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well, this beck guy

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you know, and this is just me saying, and i'm not laying any bait or anything, but after weeks and months and drinks of thinking, i'm not a fan of glenn beck.




true story.


Well.....there goes Beck's drunk hack sportswriter vote...Im sure hes upset.



Just joshin' ya!

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One way to rationalize Glenn Beck is to think of him somewhere on the right side of the continuum of entertainment offerings on TV. Once you have him pegged to your satisfaction, just leave him there, he's harmless. When he feels that his rants against "progressives" have run their course, he'll shift gears.


I do think he would be better served if he used sidewalk chalk as it is more fitting to many of the points he is illustrating.

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you know, and this is just me saying, and i'm not laying any bait or anything, but after weeks and months and drinks of thinking, i'm not a fan of glenn beck.




true story.


Yes, stay away from laying any bait, especially the "jailbait". Next time you have an epithany at 4:00 am you might want, for your own reputation, to lay low instead of declaring to the world that Joe Namath was a piker compared to you when it comes to drinking. Just sayin.

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i'm not a fan of glenn beck.


Who is? :wallbash:


Despite no one (supposedly) caring about this guy, his name sure gets brought up a lot here. As I don't watch any of the alphabet soup "news" channels (unless there's a blizzard or a space shuttle blows up or something), I had never even heard of this guy until lefties here starting making threads about him.

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you know, and this is just me saying, and i'm not laying any bait or anything, but after weeks and months and drinks of thinking, i'm not a fan of glenn beck.




true story.

You are a fine addition to the PPP all stars. Keep up the good work jw. :lol:

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Mr Glen Beck is a true conservative, a real American Hero!


No surprise that you're not a fan.


Friggin Liberal!


But if he were an American Idiot, then he'd have his own Broadway show.

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you know, and this is just me saying, and i'm not laying any bait or anything, but after weeks and months and drinks of thinking, i'm not a fan of glenn beck.




true story.


That's surprising, really. I'd think Beck gets more tolerable after months of drinking.

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That's surprising, really. I'd think Beck gets more tolerable after months of drinking.

In fact, I would think that heavy drinking would be a prerequisite for sitting through an entire hour of that show. And that's coming from someone who used to consider O'Reilly "appointment TV" ...

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I think GB raises some valid issues...but overstates them in Shock Jock fasion....I like many of his points and I like to research them for myself after hearing about them on GB...some of it checks out and is a little disturbing...but this END OF THE WORLD type rhetoric he uses is ridiculous

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I think GB raises some valid issues...but overstates them in Shock Jock fasion....I like many of his points and I like to research them for myself after hearing about them on GB...some of it checks out and is a little disturbing...but this END OF THE WORLD type rhetoric he uses is ridiculous


I'm a big Glenn Beck fan because he "gets it"-are you familiar with his 9 principles and 12 values? I bet everyone who isnt a braindead liberal agrees with them.


The Nine Principles


1. America is good.


2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.


3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.


4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.


5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.


6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.


7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.


8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.


9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.


12 Values


* Honesty

* Reverence

* Hope

* Thrift

* Humility

* Charity

* Sincerity

* Moderation

* Hard Work

* Courage

* Personal Responsibility

* Gratitude

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