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If you could look like any actor

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Humphrey Bogart


Roman Polanski. I'd like to say "here's looking at you kid", but I think I'd prefer Bob Hope's line re the mindless zombies must be democrats. It was a classic. Flame away George, this must make me a "Friggin Liberal.

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Roman Polanski. I'd like to say "here's looking at you kid", but I think I'd prefer Bob Hope's line re the mindless zombies must be democrats. It was a classic. Flame away George, this must make me a "Friggin Liberal.


Yeah, you want to look like a Convicted Friggin Child Molesting Pedophile Dirt-Freaking-Bag but that's okay because you can remember a classic quote from the Great American Hero, Bob Hope! Poor guy must be rolling in his grave knowing you dared to associate yourself with his name.


I hope the next time you use the "Here's Lookin at You, Kid" line, the 13 year old girl's father stomps a Friggin Mudhole in your chest!


Friggin Liberal Child Molesting Dirt-Freaking-Bag!

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