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Why are liberals so angry?

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You have idiots on both sides. It doesn't make it right. From my own experience, lefties tend to be more angry than righties. It wasn't always like that. It seems to be escalating out of control from the left.

You're going to get nowhere with this. People from the left will just say, "Well, 'from my own experience,' righties tend to be more angry than lefties." There's really no way to quantify it, so you're just left with, "Him!" "No, them!"

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You know, the more I think about it. It's fools like you who denies others there own opinion who are the real angry ones. Why do you have to call the mods? Don't like it , don't read it. Your holier than though attitudes really grates on me sometime.


Here I am in the stupidity vortex explaining things. I don't deny you your stupid thread. I was just hoping it would suck you and all the dumb people who find this thread worth taking seriously into a black hole.


And are you so dense that you think I called the mods on you? Don't worry, Darin has let far dumber people post here than you. See exhibit A as George: the liberal running around pretending he's conservative.

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Here I am in the stupidity vortex explaining things. I don't deny you your stupid thread. I was just hoping it would suck you and all the dumb people who find this thread worth taking seriously into a black hole.


And are you so dense that you think I called the mods on you? Don't worry, Darin has let far dumber people post here than you. See exhibit A as George: the liberal running around pretending he's conservative.

You should put yourself at the top of your "dumb"list. Like I said in a earlier post, don't like the post, don't read it!

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You should put yourself at the top of your "dumb"list. Like I said in a earlier post, don't like the post, don't read it!


I read it. It was dumb. "Liberals are angry." Totally retarded. I had a fantasy that you and others would be sucked into a black hole and voiced it. Get some thicker skin babe.

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I read it. It was dumb. "Liberals are angry." Totally retarded. I had a fantasy that you and others would be sucked into a black hole and voiced it. Get some thicker skin babe.

You know I didn't realize you are the post police. I wish snobs like you would just go away. You seem to like to tell other people what is a good or bad post. Like I said, don't like the post or poster then don't read it. Or better yet, don't comment on it. BTW, get off your high horse "babe".

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You know I didn't realize you are the post police. I wish snobs like you would just go away. You seem to like to tell other people what is a good or bad post. Like I said, don't like the post or poster then don't read it. Or better yet, don't comment on it. BTW, get off your high horse "babe".


You want snobs like me to go away. I want people who start stupid threads to go away. Welcome to PPP survivor, where no one ever leaves unless they violate the TOSes, which are more liberally interpreted here than the other forums.


Sorry hon, I thought babe would offend you less.

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Who's angry? Disgusted maybe. But that's what conservative do. Disgust people.

Right.....let's see, is blzurl right? Or, is she re-upping her membership in the Wrong Club again?


Hmm...which is more disgusting:

This Pundit

This Media Darling

This Congresswoman

or That Thing




This Pundit

This Media Darling

This Congresswoman

or That MILF(soon to be Nevada Senator, um they aren't even bothering to poll anymore, sorry. That's what you get for f'ing with the American people Harry Reid)


Clearly, the first set disgusts physically, intellectually, in every way possible and are either despised or ignored by the vast majority of Americans-> so says the polls, ratings, etc. The second set is widely popular and pleasant, both in terms of appearance and behavior->same polls, ratings, etc.


Perhaps its time, once again, for blzurl to do a re-think? Because, once again, she's not even close. But, it's nice to see the Wrong Club is at it again.

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This isn't your parents Democratic party anymore.

This isn't your parents Republican party anymore.

This isn't your parents Conservative party anymore.


And for the record. It's not just Liberals - it's the ranting radicals with in the democrats, conservatives and Hijacked Tea Bagg Party that are angry too.


We need to change the BS in Washington. Divided parties do not serve Americans best interest.

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Do you notice the ones who always threaten other people are liberals. I hate to use a broad brush, but they sure do get mad easy. When I was a young lad, I was a democrat, all hugs and kisses kind of democrat, everyone was entitled to there opinion and living in peace and all that groovy stuff. What the hell happened to the democratic party? It seems they have been taken over by the in your face militant groups.

Someone tell me what the hell is wrong with taking responsibility for yourself? Don't have health care, get a job that does have health care. Can't afford your house, sell it and get a smaller house. And for G_d sakes, don't piss off your allies. Don't take what does not belong to you and give it to someone who hasn't earned it. What is so hard to understand about that?


This isn't your parents Democratic party anymore.

You are right- they shouldn't use the tactics that neocons (I hate that word, but it is the conservative version of the liberal slam...both sides are a bunch of fleas that annoy me) use. Limbaugh and Hannity stir the pot and make people angry. Now liberals use similar tactics.


Some would say its fair....I wish both would just go away, as we'd be better off. Now this doesn't have much to do with what you said, but I have a right to rant. Its right there in the living document, which is on a ventilator

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Right.....let's see, is blzurl right? Or, is she re-upping her membership in the Wrong Club again?


Hmm...which is more disgusting:

This Pundit

This Media Darling

This Congresswoman

or That Thing




This Pundit

This Media Darling

This Congresswoman

or That MILF(soon to be Nevada Senator, um they aren't even bothering to poll anymore, sorry. That's what you get for f'ing with the American people Harry Reid)


Clearly, the first set disgusts physically, intellectually, in every way possible and are either despised or ignored by the vast majority of Americans-> so says the polls, ratings, etc. The second set is widely popular and pleasant, both in terms of appearance and behavior->same polls, ratings, etc.


Perhaps its time, once again, for blzurl to do a re-think? Because, once again, she's not even close. But, it's nice to see the Wrong Club is at it again.

Clear to see why the liberal people you listed are both angry and miserable. Maybe thats why they chose Marxism. To dumb everyone down to their level in effect raising self esteem?


I't would be kind of interesting to be the center of a Pundit/Nevada congresswoman sandwich. The liberal version? Not so much. In fact, they kinda look like something I would poop out after eating the nice sandwich

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