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Obama to allow oil drilling off Virginia coast

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Wow, for just a second, I thought you and me would be on the same side of an issue.


How exactly should a gay person make it so "no one needs to know" and "keep it provate." You act like most gay people are prancing in leather in the gay pride parades when in fact, most gay people are going to work 5 days a week, watching American Idol, taking their kids to soccer, worrying about the mortgage...etc. They are living their lives...but with someone of their same sex. Are they supposed to go to dinner separately, because as you say, "no one needs to know?"

I always find it hilarious when people say that gays should "keep it private." What the hell does that even mean? I hate "public displays of affection" as much as the next guy, but I don't retch when I see two guys holding hands at the mall.

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Wow, for just a second, I thought you and me would be on the same side of an issue.


How exactly should a gay person make it so "no one needs to know" and "keep it provate." You act like most gay people are prancing in leather in the gay pride parades when in fact, most gay people are going to work 5 days a week, watching American Idol, taking their kids to soccer, worrying about the mortgage...etc. They are living their lives...but with someone of their same sex. Are they supposed to go to dinner separately, because as you say, "no one needs to know?"



I act like most gay people are doing that? Negative. I have a few gay friends and work with one gay person, I know for a fact not every gay person prances around in leather, etc.


My point is that I don't need to know about their sex lives. I just don't care to hear about it.

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exactly. I could care less if they are wearing leather, rainbow shirts whatever... I just don't care to know about their sex life.


If they're wearing leather, rainbow shirts or whatever you pretty much know about their sex lives.

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