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I think New Orleans would be a good fit for Schobel-close to Houston, they need a DE, and he'd be reunited with Greggo.

He has stated several times that he strongly prefers to play in Buffalo. He said he'd retire before playing elsewhere. In a way, that is nice to hear but it will make a trade impossible.

AF joke or not, I'm not sure I agree with Schobel's approach.


No one has given him a hard time (which kind of surprises me), but I think this is pretty unprofessional.


A) You are putting the Bills at a huge disadvantage for personnel purposes. And that is an understatement. Schobel's salary is fairly large by Buffalo's standards and it could have been appropriated better if they had known Schobel's plans. No matter how many times the Bills say they are "planning for football w/o him", they aren't. They don't have the money or player personnel to do that.


B) Letting it leak to the public that you are "considering" retirement at a young age makes this process all the more obnoxious. And publicly stating you are going to "take your time" in deciding is equally obnoxious IMO. Schobel is not Brett Favre. The Bills did not sign him to this large contract with the idea that he was going to retire out of nowhere. And that he was going to "take his time" in the process. It should have been kept internal b/c the longer this goes on publicly, the more of a distraction it becomes.


C) On a very basic level, Aaron is essentially telling his employer..."I may or may not show up to work. Depends on how I feel. I'm going to take my time deciding. Right now, its not really stressing me". I can promise you, the Bills are likely a little "stressed" about it.



I mean, Schobel's status has a huge effect on the Bills' draft strategy. He is the difference between them contemplating drafting someone like Kindle/Morgan or focusing solely on O-line and QB.


I understand Schobel has worked hard for the Bills for his entire career. I'm not trying to draw comparisons to Lynch or Peters. But, this is pretty weak IMO.


Good points...and this is pretty much what Brett Favre has done for the past few years. This is just on a much smaller scale. Considering the surprise factor of this, it is annoying that he's taking so long to decide. The draft is in 3 weeks. He really should tell them something soon.


That said, maybe he's waiting to see what they do on draft day/weekend to decide if it's worth another shot.

AF joke or not, I'm not sure I agree with Schobel's approach.


No one has given him a hard time (which kind of surprises me), but I think this is pretty unprofessional.


A) You are putting the Bills at a huge disadvantage for personnel purposes. And that is an understatement. Schobel's salary is fairly large by Buffalo's standards and it could have been appropriated better if they had known Schobel's plans. No matter how many times the Bills say they are "planning for football w/o him", they aren't. They don't have the money or player personnel to do that.


B) Letting it leak to the public that you are "considering" retirement at a young age makes this process all the more obnoxious. And publicly stating you are going to "take your time" in deciding is equally obnoxious IMO. Schobel is not Brett Favre. The Bills did not sign him to this large contract with the idea that he was going to retire out of nowhere. And that he was going to "take his time" in the process. It should have been kept internal b/c the longer this goes on publicly, the more of a distraction it becomes.


C) On a very basic level, Aaron is essentially telling his employer..."I may or may not show up to work. Depends on how I feel. I'm going to take my time deciding. Right now, its not really stressing me". I can promise you, the Bills are likely a little "stressed" about it.



I mean, Schobel's status has a huge effect on the Bills' draft strategy. He is the difference between them contemplating drafting someone like Kindle/Morgan or focusing solely on O-line and QB.


I understand Schobel has worked hard for the Bills for his entire career. I'm not trying to draw comparisons to Lynch or Peters. But, this is pretty weak IMO.



UPDATE: Adam Schefter says that Schobel isn't retiring. So Florence pulled an April Fool's Day prank. Here's our 4/1 response: Florence is a great player, who has earned every penny he has been paid during his NFL career. LMAO OuCH!

Good points...and this is pretty much what Brett Favre has done for the past few years. This is just on a much smaller scale. Considering the surprise factor of this, it is annoying that he's taking so long to decide. The draft is in 3 weeks. He really should tell them something soon.


That said, maybe he's waiting to see what they do on draft day/weekend to decide if it's worth another shot.


exactly right- and like what Favre did it's good for the player not the team- a trade limits the players options and leverage

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