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Exactly. My point in my earlier post about that bartender guy. He was pissed at Russel because he got outplayed so he voted for the blonde. I barely remember her and for good reason. She did very little except ride Russell's coat tails and benefited from his strategizing an maneuvering.


The worst part for me was when Russell asked for her to let him have the title of "sole survivor" and she said no...she just hit the survivor lotto for a cool million, doing NOTHING but look cute for 39 days, and she can't even give the guy props by letting him refer to himself in a particular way that honors his game play? She's a piece of work...


I was really glad during the finale when Jeff asked Russell, "why do you look so frustrated?" Russell said, "because I feel like I just played the greatest game in survivor history" and the crowd went nuts for the guy. Most everyone who watched that season knows damn well who the true survivor was.

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Too bad Russell didn't drown Rupert's monkey ass this week, that would've been outstanding.


rupert is like a big sack of gas out there....I was glad to see he was on the show, but WOW has he ever changed.

Russ has got to be the smartest reality player ever. I see Pavarti, Russ and JT in the final 3. JT won Survivor with only one true ally. The geek whose name escapes me. His dynamic duo aligned with all the weak players in his winning season and systematically knocked them all off. Pavarti is also a very smart cookie. Out of the remaining survivors, the only one I see Russ beating is Parvati. His loyal act in giving Parvati the immunity idol, I think will be the deciding factor in the vote.


Is Coach the most annoying player in Survivor history? He gets my vote!!



lol, I got a kick out of coach during his first season....he's a bit of an emotional wreck this time around, but all his dragon slayer antics from before used to crack me up!

Russel is easily the best player ever on this show. He thinks of every angle and max's out every advantage he can. Even the little nuances like when he gave the immunity idol to Parvity, he said, paraphrasing here, "I'm loyal and stick to my word" as he gave it to her. That was clearly meant to reinforce his bond with "The Coach" knowing that loyalty and his word are his biggest things. Russel is anything but a moron. Last season his tribe was totally on the outs as they were outnumbered and he masterminded the comeback. Your right ajzepp. That blond chick had no business winning. That wimpy bartender who thought he was so smart got outed by his own team and that blond chick was the cause IIRC. And he voted for her at the end. What a dumbass.


Wow, I didn't even pick up on that....great catch! The guy thinks through every single move he makes. Talk about an odd couple....It'll be interesting to see if Russell and coach (and jerri, Im assuming) will align together....probably not a good move for coach, cause russell will eat his children the minute it's advantageous for him to do so, lol, but makes for good tv anyway!

I wanted to see Rob stick around, but he's nothing like the player he used to be. I agree that Tyson was a moron, but that was courtesy of Russell! lol Russell has people so screwed up trying to figure out what he's going to do or what he's thinking, that it takes people completely out of their game. Last season was absolutely masterful! I've never seen anyone on any reality show completely manipulate people from start to finish like he did. When you watch this week's show, you'll see during tribal when he says, "if you target me, you're going to be the one to go"....and every time he's been the target, that's exactly what happened. I can understand if people don't like his game, cause his game is leaps and bounds above anyone else's at this point and it's probably tough for some of them to swallow...but the fact of the matter is that the guy is an absolute badass!
Russell is very entertaining and he has made some amazing moves these past 2 seasons, but he doesn't have the social game necessary to win. If he had been a little less obnoxious making those moves, he might've won last season. Now this season is still up in the air, but I can't see him getting enough votes at a final tribal to win. Fairplay is the only one I can think of that pissed everyone off & might've won going up against Outcast Lil, but that idiot picked Sandra instead. :(
Because the jury voting in Survivor often turns into a elementary school popularity contest instead of voting for someone that legitimately played the game the best. In this instance people were literally angry that they had been so masterfully outmaneuvered that they wouldn't vote for Russel.



Russell is very entertaining and he has made some amazing moves these past 2 seasons, but he doesn't have the social game necessary to win. If he had been a little less obnoxious making those moves, he might've won last season. Now this season is still up in the air, but I can't see him getting enough votes at a final tribal to win.


Very true....I remember last season when he was getting so cocky at the end...I was yelling at the guy through the tv to stfu! his social game, or lack thereof, is definitely his downfall....he can outwit, out-smart and out-last, but he sure as hell can't out-socialize lol It's one thing to back stab someone because 'it's the game" and you had to do it, but another thing entirely to just brutally demoralize and throw them under the bus and then gloat about it LMAO

Very true....I remember last season when he was getting so cocky at the end...I was yelling at the guy through the tv to stfu! his social game, or lack thereof, is definitely his downfall....he can outwit, out-smart and out-last, but he sure as hell can't out-socialize lol It's one thing to back stab someone because 'it's the game" and you had to do it, but another thing entirely to just brutally demoralize and throw them under the bus and then gloat about it LMAO
The other thing too... sitting at home, Russell seemed like a slam dunk winner, but it's all about the edit. The girl who beat him (forget her name) might've done a lot more at the camp to deserve votes, but Burnett/Probst knew Russell was GOLD, so he got all the TV time.


PS I was soooooooooo glad to see that idiot Cirie bounced early :doh: , she ruined every other season she was on. :(

The other thing too... sitting at home, Russell seemed like a slam dunk winner, but it's all about the edit. The girl who beat him (forget her name) might've done a lot more at the camp to deserve votes, but Burnett/Probst knew Russell was GOLD, so he got all the TV time.


PS I was soooooooooo glad to see that idiot Cirie bounced early :doh: , she ruined every other season she was on. :(


totally agree, man...I don't know why they picked her for this season....there were much better choices than Cirie!

Russ has got to be the smartest reality player ever. I see Pavarti, Russ and JT in the final 3. JT won Survivor with only one true ally. The geek whose name escapes me. His dynamic duo aligned with all the weak players in his winning season and systematically knocked them all off. Pavarti is also a very smart cookie. Out of the remaining survivors, the only one I see Russ beating is Parvati. His loyal act in giving Parvati the immunity idol, I think will be the deciding factor in the vote.


Is Coach the most annoying player in Survivor history? He gets my vote!!

Rupert by far. I would've said Outcast Lil, but at least she was only on 1 season.
Rupert by far. I would've said Outcast Lil, but at least she was only on 1 season.


omg, was Lil that woman who dressed up as a boy scout leader or whatever?






she takes the cake for me then....holy CRAP I couldn't stand her



she takes the cake for me then....holy CRAP I couldn't stand her


According to the DVD Commentary, Lill was voted back into the game because the players in Loser's Lodge were just tired of her being around. They said that Lill was negative and mopey all the time, she complained about everything, and for the most part she was spoiling their good time in the Lodge. They said it was pretty much a big downer just having her around.
And why wasn't Johnny Fairplay on the villain side?
Last time they brought old players back, he quit the first day.

You also have to remember that she definitely grounded him. Without her, I don't think he would've gotten half as far as he did last year. He ran EVERYTHING by her, and she corrected him on some major pieces during the season as well. I think AJ is underestimating even the stuff they showed because he has a crush on Russell...




The other thing too... sitting at home, Russell seemed like a slam dunk winner, but it's all about the edit. The girl who beat him (forget her name) might've done a lot more at the camp to deserve votes, but Burnett/Probst knew Russell was GOLD, so he got all the TV time.


PS I was soooooooooo glad to see that idiot Cirie bounced early :devil: , she ruined every other season she was on. :thumbsup:


I said to my wife during last season that Russell is playing the game like no one has ever played it before him and I loved it. She hated him and still does. We'll see how far he gets. These players are "better" than the one's he dealt with last season. But then again he's always thinking outside the box when they're not.

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