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another jab ftom espn

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I am neither a tea-bagger nor a republican. Way to act like a name calling, judgemental idiot when your ramblings are discredited! Again, nice job!!! :thumbsup::rolleyes::oops::beer:


You want to level? I heard this past weekend that he has a 72% approval rating in the northeast and something like a 30% approval rating in the south. Clearly there are myriad polls and numbers can be spun a million ways. I think we could probably both agree that since the passage of the health care bill, aside from the Palin-led lunatic fringe (which unfortunately encompasses far too many people), his general approval has gone up, while most people are viewing the attitudes of Republicans as sour grapes.

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You want to level? I heard this past weekend that he has a 72% approval rating in the northeast and something like a 30% approval rating in the south. Clearly there are myriad polls and numbers can be spun a million ways. I think we could probably both agree that since the passage of the health care bill, aside from the Palin-led lunatic fringe (which unfortunately encompasses far too many people), his general approval has gone up, while most people are viewing the attitudes of Republicans as sour grapes.


I heard this morning that 56% of Americans disapprove of the health care bill. I think that the question you might want to ask yourself is what matters more to you....the will of the people, or unconditional support for any and all leftist policies?

What are you going to do next? Call people names if they don't support amnesty for gang members (thanks McCain), and new taxes on "sugary soda," or global warming which doesn't exist?

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I heard this morning that 56% of Americans disapprove of the health care bill. I think that the question you might want to ask yourself is what matters more to you....the will of the people, or unconditional support for any and all leftist policies?

What are you going to do next? Call people names if they don't support amnesty for gang members (thanks McCain), and new taxes on "sugary soda," or global warming which doesn't exist?

finally, another non-lib, or at least someone who makes sense!, i am with you bill.

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I heard this morning that 56% of Americans disapprove of the health care bill. I think that the question you might want to ask yourself is what matters more to you....the will of the people, or unconditional support for any and all leftist policies?

What are you going to do next? Call people names if they don't support amnesty for gang members (thanks McCain), and new taxes on "sugary soda," or global warming which doesn't exist?


1. Again, poll numbers can be skewed in any number of ways, I've heard higher approval numbers for the bill but let's agree to disagree on that.


2. The will of the people? Don't accuse leftists of "unconditional support" and then tell me that tea-baggers have any clue what they're talking about. Here's a poll for you: go the next tea-bagger rally and find out how many people there are prone to dropping n-bombs.


3. Global warming. Ahh yes, 99% of scientists have agreed that it's been happening for years. The friggin polar ice caps are melting, I don't know what else to tell ya. Go ask a polar bear if global warming is happening. Hell, ask a Vermonter about their lack of seasons and the changes in foliage in the last 20 years. But alas, Bill from NYC, with his his extensive research says it is not so...

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Dwight go away. You probably have balls and shaft style from PCU. Pencil-nosed Reaganite.

if you say so!, FYI, the term is tea party!, TEA PARTY!.not teabagger, but as someone who just referenced balls and "shaft style", i could see why you like, and use , the term "teabagger"

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Who cares what he has to say.


What tradition do the Raiders have? The years keep moving along... Ken Stabler's collecting his medicare. The owner looks like a stand-in for a Weekend at Bernie's sequel.


Unlike Ralph?

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I'll leave you two with this:


Ten states guaranteed to vote Democrat: NY, MA, VT, CT, RI, CA, WA, OR, MN, IL


Ten states guaranteed to vote Republican: OK, AR, WY, UT, MS, AL, KS, KY, NE, ND


Now ask yourself this: Which collective group of states has a higher college graduate to high school dropout ratio?


Which states have a higher hockey viewing to nascar viewing ratio?


Which states have a higher college professor to openly racist ratio?


Thank you gentlemen, it's been a pleasure, but I have to get to work!



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I'll leave you two with this:


Ten states guaranteed to vote Democrat: NY, MA, VT, CT, RI, CA, WA, OR, MN, IL


Ten states guaranteed to vote Republican: OK, AR, WY, UT, MI, AL, KS, KY, NE, ND


Now ask yourself this: Which collective group of states has a higher college graduate to high school dropout ratio?


Which states have a higher hockey viewing to nascar viewing ratio?


Which states have a higher college professor to openly racist ratio?


Thank you gentlemen, it's been a pleasure, but I have to get to work!



that has to rank as one of the most smug, typically elitist, liberal posts i have ever seen. at least you do not "stereotype", wow! ps.. "you have to get to work" let me guess: are you a community organizer?, no.. a teacher?, ACORN fundraiser?

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if you say so!, FYI, the term is tea party!, TEA PARTY!.not teabagger, but as someone who just referenced balls and "shaft style", i could see why you like, and use , the term "teabagger"

Actually it is "tea-bagger"


A tea-bagger is: A whining fool shouting loudly for liberty and improvement in their country but not willing to pay the bill.


Example in a sentence: After most American workers saw more money in their paycheck due to the lower tax rate, the tea-baggers like Rush Limbaugh, the Conservatives and Fox News railed against high taxes, but did not discuss their hypocrisy

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Actually it is "tea-bagger"


A tea-bagger is: A whining fool shouting loudly for liberty but not willing to pay the bill.


Example in a sentence: After most American workers saw more money in their paycheck due to the lower tax rate, the tea-baggers like Rush Limbaugh, the Conservatives and Fox News railed against high taxes, but did not discuss their hypocrisy

at least you backed it up with "concrete facts".. Lmao!

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that has to rank as one of the most smug, typically elitist, liberal posts i have ever seen. at least you do not "stereotype", wow! ps.. "you have to get to work" let me guess: are you a community organizer?, no.. a teacher?, ACORN fundraiser?


Actually I work in finance. I'll agree with you on one point, community organizers and teachers are huge losers, you got me on that one. Way to go Dwight.


One last one- which group of states has a higher people who have read classic works of literature to people who regularly shoot rabbits ratio? No really, answer the question.

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if you say so!, FYI, the term is tea party!, TEA PARTY!.not teabagger, but as someone who just referenced balls and "shaft style", i could see why you like, and use , the term "teabagger"


And really Dwight, you throw around politcial views on here and you don't even know that they really do in fact, call themselves tea-baggers? Do you even read the news or do you just go around spewing what Uncle Jethro in his overalls tells you to say? Try using a google search from time to time before you continue to embarrass yourself on here.

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And really Dwight, you throw around politcial views on here and you don't even know that they really do in fact, call themselves tea-baggers? Do you even read the news or do you just go around spewing what Uncle Jethro in his overalls tells you to say? Try using a google search from time to time before you continue to embarrass yourself on here.

i have yet see or hear a member of the tea party refer to themselves as a "tea -bagger", that is an OBVIOUS term that people like you use to mock the movement. i thought you were smarter than that, or you are playing dumb. the chris matthews, keith olbermanns , they use it as a derisive term. do not insult my intelligence by expecting me to believe that bull****. and , assuming people in that movement are just a bunch of gun-toting hillbillies is nonsense. you should change the channel from msnbc once in a while! to answer your question, IT MUST BE THE NORTHEAST!, that is where the uninformed, insulated types reside.

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I don't think there is any reason to get too upset by Mort's comment. He probably just threw out some teams who haven't performed extremely well of late on the fly; is it really that surprising that we were one of the go to teams?. It's a tweat so who knows how much time went into composing it. His comparison is more a way of feeding into and generating interest in the current hype surrounding the Raiders and McNabb. When the Bills were playing well, everyone was saying the same thing about them.


In short, saying football is better when "x" team is playing well has become an overused sports cliche. The same thing will be said about Buffalo as soon as it looks like we have a chance of turning things around (in fact, as noted above, this is what happened when we were 5-1).


(Edit) P.S. Can one of the political commentators please create a new thread for the political conversation and link to it? It's not that I don't care what you're talking about or think it is unimportant; this just isn't the place.

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To answer the original question before I move this to PPP...

from chris mortensen tweet...why is nfl better when raiders are good? why not bucaneers or bengals or bills?? >> Tradition, national fan base 11 hours ago.. so the bills have no tradition?, national fan base? i think the buffalo bills are a storied franchise, last decade not withstanding, why did he compare the bills with the bengals and bucs!i think he could have used another team to lump in with the bengals way before the bills. ok, maybe i am thin-skinned and have too much time on my hands, but just pissed me off. it is harder and harder to legitimize the bills because espn jumps at every chance they get to minimize them

The guy asking the question was the one who lumped the Bills in with the Bucs and Bengals, not Mortensen. His tweet was in response to this one:

RT @ELDRAGONE: @mortreport u really think raiders can win with mcnabb > Yes. I really believe NFL is better when Raiders are good.

You can direct your nasty e-mails and tweets to http://twitter.com/bwdoherty.


As for the "tradition and national fan base," he's absolutely correct. For decades, the Raiders have been right up there with the Cowboys, Packers, and Steelers as the teams with the biggest bandwagons. How many Raiders fans do we see when they play at the Ralph, most with no connection to Oakland?

I know, because I used to be one of them. Yeah, that's right -- I owned a Stabler jersey when I was in junior high, and there's still a moldering Los Angeles Raiders ballcap around here somewhere. Loved the outlaw attitude.


Conversely, when I meet Bills fans at a road game, the vast majority are either transplanted from WNY or still live there.

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