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That was my first time at any political rally and I'm never going

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Wow, I mean 1Billsfan can be out there, but that is like labeling the axis of evil, Iran, North Korea, and Ireland (apologies to Ireland).


Ya know, for a Friggin Liberal Douche, you're sort of perceptive. I should apologize to true heroes like Da Big Man and Wisconsin Bills Fan for lumping them in with a lightweight like 1BillsFan.


But now that I think about it... there has to be someone else on this pansy-assed-semi-libertard-heaven-board worthy of my respect, because these things always come in threes, but who?

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Ya know, for a Friggin Liberal Douche, you're sort of perceptive. I should apologize to true heroes like Da Big Man and Wisconsin Bills Fan for lumping them in with a lightweight like 1BillsFan.


But now that I think about it... there has to be someone else on this pansy-assed-semi-libertard-heaven-board worthy of my respect, because these things always come in threes, but who?


Wacka's kind of a lunatic. And RkFast is rather dopey. I say go with them.

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What are you, the smart police? My views are my views and they're the right views!


Can't you or no other Godless Heathen Friggen Liberal make me change my views!


Now you're a friggin' liberal Tom. I'd be as confused as I was earlier if I wasn't on my third glass of wine. :thumbsup:

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Ya know, for a Friggin Liberal Douche, you're sort of perceptive. I should apologize to true heroes like Da Big Man and Wisconsin Bills Fan for lumping them in with a lightweight like 1BillsFan.


But now that I think about it... there has to be someone else on this pansy-assed-semi-libertard-heaven-board worthy of my respect, because these things always come in threes, but who?


Oh me, me, me. Please pick me George.

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I somehow doubt you are a conservative. What kind of uniform do the libs wear?


Like I give two chocolate and peanut rolls if you THINK I'm conservative...I am conservative...just not the intolerant ridiculous jaggoff kind...I'm the kind that is conservative in spending, praise efficiency, believe in smaller government and more citizen responsibility and accountability...not the kind that goes gay bashing, burns crosses, thinks becuase Jesus died for our sins that we need not take any responsibility for our ignorance or actions...I know I know...being a thinking conservative I would not be allowed to your Tea Klan rallies...but that's a gooooood thing...because if I were there, I doubt I'd just hold a sign ;0)...AND....what is the reason you doubt that I am conservative...is it because I married a black woman?...or because I said you shouldn't make fun of a sick guy....????? YOU'RE A COMPLETE :thumbsup: REJECT INBRED :( LOSER hows that...is that fiery enough to get my conservative :censored: card?????...or do I have to throw dollars???

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Like I give two chocolate and peanut rolls if you THINK I'm conservative...I am conservative...just not the intolerant ridiculous jaggoff kind...I'm the kind that is conservative in spending, praise efficiency, believe in smaller government and more citizen responsibility and accountability...not the kind that goes gay bashing, burns crosses, thinks becuase Jesus died for our sins that we need not take any responsibility for our ignorance or actions...I know I know...being a thinking conservative I would not be allowed to your Tea Klan rallies...but that's a gooooood thing...because if I were there, I doubt I'd just hold a sign ;0)...AND....what is the reason you doubt that I am conservative...is it because I married a black woman?...or because I said you shouldn't make fun of a sick guy....????? YOU'RE A COMPLETE :thumbsup: REJECT INBRED :( LOSER hows that...is that fiery enough to get my conservative :censored: card?????...or do I have to throw dollars???

Woah. Hey. I think he was making a tongue-in-cheek joke.

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Like I give two chocolate and peanut rolls if you THINK I'm conservative...I am conservative...just not the intolerant ridiculous jaggoff kind...I'm the kind that is conservative in spending, praise efficiency, believe in smaller government and more citizen responsibility and accountability...not the kind that goes gay bashing, burns crosses, thinks becuase Jesus died for our sins that we need not take any responsibility for our ignorance or actions...I know I know...being a thinking conservative I would not be allowed to your Tea Klan rallies...but that's a gooooood thing...because if I were there, I doubt I'd just hold a sign ;0)...AND....what is the reason you doubt that I am conservative...is it because I married a black woman?...or because I said you shouldn't make fun of a sick guy....????? YOU'RE A COMPLETE :thumbsup: REJECT INBRED :( LOSER hows that...is that fiery enough to get my conservative :censored: card?????...or do I have to throw dollars???

Did you stop taking your meds? Lighten up francis. It was a joke. Now go get your life size obama cut out and give it a hug. That is what this PPP board needs, another internet tough guy. LOL!

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So did our Founding Fathers.

Uh what? I nominate this as "ignoring the other 14 facts that don't support my point" post of the month.


While you are mostly correct, you are leaving out the:


1. Multitude of petitions they sent to the colonial governors, parliament, and the King himself, over a long period of years.

2. Multiple diplomatic missions sent to England that attempted to keep the peace/compromise

3. Declaring, in prose, exactly what their grievances were, and defining why their cause was just(Declaration of Independence)

4. Attempting even after #3, to again resolve their differences with England diplomatically.

5. Initially, going out of their way to fight a defensive campaign that would minimize loss of life on both sides, preferring a logistical/moral victory over attrition, in an attempt to force England back to diplomacy. It wasn't until later, after consistent defeat, and after some British-paid bad behavior by the Iroquois, and some wicked retaliation, that the war became total, or, as you say truly "violent".


Talking about the war, only, in relation to the entire Independence movement is like like only talking about the overtime period, and not the hockey game that preceded it, or the shootout that followed. We don't tolerate poor interpretation of history, and we certainly don't tolerate rewriting it (see: Idiots that say the Civil War Republicans would be Democrats now because the Civil War was about slavery). I am an equal-opportunity history enforcer :thumbsup:

How old are you?

hah, hah....I guarantee she's older than us :nana:

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I think the Tea Bag dudes have a lot of political platforms that I tend to agree with, as I consider myself moderate but on the conservative side...but THIS???...c'mon...just another example why I don't go to Tea Bag rallies myself...to be associated with some of the really far right people is bad for my image...intolerance and ignorance destroys the movement IMHO...same thing like GB makes some good points, but does so in such a way that is so far and away over stated that makes him look like an idiot...truthers have done more damage to the conservative movement by far than any liberal ever has...it's all ridiculous...now you're getting death threats on congressmen to?...truthers trying to blast thier way into the Pentagon???...I voted for Ron Paul...but being associated with guys like Alex Jones is really bad for me...especially since I'm married to a black woman and have black children...so it's just becoming a very tough sell for me as a moderate to even give any credit at all to those intolerant azzmonkeys that make conservatives look like stupid ignorant racist jaggoffs that have no compassion for everyone...


I think the teabag movement was probably started by people with good intentions but the lack of solid leadership has let the looneys infiltrate the movement.




On March 25 – 45 years ago today – the marchers reached the state capitol in Montgomery. Their courage, their example, inspired the introduction and passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, legislation that transformed our nation.


This past Sunday, Lewis was involved in another march. Along with other members of Congress, he walked up to Capitol Hill to cast a vote for health-care reform, another important piece of legislation with the potential to transform our nation.


But once again, Lewis was confronted with the ugly stain of racism. Angry “tea party” protesters shouted racial slurs at him and Rep. Andre Carson of Indiana. Another black congressman, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri, was spit on. Rep. Barney Frank, an openly gay congressman, was the target of anti-gay epithets, and Rep. Ciro Rodriguez of Texas was called a "wetback."


Lewis said that the protesters at the Capitol reminded him of the angry mobs that confronted him during the ugly days of civil rights movement in the 1960s.




:thumbsup: :thumbsup:



Of course, excuse me calling WisconsinBillzFan a D-Bag. :rolleyes:


Why? Totally unnecessary.



Like I give two chocolate and peanut rolls if you THINK I'm conservative...I am conservative...just not the intolerant ridiculous jaggoff kind...I'm the kind that is conservative in spending, praise efficiency, believe in smaller government and more citizen responsibility and accountability...not the kind that goes gay bashing, burns crosses, thinks becuase Jesus died for our sins that we need not take any responsibility for our ignorance or actions...I know I know...being a thinking conservative I would not be allowed to your Tea Klan rallies...but that's a gooooood thing...because if I were there, I doubt I'd just hold a sign ;0)...AND....what is the reason you doubt that I am conservative...is it because I married a black woman?...or because I said you shouldn't make fun of a sick guy....????? YOU'RE A COMPLETE :thumbsup: REJECT INBRED :nana: LOSER hows that...is that fiery enough to get my conservative :angry: card?????...or do I have to throw dollars???


Those ideals aren't shared by 99.9% of the people in government, no matter what claims they make. They probably never will be. Power corrupts.

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