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Cerrato Says McShay Has Bad Info On Clausen


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I think McShay is full of it in general when it comes to Clausen, and I believe JC will be better than Bradford, but CerRATo also is a BSer and has strong motivation to talk up Clausen.*


Down here in DC the local affiliates / reporters all say that the Skins don't want Clausen, so I believe they might be starting their propaganda / sales campaign to lure some team like CLE, BUF, etc to trade up to get him.


I wouldn't trade up for Calusen, but I would love to see the Bills take him at 9.


I already have my sign ready for when I come up to the Ralph:


Jesus Christ

Julius Caesar

Jimmy Clausen




*Word is Cerrato hopes to stay in the good graces to return to the organization in some capacity in the future...which people down here say is likely.

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I think McShay is full of it in general when it comes to Clausen, and I believe JC will be better than Bradford, but CerRATo also is a BSer and has strong motivation to talk up Clausen.*


Down here in DC the local affiliates / reporters all say that the Skins don't want Clausen, so I believe they might be starting their propaganda / sales campaign to lure some team like CLE, BUF, etc to trade up to get him.


I wouldn't trade up for Calusen, but I would love to see the Bills take him at 9.


I already have my sign ready for when I come up to the Ralph:


Jesus Christ

Julius Caesar

Jimmy Clausen




*Word is Cerrato hopes to stay in the good graces to return to the organization in some capacity in the future...which people down here say is likely.


Before you go around telling people you want Clausen, you may want to google image him. I would be mortified if they drafted him. This guy wouldn't even be cool enough to fit in on the Jersey Shore. Jim Kelly is right, I want a leader. I want Tim Tebow. Play the clip from after the Ole Miss game to hear what kind of a man Tebow is.

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My question is, would Jim be willing to get involved in Tebow's development - maybe as Quarterbacks Coach or 'QB Consultant' - or would we be be better off bringing in a spread offense & QB guru like, oh, say...


Mike Leach



Nice to have you back, Senator. Hope you enjoyed your hiatus. You didn't miss much, nor have you changed much, apparently.


I already have my sign ready for when I come up to the Ralph:


Jesus Christ

Julius Caesar

Jimmy Clausen


You forgot Justin Cross. Oh, and Joe Cribbs.

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Before you go around telling people you want Clausen, you may want to google image him. I would be mortified if they drafted him. This guy wouldn't even be cool enough to fit in on the Jersey Shore. Jim Kelly is right, I want a leader. I want Tim Tebow. Play the clip from after the Ole Miss game to hear what kind of a man Tebow is.



What I see from the google photos, is a man who drinks his face off and isn't affraid of making a fool of himself. A brash outspoken guy, who on the field is strong armed and tough as nails. It's funny that Jim wants Tebow, when Clausen would be more like Jimbo than any QB the Bills have had since he left. Tell me you couldn't see Jim and Clausen tying one on, on Saturday night before JC drops 300 yards and 3 TDs on the Fins, just like Jimbo use to.

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Before you go around telling people you want Clausen, you may want to google image him. I would be mortified if they drafted him. This guy wouldn't even be cool enough to fit in on the Jersey Shore. Jim Kelly is right, I want a leader. I want Tim Tebow. Play the clip from after the Ole Miss game to hear what kind of a man Tebow is.

Google image? Who cares bro. I watched him play for 3 years @ ND. I, for three years, watched the guy develope into a great college QB and an excellent pro prospect. Will he be the next coming of Brees, Manning, or Brady? Don't know, but I'd take my chances if he were there @ #9.

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What I see from the google photos, is a man who drinks his face off and isn't affraid of making a fool of himself. A brash outspoken guy, who on the field is strong armed and tough as nails. It's funny that Jim wants Tebow, when Clausen would be more like Jimbo than any QB the Bills have had since he left. Tell me you couldn't see Jim and Clausen tying one on, on Saturday night before JC drops 300 yards and 3 TDs on the Fins, just like Jimbo use to.


Nice little fantasy but he is WAY more like Rick Mirer and Ryan Leaf than Kels hehehehheh....

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Before you go around telling people you want Clausen, you may want to google image him. I would be mortified if they drafted him. This guy wouldn't even be cool enough to fit in on the Jersey Shore. Jim Kelly is right, I want a leader. I want Tim Tebow. Play the clip from after the Ole Miss game to hear what kind of a man Tebow is.

So what do you think of Michael Phelps or Tyler Hanborough? How about Matt Stafford? So by your logic, Clausen's 29 TD's and 4 Ints are not as important as his college party photos? I wonder what Jimbo's "party" photos looked like? Man, the sh*t that people use as an argument on this board sometimes is borderline retarded.

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Cerrato was a recruiting director for Notre Damn he gets a small portion of credit for their National Championship. He is in the Golden Domer club. Plus he got booted out of DC after being one of the worst NFL executives (6/10 worst free agency signings in NFL history were during his reign)


Not a great source.


Jesus Christ

Julius Caesar

Jimmy Clausen



BTW you may way to rework your sign Julius Caesar would be the first JC in chronological order (remember the whole crucification by the Romans thing that kinda sealed Jesus' place in history) Not really sure what the 3 of those people have in common besides their initials when their names are translated into Engligh.




Ryan Leaf

Tim Couch

Jimmy Clausen


Have much more in common

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Cerrato was a recruiting director for Notre Damn he gets a small portion of credit for their National Championship. He is in the Golden Domer club. Plus he got booted out of DC after being one of the worst NFL executives (6/10 worst free agency signings in NFL history were during his reign)


Not a great source.




BTW you may way to rework your sign Julius Caesar would be the first JC in chronological order (remember the whole crucification by the Romans thing that kinda sealed Jesus' place in history) Not really sure what the 3 of those people have in common besides their initials when their names are translated into Engligh.




Ryan Leaf

Tim Couch

Jimmy Clausen


Have much more in common



I was going in terms of literary or cultural importance as opposed to chronologically. Perhaps I should have added a footnote.

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