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Republicans in bondage

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The Pope and Nancy Pelosi are on the same stage in front of a huge crowd.The Pope leans towards Mrs. Pelosi and said, Do you know that with a wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with excitement? Their joy will not be a momentary display, like that of your followers, but will go deep into their hearts and they'll forever speak of this day and rejoice! Pelosi replied: "I seriously doubt that with one wave of your hand, you can do that?" Show me! So the Pope backhanded the B word The Crowd went wild!!!

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Evidently neither have you. I can understand why this would fly over toolbox Tommie's head because he is basically an idiot but this wasn't just any sex club but a lesbiano sex club. Appearently it's alright for cons to watch two chicks going at it but woe be unto them if they attempt to marry.

Oh my god! Someone call the hypocrite police! I haven't seen hypocrisy this disturbing since hearing liberals claim they're the party of compassion for out-of-work blue collar workers who need a helping hand...right up to the minute they starting pissing all over an out-of-work plumber because he asked a question their leader couldn't answer without embarrassing himself.


Frankly, I'm surprised Hedd could take time from his busy schedule calling TV executives in hopes of helping his buddy get that new venture off the ground. Gotta love the name: Levi Johnston's Last Frontier. You just KNOW all you Playgirl subscribers can't wait to see if it lives up to it's title, eh, Bishop? :rolleyes::D

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Oh my god! Someone call the hypocrite police! I haven't seen hypocrisy this disturbing since hearing liberals claim they're the party of compassion for out-of-work blue collar workers who need a helping hand...right up to the minute they starting pissing all over an out-of-work plumber because he asked a question their leader couldn't answer without embarrassing himself.


Frankly, I'm surprised Hedd could take time from his busy schedule calling TV executives in hopes of helping his buddy get that new venture off the ground. Gotta love the name: Levi Johnston's Last Frontier. You just KNOW all you Playgirl subscribers can't wait to see if it lives up to it's title, eh, Bishop? :rolleyes::D




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