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my wife of 22 years has left with her boyfriend and moved to alabama

i am a 3 time war vet and disabled

my teen daughter lives with me

all credit cars are done

not what

Just wanna say...I have endured rough times lately as well, as MANY on this board know my situation.


I know I am only 27 years old and have not experienced anywhere near what you have...but I am here for you. You are a fellow Bills fan, in need of something...and I will do ANYTHING within my power to help you.


Even if you just need a friend to talk to...I am here for you. ANYTIME!!!



Please DO NOT hesitate to contact me. PM me if you want my number...you can call to talk at ANYTIME!


I am being 100% serious and honest. I AM HERE FOR YOU!



(My Father was in Vietnam, just recently passed away from Pancreatic Cancer, caused by Agent Orange. THANK YOU for EVERYTHING you have done for Me, my Family and Friends, and our Country. GOD BLESS YOU NUKLZ!) :wallbash:



Good list to start with., let me expand it a bit.


Fight for your legal rights when it comes to support. This is your right.


You have a daughter, show her how to overcome adversity by your example, not by words. Don't bad mouth the EX, even though she deserves it. You have an opportunity somewhere within this painful place so waste your energy on that stuff.


Broaden your network ... church, work, volunteer, kids school, verterans groups, ... there are lots of places to do this.

A bigger better network will open opportunities for work and will help you to meet the right kind of people.


Let your friends and family help if they are available to do so. Then do things to help them.


Don't fall for the get drunk and have sex with lots of women stuff. That is temporary relief. Not the big picture solution.


Excerise (if you can) and eat right ... you can reduce stress with exercise, even if it's walking, stretching, etc. Make it part of your daily routine and it will help you feel better.


Not sure about your financial status but avoid credit. Simplify.


Everyday at the end of the day, think of three things that made you happy. Keep it simple. Sounds silly I know but you will quickly see that there are many good things to keep you going forward. Simple things that we take for granted.


You will get through it if that is your focus. Important to understand through it means you will not stay in the painful place. You will meet someone better if that is your focus


In asking for help, you just started the process. Better days await you.





1 more thing...just remember that somebody, somewhere, always has a worse situation. You are alive and still kickin'...spend quality time with your daughter and hold your head high! WE ARE ALL HERE FOR YOU!


There are some TERRIFIC human beings on this board...some who SAVED MY LIFE, no joke! Lean on us...we owe you that much for what you did, THREE TIMES, for this country. LEAN ON US FOR SUPPORT!


My Pops told me, "Life is a game, learn how to win it."


So, ya lost that round, that hand you were dealt...I have faith you will win the next.



"Ya get by with a little help from your friends." :wallbash:


i appreciate all the comments

i have support my boy is usaf

am going out of my to keep a stiff upper lip

will not degrade myself

i will set the example for my teen daughter

i live on an island in fla

at my age sex without love is sad

im retired/disabled infantryman this hurts but at some point karma will work in my favor

thanks to all

i appreciate all the comments

i have support my boy is usaf

am going out of my to keep a stiff upper lip

will not degrade myself

i will set the example for my teen daughter

i live on an island in fla

at my age sex without love is sad

im retired/disabled infantryman this hurts but at some point karma will work in my favor

thanks to all


Excellent. There used to be an old saying from the soldiers in Vietnam:


"Keep your powder dry, and the worm will turn."

i appreciate all the comments

i have support my boy is usaf

am going out of my to keep a stiff upper lip

will not degrade myself

i will set the example for my teen daughter

i live on an island in fla

at my age sex without love is sad

im retired/disabled infantryman this hurts but at some point karma will work in my favor

thanks to all



The hell with Alabama, I'd say you'll be alright on an island in Florida.



Keep up the positive spirits! :lol::flirt::beer:


(Karma is a B word...she'll get hers.) :devil:

Sue the wife for child support

make sure you are getting every veteran benefit you are entitled to

suck up your pride and get all benefits for low income or disabled you are entitled to

join a church

make a list of every skill you have

make a list of everything you'd be willing to sell


Good luck and remember you are not alone



This is a fabulous list of advice.

And I'd find yourself a church first, and meet with the pastor/minister/rabbi.


have chat with my daughter

she is bitter

told her have each other

as long as we love and respect each other we will persevere

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