going to go quietly into the night.



You classifying a group of people as "fringe" is priceless. :angry:


and yes, you're right


This is the second arrest made in a case involving a member of Congress since the health care vote. The FBI last week arrested a man on charges of threatening to kill Rep. Eric Cantor, a Virginia Republican who is a member of his party's leadership team in the House.
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By definition, a fad is popular.

That is true, but incomplete. A very popular movement that lasts for a brief period of time would be more accurate. Since you or I don't have a functioning crystal ball, we can't say for sure. Based on what I have been reading, this is more than a fad, they are mobilizing, learning how to organize, and they share a mainstream point of view that is growing. So I will go out on a limb and speculate that this is more than a fad, and that they WILL play a major role in the 2010 and 2012 elections.

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This tea bag fad is perfect for him to hitch his wagon too tho.

You need to spend more time calling them teabaggers. They hate that. Every time you call them teabaggers, they recoil and go into hiding. Really. It's the perfect plan.


Then, when you have these fringe wackjobs hiding in fear from the likes of you and Maxine Waters, start calling them racists, too. That REALLY makes them run away.


Gotta hand it to you, Bishop. When you're not nose-deep in last month's Playgirl, you really have a finger on the pulse of Amerca.

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I have a hard time reconciling your having enough brains to work a computer with the **** you actually type on it. :unsure:

Hey - give some credit to the manufacturers and developers, they make computers really easy to use nowadays.

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