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That was my first time at any political rally and I'm never going

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If you're going to a Tea Party beware-liberals are watching you and will find out everything about you.




"I've been looking at the web sites," he said. "People are hunting for me."


"That was my first time at any political rally and I'm never going to another one."
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Exactly. The liberal guy shows up at the tea party being disruptive and then he wonders why the tea partiers were reacting negatively.


you mean practicing non-violent resistance? All he did was sit down. The sign only said ""Got Parkinson's? I do and you might. Thanks for your help." That's not confrontational. It was peaceful protest as guaranteed in the constitution. Tea partiers then taunted and threw money at him. Teabags turned confrontational and angry when they saw the opposition, the good dr. just sat there and took the abuse without coming down to their level.


the teabagger even admits he was acting like a jerk and donated money to Parkinson's research.


If the tables were turned, if evil liberals threw money at a teabagger you'd be outraged. Stop being such a !@#$ing baby. Your side was in the wrong in this particular action. Grow up and move on.

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you mean practicing non-violent resistance? All he did was sit down. The sign only said ""Got Parkinson's? I do and you might. Thanks for your help." That's not confrontational. It was peaceful protest as guaranteed in the constitution. Tea partiers then taunted and threw money at him. Teabags turned confrontational and angry when they saw the opposition, the good dr. just sat there and took the abuse without coming down to their level.


the teabagger even admits he was acting like a jerk and donated money to Parkinson's research.


If the tables were turned, if evil liberals threw money at a teabagger you'd be outraged. Stop being such a !@#$ing baby. Your side was in the wrong in this particular action. Grow up and move on.


He was being a complete a-hole and trying to hijack the tea party. He was being disruptive and deserved what he got.

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you mean practicing non-violent resistance? All he did was sit down. The sign only said ""Got Parkinson's? I do and you might. Thanks for your help." That's not confrontational. It was peaceful protest as guaranteed in the constitution. Tea partiers then taunted and threw money at him. Teabags turned confrontational and angry when they saw the opposition, the good dr. just sat there and took the abuse without coming down to their level.


the teabagger even admits he was acting like a jerk and donated money to Parkinson's research.


If the tables were turned, if evil liberals threw money at a teabagger you'd be outraged. Stop being such a !@#$ing baby. Your side was in the wrong in this particular action. Grow up and move on.


He was being a complete a-hole and trying to hijack the tea party. He was being disruptive and deserved what he got.

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He was being a complete a-hole and trying to hijack the tea party. He was being disruptive and deserved what he got.


You just don't believe in anyone taking responsibility for their actions, do you? Fine then, I can only assume you support the liberals you have attacked teabaggers who have involved themselves in pro healthcare rallys, You totally support the teabaggers getting beat up in Florida in November, right? They were disruptive a-holes who were trying to hijack a pro-Obama rally.


say you support those tea baggers being beaten or you are a foolish hypocrite who has no idea what you are talking about.

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You just don't believe in anyone taking responsibility for their actions, do you? Fine then, I can only assume you support the liberals you have attacked teabaggers who have involved themselves in pro healthcare rallys, You totally support the teabaggers getting beat up in Florida in November, right? They were disruptive a-holes who were trying to hijack a pro-Obama rally.


say you support those tea baggers being beaten or you are a foolish hypocrite who has no idea what you are talking about.


Link please, I'm not familiar with this incident.

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Link please, I'm not familiar with this incident.


from a very conservative blog




what actually happened is there was a pro-immigration rally in Ft. Lauderdale in November. Some tea party protesters shows up to engage in the constitutional right to protest. The mob turned on them and attacked. It was not a tea party event, they were not invited/wanted. But that makes it even more disgusting. Civil discourse is destroyed when we support attacking those with alternate viewpoints. No excuse to attack the tea baggers, no excuse to throw money at and taunt Dr. Letcher. Continuing to rile people up and promote violence is going to end badly. Do we not remember 1968? It is irresponsible to promote/defend that kind of action. We live in a civilization. You want to shut down opposing opinion violently? Move to Iran.

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I think the Tea Bag dudes have a lot of political platforms that I tend to agree with, as I consider myself moderate but on the conservative side...but THIS???...c'mon...just another example why I don't go to Tea Bag rallies myself...to be associated with some of the really far right people is bad for my image...intolerance and ignorance destroys the movement IMHO...same thing like GB makes some good points, but does so in such a way that is so far and away over stated that makes him look like an idiot...truthers have done more damage to the conservative movement by far than any liberal ever has...it's all ridiculous...now you're getting death threats on congressmen to?...truthers trying to blast thier way into the Pentagon???...I voted for Ron Paul...but being associated with guys like Alex Jones is really bad for me...especially since I'm married to a black woman and have black children...so it's just becoming a very tough sell for me as a moderate to even give any credit at all to those intolerant azzmonkeys that make conservatives look like stupid ignorant racist jaggoffs that have no compassion for everyone...

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He was being a complete a-hole and trying to hijack the tea party. He was being disruptive and deserved what he got.



Wow, you're a D-bag. The guy had Parkinson's. No reason for that guy to act that way. About time he apologized.

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I think the Tea Bag dudes have a lot of political platforms that I tend to agree with, as I consider myself moderate but on the conservative side...but THIS???...c'mon...just another example why I don't go to Tea Bag rallies myself...to be associated with some of the really far right people is bad for my image...intolerance and ignorance destroys the movement IMHO...same thing like GB makes some good points, but does so in such a way that is so far and away over stated that makes him look like an idiot...truthers have done more damage to the conservative movement by far than any liberal ever has...it's all ridiculous...now you're getting death threats on congressmen to?...truthers trying to blast thier way into the Pentagon???...I voted for Ron Paul...but being associated with guys like Alex Jones is really bad for me...especially since I'm married to a black woman and have black children...so it's just becoming a very tough sell for me as a moderate to even give any credit at all to those intolerant azzmonkeys that make conservatives look like stupid ignorant racist jaggoffs that have no compassion for everyone...


I 100% agree. Every time some teabag wingnut does this kind of thing independents flock to the democratic party. No one is going to align themselves with the violent. I don't really consider myself conservative or progressive, but when I see this kind of thing...and how it's defended...I know I will not vote right. I don't want violent intolerant assclowns in charge of anything. I see two candidates: one supports taunting a man with parkinson's in a peaceful protest and one doesn't? I know where my voice is going. I listen to the people who behave civilly....most people are exactly like me

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I 100% agree. Every time some teabag wingnut does this kind of thing independents flock to the democratic party. No one is going to align themselves with the violent. I don't really consider myself conservative or progressive, but when I see this kind of thing...and how it's defended...I know I will not vote right. I don't want violent intolerant assclowns in charge of anything. I see two candidates: one supports taunting a man with parkinson's in a peaceful protest and one doesn't? I know where my voice is going. I listen to the people who behave civilly....most people are exactly like me






Of course, excuse me calling WisconsinBillzFan a D-Bag. :D

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from a very conservative blog




what actually happened is there was a pro-immigration rally in Ft. Lauderdale in November. Some tea party protesters shows up to engage in the constitutional right to protest. The mob turned on them and attacked. It was not a tea party event, they were not invited/wanted. But that makes it even more disgusting. Civil discourse is destroyed when we support attacking those with alternate viewpoints. No excuse to attack the tea baggers, no excuse to throw money at and taunt Dr. Letcher. Continuing to rile people up and promote violence is going to end badly. Do we not remember 1968? It is irresponsible to promote/defend that kind of action. We live in a civilization. You want to shut down opposing opinion violently? Move to Iran.


Great find. Just another reminder than Obama's base are just a bunch of savages.

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Great find. Just another reminder than Obama's base are just a bunch of savages.



Not true. Every side has their extremists. And all of those people are to be considered savages. I wouldn't say the Tea Party instance or the Obama rally instance is an example of one's base. Granted the Tea Party side has had more outbursts.

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Well yeah, you have extremists from all sides...but it's just a public perception that the Right is FULL of extremists...like there are no moderates like myself that represent republican/conservative politics...and it alienates the intelligent conservatives...this is why you have such a big "blue dog" democrat wing...they are just republicans that need to distance themselves from these intolerant rejects

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Not true. Every side has their extremists. And all of those people are to be considered savages. I wouldn't say the Tea Party instance or the Obama rally instance is an example of one's base. Granted the Tea Party side has had more outbursts.


Because they're pissed and I tend to agree with some of the things they're pissed about.

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