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I know I'm getting old.

Dr. Fong

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My son really wants to see How to Train Your Dragon in 3D. So I figured we'd catch an afternoon movie and I'd book the tickets in advance so they won't be sold out. For Imax 3D it's $13.50 plus $1.00 service charge per ticket for adults and $11.00 plus $1.00 for kids. 41 bucks just to get in the door for my family. I know new equipment costs money and I understand theaters need to make their money, but man that's just outrageous.

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The prices of the tickets have been a loss leader for a long time (the last thing I read was the split for the first few weekends is 10/90 movie theater/studio). 3D gives the theaters a chance to make a few bucks because people are willing to pay. Get used to it.

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The prices of the tickets have been a loss leader for a long time (the last thing I read was the split for the first few weekends is 10/90 movie theater/studio). 3D gives the theaters a chance to make a few bucks because people are willing to pay. Get used to it.


The fact that so many movies coming up are going to be in 3D makes me sad. We already have to sift through 100 movies to find a gem. Now even more crap will be thrown on the screen (sequels likely) just because it can be in 3D. Sifting through 100 will seem like the good ol' days.

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I don't think I've been in a movie theater in nearly five years. Obviously I'm not missing much.


We don't go often but when we do it's usually to the second run theater in the crappy part of town where a ticket is still $7. It's always 80% empty which is just the way I like it. I never really understood the people who waited in line to sit in a packed theater just so they could see a movie the first weekend.

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I never really understood the people who waited in line to sit in a packed theater just so they could see a movie the first weekend.


I won't go on the first night, I'll hit the first matinee on Saturday morning, that's usually pretty empty, I'd say 50% or less filled.


If I go to the 2nd run theater, it's $1.75, except on Tuesdays when it's only $1.50

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My son really wants to see How to Train Your Dragon in 3D. So I figured we'd catch an afternoon movie and I'd book the tickets in advance so they won't be sold out. For Imax 3D it's $13.50 plus $1.00 service charge per ticket for adults and $11.00 plus $1.00 for kids. 41 bucks just to get in the door for my family. I know new equipment costs money and I understand theaters need to make their money, but man that's just outrageous.


Yeah I hate how much more you have to pay for 3-D movies. I saw the Dark Night in Imax and it cost me 17 bucks. If I go see movies in a regular theater and if I go to a early showing it only costs me about 6.50 or 7.50. If I have a date or friends that want to go later a regular 2-D movie at a later hour costs 10-11 bucks with 9 bucks if its a really busted theater. So yeah if you want 3-D its going to cost you 13-14 for a early showing and 15-17 or more for a regular hour.


Most movies shouldn't be made in 3-D in my opinion (Although I heard How to Train Your Dragon is really good and works in 3-D so your son didn't pick a bad movie to see) and I know the trend is going to be to make more and more movies in 3-D just so that theaters can charge extra and both the movie companies and theaters get more money.

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I don't think I've been in a movie theater in nearly five years. Obviously I'm not missing much.



me niether, my home theatre set-up is ample reason to wait for movies to come out in DVD

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We don't go often but when we do it's usually to the second run theater in the crappy part of town where a ticket is still $7. It's always 80% empty which is just the way I like it. I never really understood the people who waited in line to sit in a packed theater just so they could see a movie the first weekend.

It depends on the type of movie. I've always seen movie-going as a communal experience. There's something really cool that happens when you're in a packed theater and everyone is on the same wavelength. Comedies are funnier in packed houses, horror movies are scarier, action movies are cooler.


To me, that's a huge part of the experience you can't duplicate at home or in an empty theater.


As for 3D, I too went to Dragons last night. It was the first weekend of raised 3D prices (in LA at least) and it cost 20 bucks for a ticket. It was insane. To me, the 3D fad will die fast. Just as it did before. Mainly because they're going to price themselves out of business (the tech to film 3D properly is expensive, the tickets more so). Plus, with no viable home market for 3D, people aren't going to care. Avatar will be the exception, not the rule (the money made from Alice and Dragons is the hangover from Avatar).


I know 3D tvs are coming out (soon actually), but I'm sorry, I just can't see people wanting to buy TVs they have to put glasses on to watch. Plus, consumers JUST got done switching to HD TV (most at least). Trying to convince them that they now need to replace their HD tvs for 3D ones just won't work. Not this soon to the HD change over. It will be a fad for TVs. It won't have the same impact as HD.


Just my two cents.

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A few weeks ago I took my 3-year-old to the second-run theatre to catch a Saturday matinee, figuring that I'd probably have to sit through something lame like Princess & the Frog or Alvin the Squeakuel. Bless his little heart; He looked up on the marquee and saw the poster for "The Blind Side", got all excited and said "Papa! I wanna see the FOOTBALL movie!" :thumbsup:


So we got two admissions, three hot dogs & a big bottle of water -- for under $10.


And the movie wasn't too bad.

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My son really wants to see How to Train Your Dragon in 3D. So I figured we'd catch an afternoon movie and I'd book the tickets in advance so they won't be sold out. For Imax 3D it's $13.50 plus $1.00 service charge per ticket for adults and $11.00 plus $1.00 for kids. 41 bucks just to get in the door for my family. I know new equipment costs money and I understand theaters need to make their money, but man that's just outrageous.


You'd be better off just buying the damn thing. JMO



The prices of the tickets have been a loss leader for a long time (the last thing I read was the split for the first few weekends is 10/90 movie theater/studio). 3D gives the theaters a chance to make a few bucks because people are willing to pay. Get used to it.


A friend of mine used to work at a theater a long time ago and he said it was 100% for the studio the first two weeks and then fell 10% each week after that. That's why movie concession prices are unreal. Your average movie, I would guess, doesn't do a whole lot after the first two weeks and certainly most don't last 11 weeks in a theater.

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me niether, my home theatre set-up is ample reason to wait for movies to come out in DVD


To me, herein lies the catch. Recently completed my home theatre set-up and now the TV -hands down THE most expensiven piece- is obsolete cuz it can't accept 3D..


bastages.. :thumbsup:

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We take water in with us.


I take in a flask, or small bottle, of booze. But I rarely go to the movies, anymore. It isn't so much about the price as it is the quality of the movies.

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The only movies I see in theatres are ones that I believe a tv/computer screen won't do justice.


My last 3 have been Avatar (not worth it), Quantum of Solace (not worth it), and Dark Knight (worth it). Even then, I don't bother with the IMAX or 3D nonsense.

Avatar - 3D = 0

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We go to 3-4 movies a month. Love the theater experience and won't ever get over it. It's expensive but some peopel go to bars, some people drink, some people smoke, some people go out to dinner alot--we go to movies. Not the worst bad habit.


3D worked in Avatar because it was a new immersive universe. I liked it in that movie. It was not necessary in Alice and I can't imagine wanting to see many movies in 3D. For example, I am looking forward to seeing Clash of the Titans and could give a **** about going to the 3D version. Even at a buck or two a seat, I just don't care.

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