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There's drilling and then there's drilling....

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No, it really isn't. And yes, I understand exactly what you're saying.


I didn't doubt you'd "get it." I am not surprised that you doubt it was dramatic irony, ie, we perceive what the character doesn't.


What this thread needs is a heated discussion of irony types.

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I didn't doubt you'd "get it." I am not surprised that you doubt it was dramatic irony, ie, we perceive what the character doesn't.


What this thread needs is a heated discussion of irony types.


You're presuming I'm not perceiving.


You're also presuming that you have some insight into my opinion of myself. You don't. My egomania towards others doesn't preclude self-honesty - I just choose not to share it. :ph34r:

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You'd be better off if you had the brains to know when you don't know enough to form an opinion. A truly wise man knows the measure of his unknown unknowns.



Maybe so. However that could be said for pretty much everyone here. There are a lot of strong opinions throughout this message board and I can't imagine everyone is an SME on every subject discussed. Just sayin'.


As I have stated before. If someone would like to enlighten me. Feel free. Starting that discussion by calling someone a retard... well that person instantly loses credibility in my book. Then why listen to them or anything they have to say?

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Maybe so. However that could be said for pretty much everyone here. There are a lot of strong opinions throughout this message board and I can't imagine everyone is an SME on every subject discussed. Just sayin'.


As I have stated before. If someone would like to enlighten me. Feel free. Starting that discussion by calling someone a retard... well that person instantly loses credibility in my book. Then why listen to them or anything they have to say?


The guy who writes "everything", and then implies the rest of us are at fault for not reading it as "everything but salaries", is complaining that no one enlightens him?


Dude...until you're willing to admit error, you're pretty much unenlightenable. (Skip the irony observation, JA.)

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The guy who writes "everything", and then implies the rest of us are at fault for not reading it as "everything but salaries", is complaining that no one enlightens him?


Dude...until you're willing to admit error, you're pretty much unenlightenable. (Skip the irony observation, JA.)



I have admitted error on that one dear fuc&ing god.

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Actually...you never admitted error in that thread.



Actually I did. I stated that I should have been clearer. Go ahead and search and find out exactly what I said, I'm sure that you will do that anyways.

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Actually I did. I stated that I should have been clearer. Go ahead and search and find out exactly what I said, I'm sure that you will do that anyways.


That's not admitting error, as you weren't "unclear". You were wrong.

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Its killing him. He just doesnt wannt to admit it. :ph34r:


What's funny is that I completely understand where he's coming from, as I rarely admit error to others myself.


But for myself, I at least try to be much more entertaining about it. And in this case, even I at my most arrogant would have said "Sorry, my bad. Should have been clearer the first time around."

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What's funny is that I completely understand where he's coming from, as I rarely admit error to others myself.


But for myself, I at least try to be much more entertaining about it. And in this case, even I at my most arrogant would have said "Sorry, my bad. Should have been clearer the first time around."


That apology would have probably cut that 8 page abortion of a thread down to 5 had it been issued in a timely fashion after being called out on the mistake.


But the extra pages allowed him to show that he very likely had no idea what he was initially talking about. The longer he went without "clarifying" his original post, the more it became obvious that he actually thought it was correct.


Which then means if he gave that same apology now, it would just be even more BS. Because the only thing he would be apologizing for was clarity, not actually being wrong about what he thought was in that budget.


At this point no one would believe that he really knew initially what he was talking about and that his only mistake was making that knowledge clear.

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May be a contradiction from his campaign well over a year ago. Like any good President, things change and so should their stance based on what's good for the country as a whole. I too agree with drilling.


Oh sorry 3rdning did you expect me to be like Al Gore and say no to drilling? Ooops!



What changed regarding off shore drilling from one year ago. Confine yourself to the question.



I am still not really interested in drilling in ANWR. However, I have never been totally against offshore drilling. Hell it will do a lot for Virginia and Maryland (once they buy into it). As long as it's done with minimal impact on the environment have at it.


I am hoping that they will still have a push for green energy - wind turbines, etc. Which would be another great item to be done offshore.

I never asked what you thought of it. What "things changed" that made our"good president" switch his stance? Like maybe poll numbers and a upcoming election?

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That apology would have probably cut that 8 page abortion of a thread down to 5 had it been issued in a timely fashion after being called out on the mistake.


But the extra pages allowed him to show that he very likely had no idea what he was initially talking about. The longer he went without "clarifying" his original post, the more it became obvious that he actually thought it was correct.


Which then means if he gave that same apology now, it would just be even more BS. Because the only thing he would be apologizing for was clarity, not actually being wrong about what he thought was in that budget.


At this point no one would believe that he really knew initially what he was talking about and that his only mistake was making that knowledge clear.


Damn, you said it better than I could have. But, let me pontificate, in my considered opinion, he's simply a little town (not that there's anything wrong with that) f'd up lightweight not sure of his status as a human or extremely confused as to his orientation. Now, I say this with all levity and admit to a JW level of sobriety, so all you good guys can flame away and probably put me in my place. OTOH, I welcome a response from pBills. It's nice to know that even with one hand tied behind my back I can still make it a no contest.

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Fellas, let's all meet in the park at 6:00 AM to see who can truly pizz farthest, OK?



There were these two fellars standin' on a bridge, a-goin' to the bathroom. One fellar said, "The water's cold" and the other fellar said, "The water's deep". I believe one fella come from Arkansas. Get it?

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There were these two fellars standin' on a bridge, a-goin' to the bathroom. One fellar said, "The water's cold" and the other fellar said, "The water's deep". I believe one fella come from Arkansas. Get it?


I get it. I'm 3rd and ............................................................

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That's not admitting error, as you weren't "unclear". You were wrong.



Should have been more clear in saying that they were worried about a portion of their operational budget for the year. That's about all I am going to say.

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