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What possible reason

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Thanks, I'll fix it. What's your take?

OK, so some high-level staffers at CENTCOM want CENTCOM to take command over the Palestinian territories in order to show Israel some muscle and tell them to back off. If I'm reading it right, they wish for this because they believe that Israel's aggression in Palestinian territories is what's accelerating Iran's quest for a nuclear weapon and what fuels fundamentalist Islamic hatred of the US, which results in more violence.


Sounds to me like we're trying to over-regulate the world again. I'm no foreign policy expert, but at this point I would probably say "!@#$ it" and tell Israel to stop being idiots or else they'll be in for a long, bloody struggle with some Islam-led nations. To be fair, I'm not a fan of Israel in the first place.

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OK, so some high-level staffers at CENTCOM want CENTCOM to take command over the Palestinian territories in order to show Israel some muscle and tell them to back off. If I'm reading it right, they wish for this because they believe that Israel's aggression in Palestinian territories is what's accelerating Iran's quest for a nuclear weapon and what fuels fundamentalist Islamic hatred of the US, which results in more violence.


Sounds to me like we're trying to over-regulate the world again. I'm no foreign policy expert, but at this point I would probably say "!@#$ it" and tell Israel to stop being idiots or else they'll be in for a long, bloody struggle with some Islam-led nations. To be fair, I'm not a fan of Israel in the first place.


I read it as utter folly. Israel's the only democratic state in that region and has been one of our staunchest allies though both the Cold War and against the barbarian Muslim fanatics. For this administration to place a priority on moving toward the Arabs and away from the Israelis represents a quantum shift in the way we've done business over the past 60 years. Once again, this administration is showing a "change no matter the cost or wisdom" attitude that's going to stick us all in the pooper in the end.


To be frank, if this gets out of hand and we try to strangulate the Israelis, I would root for them to succeed against the Arabs by any means necessary and whether or not the bastard in the Oval Office likes it or not. For the threat that the Iranians pose to Israel, Obama behaving in this fashion does, in my opinion, face a greater threat to their security and I wouldn't blame them one bit for acting outside the wishes of the US.


The weasel in the White House has done nothing but harm to this nation, and I pray he's gone after 4 years and we can get someone in there with a brain. After the last 8 of W and then the 4 of this clown, we REALLY need it.

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I read it as utter folly. Israel's the only democratic state in that region and has been one of our staunchest allies though both the Cold War and against the barbarian Muslim fanatics. For this administration to place a priority on moving toward the Arabs and away from the Israelis represents a quantum shift in the way we've done business over the past 60 years. Once again, this administration is showing a "change no matter the cost or wisdom" attitude that's going to stick us all in the pooper in the end.


To be frank, if this gets out of hand and we try to strangulate the Israelis, I would root for them to succeed against the Arabs by any means necessary and whether or not the bastard in the Oval Office likes it or not. For the threat that the Iranians pose to Israel, Obama behaving in this fashion does, in my opinion, face a greater threat to their security and I wouldn't blame them one bit for acting outside the wishes of the US.


The weasel in the White House has done nothing but harm to this nation, and I pray he's gone after 4 years and we can get someone in there with a brain. After the last 8 of W and then the 4 of this clown, we REALLY need it.


What you said.

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